• book clubs,  Books,  life

    Did I Really Need To Know This?

    What’s Jack up to? Just look. Is this dog spoiled or what? Ugh with the DH I can’t do a thing with him.

    Check this out Audible.com now has a feature where you can download audio book right to your Crackberry. Did I really need to know this? Not really. You know how crazy I am for my books and my Crackberry, so to combine the two. Yowza! Mindblowing.

    I’m such a book head but lately with all my editing and my family stuff I’ve been having the hardest time getting through a book. Even falling asleep in the bath during my beloved reading time late at night. It’s so frustrating.

    I have been enjoying The Lace Reader, my book club book, on audio though. My library has the coolest my thing. This great little audio pod called Playaway that contains one book that you can grab and go. So cute and handy. I just grab it on my way out the door with Jack for our walks. You supply your own headphones.

    So how do you fit in your reading time?


  • jack,  jack pics,  life,  motherhood,  my view,  sports,  Yankees

    Take Me Out to The Ball Game

    What’s Jack up to? Jack has not been happy with all the rain we’ve been having in New York. I have to practically pull him out the door for his walks. I hear you Jack. I’m not thrilled about it either dude.

    Last night I got to go to the new Yankee Stadium with The DH and DS.

    It was with mixed emotions that I went to the other side of the street abandoning the dear old Yankee Stadium of my youth. The one I used to walk across the 155st bridge to in the summer along with Nana, Mrs. George and a multitude of kids from the Harlem neighborhood where I spent every summer.

    But times change and there I was in the new brightly lit stadium with my own excited son. Even though the Stadium was new, I’m happy to say the characters remained the same.

    And a little romance in Beyond Heaving Bosoms at the game!

    It was an exciting game with a crazy tie up in the pouring rain in the 8th inning which resulted in a rain delay. But sadly, the Yanks went on to lose in the 10th. I’m tired today.

    Here I am in my fetching new Bronx Bombers Hat. I love it! Perfect for bad hair days and walking Jack.

    I hope you have a great day.



    Scroll down to talk The Fashion Show! Are you watching tonight?

  • food,  jack,  life,  marriage,  new york,  Real Housewives of NYC

    A Cheap Date

    What’s Jack Up to? Jack is getting his Monday chill on after dealing with the wild family all weekend. A cloudy day means a Jack will be perched on the couch dozing for a good part of the day.
    The DH and I had a party to go to on Saturday night that we thought we were showing up for fashionably late. Turns out that 11:00 was not late enough. Seriously, nobody was there yet. I was like, “what, is this party being hosted by Kelly from the Not So Real Housewives of the NYC?”
    But no, it was the DH’s bud’s party and he wanted to make an appearance. So we drove around in the city looking for a bite to eat. He wanted to treat me to something a bit fancy. I said no way.
    This is there we ended up for some pre-party fare.

    There’s a good reason he married me. I’m so easy to please.

    I hope you had a satisfying weekend.

  • DIY,  gardens,  home improvements,  life,  my view

    Mary Mary Quite Contrary…

    How Does Your Garden Grow?

    Well, I’m not sure how hers does, but I know mine does on a wing a a prayer. Shrug.

    I did a little planting over the DIY weekend along the little patch of dirt in front of my stone wall out back.

    I planted 3 tomato plants, some peppers then went crazy with seed packets.

    Now I’ve never planted seeds before so who knows what will happen. I’ve got squash, 2 kinds, cucumber, more peppers and more lettuce, 2 kinds. Yikes. That darn groundhog will have a field day!

    Now I just have to tackle above the wall. Hmm…

    What are you planting this season? Anything?


  • inspiration,  jack,  Knitting,  life,  writing

    The Two Sock Moment

    What’s Jack up to? As I write this he’s asleep on his blanket atop the couch as I listen to the rain continue to fall. It’s been some day.

    Those of you that have been with me for a long long time will remember my One Sock Moment post. I got lots of really nice comments and I liked that post (if I may say so myself) about not giving up and perseverance or maybe chucking it all. You can check it out here. Since that post life and the Gemini in me took over and the second sock seemed to take forever to get knitted with stress, family, dishes, writing and lets face it, The Not So Real Housewives getting in the way of finishing the other sock. Not to mention my Christmas knitting. But finally the One Sock Moment is over and just in time for Spring too. I now have a nice pair of 100% wool socks to wear for the upcoming warm days. Aren’t they pretty?

    But really there is only one thing that can beat the feeling of getting over the hurdle of the One Sock Moment and that is the accomplishment of the Two Sock Moment.

