Inspiration Excavation
What’s Jack up to? It’s the weekend so he’s happy to have a full house and The DH (his best buddy) around to give him long walks and play endless games of fetch which tire me out way too quickly for his taste. Have a blast Jack.
So it’s Superbowl weekend this weekend which pretty much means I’ll have four free hours while the DH and DS sit in front of the TV and watch the big game. For some reason I have a football block and just can’t get into it. 50 yard, first down, flag in the play. Huh? Although, I have been enjoying all the crazy player/model/actress romance talk in the media lately. And sure, with The Giants going to the Superbowl this year, I’ll do my duty as a good wife and a New Yorker and root for the home team, but from a far while watching a Project Runway or Top Chef marathon up in my room.
On top of watching these marathons I’ll be doing a little excavating for inspiration this weekend. Having written quite a few manuscripts, I’m at the point where I really want to take my writing to another level and step out of my self-made box. Buh-Bye censor! A good friend of mine (thanks MG!) sent me a bunch of writing workshops to listen too which I’m really excited about. I’m going to continue with reading Stephen King’s On Writing which I’m thoroughly enjoying and get some gentle advice from Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird. For further inspiration I’ll be checking out some cool clips from Romance Novel TV and getting an inspiration shot in the arm from some of my favorite bestsellers. Here’s a couple to inspire you from Jo Beverley, Eileen Dreyer and one from Nora Roberts on getting The Call!