• K.M. Jackson,  life,  Nana,  Unconventional Brides,  writing,  writing life

    Writer’s Life in Pictures…

    Because I’m editing right now and words are on the chopping block, I’m keeping them to just a few here and letting my pics do the talking…

    Blog pic 6

    Seeing a library edition of a book with your name on it is quite a dream come true!

    Blog pic 7

    Annual Divas retreat is now a highlight of my year. I’m so inspired by these amazing women.

    Blog pic 5

    I’ve picked up the crochet hook again. It’s been years.

    My Nana taught me when I was a very young girl. This sure took me back.

     Blog pic 2 (2)

    There was a pretty exciting foozeball game that happened…or so I hear.

    Blog pic 1

    Gah! I got ARCs of To Me I Wed, Book 2 in the Unconventional Brides Series.

    Can you believe this is coming out in just a few months? I sure can’t!

    But you can pre-order your copy now! http://amzn.to/2krfm26

    I hope things are going super over your way. Let me know what’s happening in the comments!

    All the best,




    All the best,


  • book launch,  Books,  life,  my view

    Tis The Season!

    Hello Dear Peeps! How are you all?

    I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve checked in and I apologize. November has been an incredibly busy and stressful month, but I’m happy to be back home and get started on the crazy of the holiday season with all of you.

    And speaking of the holidays it’s time for me to get going with making those holiday donuts (see how I was dying to work that pun and these pics into this post) because my first single title release will be out at the end of this month and it will be busy, busy, busy in the best of ways!


    On 12/27 INSERT GROOM HERE will be HERE!! Yay! Have you pre-ordered your copy yet? Well please do and be one of the first in the know (all the cool kids are doing it- if hat kind of peer pressure works on you).


    You can Pre-order INSERT GROOM HERE at any of these retailers.

    Kensington: http://bit.ly/2eh61Vb

    Amazon: http://amzn.to/28Mbqk3

    iBooks: http://apple.co/28RPaWU

    Barnes and Noble:  http://bit.ly/2gwFuas

    Kobo: http://bit.ly/2g8Fhtp

    Also congrats go out to Michael S. for being last month’s 25.00 Newsletter contest winner. Please fill out the links to the right and sign up for my newsletter if you have not already so that you can be sure to get links to the next contest. I hope you all are well and let’s rock this busy holiday month out together!




  • #Listify,  life,  my view

    #ListifyLife – Spring for Me is…

    Happy Spring and welcome to week 1 of the #ListifyLife Challenge It’s so funny to welcome in spring when this was the view out my window this morning….

    spring snow

    But no matter, the calendar says Spring and the snow has now melted so I’m going to get with the program and spring it up!

    Here is my first list:

    Spring For Me Is…

    Listify week 1


    Tell me, what does Spring mean for you?


    All the best,


  • #Listify,  life,  lifestyle,  my view,  planning,  writing,  writing life

    Time to List it Up with the #ListifyLife Challenge!

    To know me is to love my quirks. One of the odd or not so odd things about me is that I’m a terrible procrastinator and I thrive (as I drown) under deadlines and live by checking things off my to-do lists. Without them I’m pretty sure I’d get next to nothing done. I know for sure I’d not get the books written that I have or keep any sort of track of the what’s to do in my family life.

    Those that are long time followers of me over here on ye old blog know that the way I keep track of things using my tried and true Filofax planner system.

    filofax malden

    Filofax 1

    If it’s not written down it may as well have been said to the wind. I’ve also come to love Travelers Notebooks for their versatility.

    travelers 4

    I feel so fortunate to have found a group of friends who are just as quirky excited as I am when it comes to all things planning and organization.

    And speaking to that I’m so thrilled about the #ListifyLife Challenge made up by the fabulous Roni Loren (and peep these gorgeous graphics made by Sierra Godfrey ).

    list life 2

    So what is the #ListifyLife Challenge?


    List life 1

    I’m so glad you asked. It’s a weekly challenge which starts on March 20th  and runs through June 19th where you write down your lists in response to the topic prompt of that week. You post a photo of your list on any social media network of your choice (Blog, Facebook, Instagram and hashtag it #ListifyLife so that we can all stay connected. Easy as pie (well easier if you ask me and low cal). Please join in if you like. I’ve got my Moleskine ready and waiting along with my new Frixion markers.

    Listify 1

    I can’t wait to list it up! Please let me know if you’ll be joining in in the comments.

    All the best,


  • life,  my view


    I see you!

    Spring or maybe it’s Summer (it sure feels like it) has slipped in on us over this past Memorial Day weekend with surprisingly warm temperatures and clear skies in the north east. A far cry from our friends in the mid-west dealing with terrible weather unrest. But isn’t that the way of things? As with our country’s weather I’d say this is the way with just about every part of life. There is always an up/down push and pull to keep you on alert. Letting you know don’t get too comfy in that recliner. A storm can come at any moment, just as the sun can come out and shine when you least expect it.