    I have to remember this feeling and bring more of it into my sometimes (excuse the word but it fits) half @ssed life.
    How about you? What projects are just waiting for you to get back to them and polish them off. Bringing a sense of finality and accomplishment to your heart. I can quickly tick a few more off in my own life.

  • home improvements,  jack,  jack pics,  life

    Stepping Pretty or Charles in Charge

    What’s Jack up to? Jack had a fun weekend. The weather was beautiful in New York so he got to spend lots of time outside yapping at the neighbors and being a general pain in the butt. Jack also got to enjoy our new porch.

    Which I’m now calling The Veranda.
    Sure it’s not quite large enough to be called a veranda but I feel like a proper lady when I step out on that freshly laid blue stone.
    This was such a necessary home improvement. Our front stairs were literally crumbling under our feet. It was so sad.

    Check out my porch top. Just chipped painted concrete.
    Side Wall was falling apart. That second step was a doozy.

    If you refer to my unfortunate event post here you’ll read how I was shocked early in the morning by our Stone Man Charles showing up early Monday morning with a full team and 2 trucks while I was still in my nightgown and hair a hot mess.

    But it was no matter, Charles and his team were ready to work. Shout out to my neighbor over at LoveMomWorkLife for finding him. It’s great to have friends. He came in at the last minute of bids and stole the show.

    Speaking of stealing the show, let’s talks about the team. Charles guys are all sweethearts, most with these Irish Brogues that will steal your heart right on down to his young sons who were out of school last week and stopped by for a visit.

    I had my driveway full of romance heroes for a week. Just bliss. The DD could not wait to get home from school every day.

    And in less than a week. Voila! Beauty meets function.

    His stone cutters are artisans that are passionate about their work (I’m talking you Elvis!) Yes, we got into it over ¼ of an inch and one or two stones but I can appreciate that being an artist myself. In the end it was all love and the details were beautiful.Can you believe how they cut the stone to fit around my railing?

    Not to mention as they were power washing the stone Charles did my deck and house too. Love him!

    If you’re in the New York Area C & P Paving are the go to guys. Here are The DH and Charles happy that the job is done. So what the kid’s college tuition is gone. Who am I fooling? It was never really there in the first place.

    And Jack’s already loving it!

    I hope you had a good weekend. What’s on for the week?



  • life,  marriage,  my view,  stress

    Seriously, Friday?

    Oh no, it can’t be. This week has gone by in a blur of concrete, pavement and vague glimpses of people I know as I passed them running from one task to another. Last night I did get to have some enjoyment with some friends from around the way to celebrate the DH’s birthday. That was nice. And gave me and excuse to get out of the jeans that I think I have been wearing since Monday when I was surprised by the contractors a the crack of dawn ready to work on the stairs. It was that type of week.

    Today my DH and I are a bit haggard a lot like this Picasso couple from 1904. Together, but holding each other up. Still in love, but just hanging on to life, so tired.

    Whew, barley made it through the week. So much to do and still another busy day to go. I’m hoping we can steal a few relaxing moments in between the chaos of the weekend just to smile and enjoy each other.

    Thanks so much for all his birthday wishes he was so touched and had a great birthday. You all helped make it even more special.

    What are your plans? I hope it includes some relaxing.

  • happy birthday,  life,  marriage,  my view

    Happy Birthday Love

    Happy Birthday to my Dear DH!

    I can’t believe how time has flown. It’s quickly turning into more years with you than without you. Not many can say that and I’m so proud.
    In honor of your 50th (can you believe that baby face folks?) here are 50 things I love about you:

    1.Your smile
    2. Your laugh
    3. Your eyes
    4. The ways you get me.
    5. The ways you don’t
    6. The fact that you are such a southern man.
    7. You can cook.
    8. You make a perfect cup of tea.
    9. Low country boil.
    10. I’m a cheap date and you love me for it.
    11. You’re a cheap date and I love you for it.
    12. The fact that you start arguments just to hear my lovely voice.
    13. You are such a hard worker.
    14. You’re sometimes so lazy.
    15. I’m sometimes so lazy and you don’t mind.
    16. You make me laugh.
    17. You indulge me.
    18. You are a great father.
    19. You’re a good friend.
    20. You were my friend first.
    21. You get my odd dry humor.
    22. Johnny’s on City Island
    23. You can be so Alpha sometimes. Sometimes not so much.
    24. You understand how hard a mother’s work is.
    25. You do your best.
    26. You brood.
    27. You’re a secret dreamer.
    28. You believe in me.
    29. You care.
    30. You do.
    31. You like 24.
    32. You are crazy for Jack. A bit nutty really.
    33. You have great taste in music.
    34. You don’t mind being foolish.
    35. You’ll do anything for your children.
    36. You know when to push and when to pull away.
    37. Shrimp and Gravy! (been way too long since you’ve made that)
    38. You like my friends.
    39. You can bowl a mean game.
    40. Your cute nose.

