Tis the season …
Here we are in the most wonderful time of the year and for the most part I’ve been missing it by spending all my time indoors not quite working, but, chasing deadlines. Not that that chasing deadlines is the worst problem to have. Honestly, it’s only a problem when, like now, I’m blocked. Twisted and tied up in knots, the words having to push through this ridiculously convoluted maze of brain sludge before making onto the page.
But this weekend I happily and literally saw the light. I got out out the house and attended Kimberly Rocha’s Book Obsessed Chick’s annual holiday party out on Long Island. A grand time was had by all. It was so wonderful to get out in the not so seasonal weather and see old as well as make some new friends.
Thanks Kim and all who helped make a wonderful afternoon.
pictured: Kimberly Rocha, Falguni Kothari, Sara Humphreys,
Lyla Bellatas, Damon Suede, Kit Morgan, Katana Collins
And in keeping with the holiday spirit please head on over to the Smutketeers blog today where I’m one of the authors featured on their 12 days of Christmas Blog hop and enter their giveaway! I’ve got a gift card up for grabs! 🙂
All the best,
There is Seduction to be had…
Please join me tonight, 11/12 at 9PM est for a Seduction’s Canvas Book Chat over on the private FB Team KMJ fan group. Just click on over and ask for an invite to join. We’d love to have you!
All the best,
Going Clubbing…
So what do I have in common with EL James, Meg Wolitzer & Thomas Hardy? Stop laughing, this is going somewhere people. You see as it now turns out all of our books have been read by the fantastic ladies of the Super “A” Reading and Cultural Society. Now that’s really not their name, it’s just a name I made up, I could also call them The Magnificent Literary 7 or maybe the Lit Spice Girls, I kind of like the ring of that too. Either way they are just great and they were kind enough to break into their regularly scheduled programming to read Through The Lens and invite me to speak at their monthly gathering.
I can’t tell you all how nervous I was, going in for my very first book club chat, but these kind ladies made me feel right at home. Turns out they had all read the book and from the feeling I pick up, liked it. They asked fantastic questions about the characters, motivation, the way I craft a story and touched on some inside industry things, all of which I hope I gave coherent answers too. Hey, you never know with me.
I got a wonderful insight into their reading habits and I was surprised at how many of them read on their phones, oh my poor eyes, but for sure the digital age is here to stay. We talked new and old books, favorite authors and genres and in the end I left with some gorgeous flowers and a magnificent group of 7 new friends. Oh yes, I’m a lucky girl indeed! And next they are on to a book that couldn’t be more of a shift from TTL … To Kill A Mockingbird. Really? Me, the opening act for Harper Lee who woulda thunk it?
All the best,
What Cha Reading?
I was surprised the other day when a friend of mine called me to ask me about a book I rated on my Goodreads list. She asked if I thought she would like it too. I told her I thought she would and she said thanks and that she would download it. I was surprised because it still shocks me at times the amazing outreach of social media. See, I didn’t even know my friend was on this list or that she was following what I read. I pretty much use it as a tool to keep track for myself since I can’t remember what I had for dinner the night before last let alone a book I read 3 months ago. But it just goes to show that there are so many people watching what we do and say.
Now all that said I’m going to me nosey and ask… What you reading? Come on and share.
Sidebar: are you on a book site like Goodreads?
image from here
Howdy people. I woke up this morning on a gag to the horrible smell of a skunk having sprayed somewhere in the vicinity of my house. I tell you there is nothing worse and it gets me every time. It must be my super sensitive migraine nose because I smelled it about 15 minutes before my husband.
Speaking of migraines I’ve been on a 3 day run and this is day 4, the day where the head is just a cement block on the top of your body. I’m hoping the train has finally gone far enough and is now heading over to the downside of the mountain. Usually that’s how these things work when nothing else does. It’s just pain and time with it.
But enough about me, let’s talk more about me. LOL. No, let’s talk books. I just finished reading Tina Fey’s Bossy Pants. Her sort of memoir/essay/comedy book with the crazy big hands on the front that kind of freak me out each time I look at them.
It’s our knitting group/book club pick. After a long hiatus on the group book reading front, the Knitsters decided to give it another go. I suggested Bossy Pants because my DH told me about a women literally laughing out loud while reading it on the train also it had been out for a while so we could all easily get it from the library if we wanted (I love my library!). Besides who couldn’t use a laugh?
That said, I enjoyed this book. I didn’t LOL as much as I thought and there were times that I will say it had me thinking about race and society and raising my brows a little more than I thought I would. It read a bit like what I’d imagine shorts from 30 Rock would if they were doing a This Is Your Life Episode.
But en the end, I did embarrassingly have my moment of public laughter (and snorting) while sitting in the waiting room at the eye doctor so the DH was not off the mark there (and for the record, Love, I STILL want to try a cruise before I die).
It will be interesting to talk about this one with my knitting friends to see what they thought.Tell me are you in any sort of book club? How do you figure what books you’ll read if you are? Or do you think group reading is stupid and should only be done alone? Why should the opinion of others matter? Chime in.
KwanaWhat Cha Reading? January edition…
What’s Jack up to? Jack us up to his old tricks. He got into the DS’s gym bag yesterday and had his way with a granola bar leaving only the wrapping on the couch as evidence.
