family,  life,  my view,  writing life

Hello May!

So it’s officially May and I can’t quite wrap my head around it. But time and desperate circumstances require that I do.

I have to admit that though I’ve been what I think is incredibly busy these last few months (delusional much?), I have not been anywhere near as productive as I’d like to have been and now, once again, I’m feeling backed against the wall to get pretty much EVERYTHING done within the next few weeks before school is done for my twins and summer officially starts.

Oh and while I’m at it can I possibly write a story of two too?

So with that said

Welcome MAY! Good Times ahead.

may quote (2)

Tell me are you, like me, feeling the pre-summer crunch or are you sailing easy into the new season?

All the best,



Thanks for all your support of the #WeNeedDiverseRomance  Tee campaign. I have started it up again for new orders so those who didn’t get in on the 1st round can still order and get a tee before Nationals this summer.

Click below to place your orders:



BTW I’m wearing my shirt to RWA Nationals on Thursday, July 23rd which is the day of my workshop. Feel free to join me and wear yours that day too!

diverse tee ad c

One Comment

  • Gwen Hernandez

    I’m feeling the same way! Can’t believe it’s already May, been busy but not always productive, and have so much I want to do before summer. Good luck!