    A little reminder of the hi/low up/ down of life is this hidden bird’s nest my DH pointed out on a tree in our front yard that was just about bare just a few short weeks ago. It’s almost hard to see though the tangle of fresh green leaves. but if you look closely you can see the mama bird sitting in her nest, keeping her babies safe until they are ready to leave the nest and fly on their own.

    Bird 3 (2)

    Have a wonderful week.


    All the best,


  • family,  life,  my view,  writing life

    Hello May!

    So it’s officially May and I can’t quite wrap my head around it. But time and desperate circumstances require that I do.

    I have to admit that though I’ve been what I think is incredibly busy these last few months (delusional much?), I have not been anywhere near as productive as I’d like to have been and now, once again, I’m feeling backed against the wall to get pretty much EVERYTHING done within the next few weeks before school is done for my twins and summer officially starts.

    Oh and while I’m at it can I possibly write a story of two too?

    So with that said

    Welcome MAY! Good Times ahead.

    may quote (2)

    Tell me are you, like me, feeling the pre-summer crunch or are you sailing easy into the new season?

    All the best,



    Thanks for all your support of the #WeNeedDiverseRomance  Tee campaign. I have started it up again for new orders so those who didn’t get in on the 1st round can still order and get a tee before Nationals this summer.

    Click below to place your orders:

    White:  http://bit.ly/1DEVNZl

    Black:  http://bit.ly/1GYWvjq

    BTW I’m wearing my shirt to RWA Nationals on Thursday, July 23rd which is the day of my workshop. Feel free to join me and wear yours that day too!

    diverse tee ad c

  • jack,  life,  motherhood,  my view

    Oh snow!

    Happy Monday! The DD has arrived in Paris and so begins a new chapter for her. Thanks for all the well wishes. Please join me in continuing to wish her well and safety.



    So now it’s Monday and time to crack that Monday whip. For some reason with both kids now settled and getting into their pursuits and studies I’m feeling like this is as re-start to the New Year for me. I’m making my to-do list and checking it twice. Time to really grind it out.


    But first…. I guess there is more snow to be shoveled. Both Jack and I are not amused (also someone needs a haircut. Spring please come soon).


    Wishing you a great day.

    All the best,


  • beauty,  life,  my view

    In the Breeze

    Just a bit of Sunday beauty seen at a stoplight yesterday to remind you to pause sometime and look around. You never know what beauty you may be missing when you’re blowing by life a little too fast.

    wheat pretty


    Have a great day!


    All the best,


  • life,  motherhood,  my view,  Uncategorized


    Putting these words on repeat after a weekend full of amazing highs and such low lows. I got to see love fulfilled when I attended the wedding of good friends where I toasted and danced and made merry with so many that I love. But then later that evening to turn around and see justice denied had me going to bed with a heavy heart to a restless night’s sleep. Though as the mother of young black teens it was not my first and I daresay it won’t be my last. But one thing I know is it takes some valley walking to get to the base of that mountain and start your climb. So climb I shall. Climb we all shall. It’s been done before.

     Here’s to the week ahead.



    All the best,


    Image fm tumblr

  • life,  my view

    Life Companion?

    So I got a new phone yesterday. After much wrangling in my mind (and on-line, on twitter, and with in-store sales people) between the eye and the Galaxy I decided to go with the Samsung Galaxy for my new phone. I was this close to the iPhone and just going with the flow of my family, but the sales person was truly working hard to tell us the expandable benefits of not being tied to the i world (something I did agree with). That said my house is now a house divided with 2 going to space and the Galaxy and 2 going natural with the ifruit (it’s the ladies vs. the men which should be interesting).

    samsung 4

    Something I found funny in a funny odd sort of way was when I finally got my new phone up and going, the home screen came up it called itself my  “Life Companion”. Wow, tall order for a phone (And I’m thinking putting a lot of stock in a little device that may let you down if dropped in a toilet). It was a bit disheartening thinking of what the world has come to because we truly have made our phones our life companions, putting so much of ourselves online and in that little always handheld by our side thingy. Our schedules no longer written on pieces of paper, numbers no longer memorized in our heads, conversations no longer said face to face, even for lots of us, watches no longer worn on our wrists. Where would we be without our phones? Have they truly become our life companions? Tell me, what would you call your phone?

    Right now I’m hard at work thinking of another nice new name for mine. Though loads of fun  and I already love/like it, I’m definitely not making it my “life companion”. I’ve already got one of those and he snores… but at least he spoons too.


    All the best,