So What Cha Reading? We are having the hardest time with a book club selection for our mom’s night out/ book/ drinks group. We did choose The Lucuna by Barbara Kingsolver but it didn’t stick so then a few choices were handed out as to another pic, one being Elizabeth Gilbert’s newest Committed which I still want to read since I loved Eat, Pray, Love. Now I know this may not live up to the original but still I’m going in. It also didn’t stick with the all members so I’m afriad the Book/drinking/mom’s night out group might lose the book part because I am not ready to lose the other parts.
Mom needs a night out!
Either way, right now I’m reading Countess of Scandal by Laurel McKee. I just got a change to get into it during the DD’s dance class but so far it’s a win!
Here is the blurb:Eliza Blacknall and Will Denton were childhood sweethearts, growing up on neighboring estates in beautiful County Kildare. But adulthood finds them on opposite sides of the monumental and violent struggle of 1798, as Eliza supports the United Irish in their quest for independence, and Will is a major in the British Army, sworn to uphold the Crown. The passion for each other burns hotter than ever—but can it survive as their world crumbles around them?
Check out Laurel’s site here.
So what are you reading?
KwanaGood Night Out
The other night was my book/drinks/mom’s night out night. The group is pretty much our knitting group, but on the road and at night.
And it was a gorgeous night as we gathered for drinks and food at, Half Moon, a restaurant on the Hudson with a great view of the river where you can see clear down to Manhattan on a good night.
So sorry for the blurry pic. The waiter had shaky hands.A lot of you will recognize PVE in the center there.As we discussed the book The Virgins Lover (which got a good review) then went on to family and other topics of night I got to thinking about how our group was about so much more than books or knitting, but about friendship and camaraderie in a way that was different from our immediate family. We talked and laughed well into the night and as table after table left, we just ordered refills on our coffee and kept the chatting going. Thanks for a fun night out Knisters!
For those of you playing the at home game our next book is Julie & Julia so it will be book and movie talk next month. Yay!
Do you have a little group that you meet up with for crafts or book talk?
KwanaDid I Really Need To Know This?
What’s Jack up to? Just look. Is this dog spoiled or what? Ugh with the DH I can’t do a thing with him.
Check this out Audible.com now has a feature where you can download audio book right to your Crackberry. Did I really need to know this? Not really. You know how crazy I am for my books and my Crackberry, so to combine the two. Yowza! Mindblowing.
I’m such a book head but lately with all my editing and my family stuff I’ve been having the hardest time getting through a book. Even falling asleep in the bath during my beloved reading time late at night. It’s so frustrating.I have been enjoying The Lace Reader, my book club book, on audio though. My library has the coolest my thing. This great little audio pod called Playaway that contains one book that you can grab and go. So cute and handy. I just grab it on my way out the door with Jack for our walks. You supply your own headphones.
So how do you fit in your reading time?
KwanaGirl’s Night Out-Literary Edition
Tonight is book group or book/wine/dinner group. Well, to be honest it’s mom’s night out with a book to give it legitimacy.
New restaurant tonight, Persian and BYOB. Fun! PVE is the designated driver. Loves her!
We’ve all finished THE TEN YEAR NAP and I can’t wait to get into the discussion and see who thought what of this book about mothers going through life’s adversities. I’ve got my thoughts. But, don’t I always?
The new selection is THE LACE READER by Brunonia Barry. I’ve decided to “read” this one on audio book during walks with Jack since the weather is getting better and my TBR (to be read) pile is tipping over and full of great romances that I’m excited to read.Here is the trailer:
What are you currently reading?Best,
KwanaP.S. I made an error! Part 2 of the NYC Housewives reunion is tonight. I’m setting my DVR are you watching?
Clubbing It
Happy April Fool’s Day. I hope yours is a quiet one and any jokes played are indeed playful.In honor of April Fool’s Day I’m joining in with other bloggers for a worthy cause: April Food Day. Bloggers getting together for very worthy cause. I don’t have to tell you my friends what’s going on. Times are tougher than ever.
People who never had a worry before are now turning to food banks for help and finding that the shelves are bare. There is not enough food being donated to meet the sudden rise in demand.
Every dollar contributed provides seven meals or 10 pounds of food. A gift of $25 provides 75 meals. If you’d like to make a donation to Feeding America (formally second harvest) click here. You can make a difference today.
Now without any appropriate transition except to say I am truly blessed, last night I attended our first meeting of our newly formed book/social club. Now I think we’ve come up with just the right way of how to handle a book club unlike some of the clubs from this NYT article I blogged about here. We decided to make the club not too heavy, but lighter, more low key by not having anyone host. Instead we choose a restaurant to go out to and have some eats and drinks and lots of chat ‘bout. How can you not have a good time with that?
Our first selection was: Trail of Crumbs: Hunger, Love, and the Search for Home by Kim Sunee.It was a good first book full of emotion, colorful imagery and amazing food. A feast for the senses. The book sparked a lively discussion that had us chatting well past our food, drinks and later our coffee. Or maybe we just were not in a rush to get home to our kids and husbands. Hmm…
Do any of you belong to a book club?I never thought I would, but with this combo of easygoing friends and a nice night out I’m having loads of fun.Best,