Game On
So I hear there’s some big game happening this weekend. A Superbowl or something? Now I’ll admit, I have never been a football fan. I’m sorry, there I’ve said it. And since The J-E-T-S didn’t make it I really don’t have any stake in the game. Now the DH will surely be watching and cheering,loudly. And I think he’ll be going for The Saints. Who Dat!
Should I have my fingers crossed for a win so Kim can get a ring? So sad. Give the girl a ring Reggie win or not!
If anything I’ll only be watching for the commercials if at all. In a preview I came across this too funny one that finaled in a Doritos contest. Now I know it may promote bad behavior in kids but it cracked me up. You can vote on it here.Now as per the DH’s request I’ve got some Chili to make.
KwanaLet’s Hear it for New York!!
I’m all about the NYC today. Well every day for the this NYC girlbut particularly today when celebratingThe Yankees!!Big Congrats on winning The Worlds 2009 World Series.Best,KwanaLate Starry Night
Sorry for the the late breaking post but it was a late night under the stars for me at the US Open last night. The DH and I were invited by friends and enjoyed a lovely night of exciting tennis in Queens.I hope you have a wonderful Labor day end of Summer weekend!
Take Me Out to The Ball Game
What’s Jack up to? Jack has not been happy with all the rain we’ve been having in New York. I have to practically pull him out the door for his walks. I hear you Jack. I’m not thrilled about it either dude.Last night I got to go to the new Yankee Stadium with The DH and DS.
It was with mixed emotions that I went to the other side of the street abandoning the dear old Yankee Stadium of my youth. The one I used to walk across the 155st bridge to in the summer along with Nana, Mrs. George and a multitude of kids from the Harlem neighborhood where I spent every summer.But times change and there I was in the new brightly lit stadium with my own excited son. Even though the Stadium was new, I’m happy to say the characters remained the same.And a little romance in Beyond Heaving Bosoms at the game!
It was an exciting game with a crazy tie up in the pouring rain in the 8th inning which resulted in a rain delay. But sadly, the Yanks went on to lose in the 10th. I’m tired today.Here I am in my fetching new Bronx Bombers Hat. I love it! Perfect for bad hair days and walking Jack.
I hope you have a great day.Best,
Scroll down to talk The Fashion Show! Are you watching tonight?
Confessions of a closet pantser
What’s Jack up to? Today he’s still coming down from the NY GIANTS Superbowl win! He enjoyed a wild party last night with The DH, DD and DS. Dear Jack you’re looking a bit hung over today. Rest up.
During my excavation weekend I read Stephen King’s On Writing. I was surprised to read Mr. King confess that he plots “as infrequently as possible.” I was shocked! Stephen King, bestselling author of some of the most intricate stories ever, not a plotter, but a pantser. Suddenly my own wandering way of writing seemed a lot more acceptable. Heck, I’m in pretty good company.Usually when I have a story I know point A and have glimpses of point Z, but only blind faith that there will be something exciting happening on all the points in between. Now I do plot in the lightest of ways, writing lists of things I would like to see happen in whatever book I’m working on. When I want to go more in depth I do Post-it storyboarding. But along the way, these lists usually start to feel confining and have to change when my characters suddenly take on lives of their own and turn in directions I never anticipated. What fun.Story board for She’s Got Game
So writers out there, what’s your way? Would you admit to being a member of the pantser club along with me and, um, Stephen King or are you one of those extremely organized writers, that I always envy, who start out with a twenty page synopsis before typing CHAPTER ONE on the page?Best,
KwanaInspiration Excavation
What’s Jack up to? It’s the weekend so he’s happy to have a full house and The DH (his best buddy) around to give him long walks and play endless games of fetch which tire me out way too quickly for his taste. Have a blast Jack.
So it’s Superbowl weekend this weekend which pretty much means I’ll have four free hours while the D
H and DS sit in front of the TV and watch the big game. For some reason I have a football block and just can’t get into it. 50 yard, first down, flag in the play. Huh? Although, I have been enjoying all the crazy player/model/actress romance talk in the media lately. And sure, with The Giants going to the Superbowl this year, I’ll do my duty as a good wife and a New Yorker and root for the home team, but from a far while watching a Project Runway or Top Chef marathon up in my room.
On top of watching these marathons I’ll be doing a little excavating for inspiration this weekend. Having written quite a few manuscripts, I’m at the point where I really want to take my writing to another level and step out of my self-made box. Buh-Bye censor!
A good friend of mine (thanks MG!) sent me a bunch of writing workshops to listen too which I’m really excited about. I’m going to continue with reading Stephen King’s On Writing which I’m thoroughly enjoying and get some gentle advice from Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird. For further inspiration I’ll be checking out some cool clips from Romance Novel TV and getting an inspiration shot in the arm from some of my favorite bestsellers. Here’s a couple to inspire you from Jo Beverley, Eileen Dreyer and one from Nora Roberts on getting The Call!,