    41-45. Have been omitted due to blogs PG rating! Smooches!

    46. The way your Georgia accent sometimes sneaks out. (Say orange for me!)
    47. You make the world’s best Cosmos
    48. The way you look at me in the morning when I’m not cute.
    49. The way you hold me at night.
    50. The way you have been and are always there for me.

    Love you always Lovie,

  • happy birthday,  jack,  life,  my view,  stress

    A Series of Unfortunate Events

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is wearing himself out with the construction guys around this week. He doesn’t know what to do. One minute he’s barking like crazy the next he’s flopped dead on the couch. Me? I’m worn out too.

    The Spring Break week was full of unfortunate events. Well, it started with me still out of sorts with my crazy backlash where I was in much better shape but not tip-top from my back going out. Then things just went wacky and all sorts of stuff kept happening.
    The DH took his car for a check ending up needing breaks. Big money and in the shop they crashed his bumper. Who does that?
    Then… I got a flat tire. On Good Friday coming from church.
    Then… My DD’s last fish died right after speaking not so nicely about the fish. Hmmm….
    Then…the worst happened. Blackberry fail! I’m sitting in church, my phone on silent. I look in my bag for a pen and my phone is lit up and going crazy. Huh? I get out of church and ¾ of my pictures are erased. Including my screensaver. My favorite pic of my Twins. I was devastated. I wanted to throw the phone out on the highway. Verizon is no help. Says the phone is bad and will give me a new one. It is no consolation. The memory is gone. A bee is in my bonnet and I can’t let it go. I feel there must be some way to bring them back. Nothing is ever just gone. Blackberry how can you fail me?

    So…the Spring break week ended to go right into this. I woke up Monday morning exhausted after Easter and wishing I could sleep in but Dear Teen Twins had to get off to school and the DH off to work. Honestly, I had planned to go back for a nap. I thought the contractor was going to give me a call to discuss the final stair plans. Um…no.

    The kids are gone and my DH is just out the door. I’m settled to write a blog post I was too exhausted to write the night before when Jack starts to bark like mad. I get out of bed look out the window and there are 2 trucks, 6 guys and my contractor (yeah, this could be the start of a great story but this is me) And I’m still in my nightgown (not a nice one) with hair sticking up like Woody Woodpecker. Oh Crap.

    Help me Jack! I look He’s just barking and no help with finding clean clothes.
    Quick grab ye old jeans and sweater from the top of the hamper pile, pull on boots smooth hair and go for it. Smile. You’re on! The week begins.

    On an up note they are doing a fine job on my stairs. Contractors are great and adorable with thick Irish brogues. (yeah sounds like a book again.)

    And soon my stairs will no longer be a danger. Pics to come.
    Thanks for letting me gripe today. I needed to get all that out.
    Let’s hope things are looking up.


    Wait! They are looking up! On this tax day I want to say Happy Birthday to Ceska!! One of my nearest, dearest and oldest friends. “Yeah girl, you are older than me. I’m holding onto these couple of months.”

    Ceska and I have been friends since we were maybe 10 or so on the play ground. I even held her hand in the delivery room with her first child one New Year’s Eve night (the hand was never the same!) She’s always had my back and sadly has the memory of an elephant. Darn. That’s not so good. LOL.
    So even though it’s tax day. It’s never a sad day for me because it’s my crazy girl’s birthday. I’ll always think of us as roller skating disco diva’s in the 80’s.
    Love ya Ces!

    P.S. The Last Unfortunate Event, this post was supposed to post hours ago but I put the time in wrong. PM instead of AM. Sigh. Am I under a cloud?

  • Aretha Franklin,  life,  music,  musings,  videos

    Moody Music

    Hi All. Thursday already? How did that happen? Not too many words today. There’s nothing too exciting going on lately (Costco, doctor, teen shoe shopping, KFC) so I thought I’d better save any stray word that happens to flutter by for my current WIP and not bore you. The Mood still lingers but no biggie. I’m sure with warmer weather will come a warmer mood. See there is some of nice old optimism for ya. Grin.

    Just to keep the moody theme going I thought I’d share one of my favorite songs for a blue mood. Aretha Franklin singing Drinking Again. Makes you just want to sit at a table with a bottle and a smoke, no matter if you’re dry as a bone and never lit up in your life! Enjoy.

    Have a great day. Make it sunny no matter the weather. I’m sure gonna try.
