• jack,  jack pics

    The Phone War Is Over

    What’s Jack up to? The Jackster is posing for pics again. Why you ask? No you didn’t, well, I’ll tell you anyway.

    It’s because the phone war in my head is OVER. I’ve gone Droid peeps. There. Done. Finito. Ov-ah. I did it. I went for the Droid Incredible because it has the just about all the same features as the Droid X but in a smaller size and in this case smaller is better for me. I’m already outsized in enough areas of my life (have you seen my feet?). I’m liking the idea of the sexy little phone with all the power.

    So far I’m in love. It has so many cool apps. My fave so far is Google Goggle where you can take a picture of something and then the phone scans it and Google looks for info on it. A picture of just about anything. Way cool!

    And then there’s Pandora which lets you make your own custom radio station for free. Yes, I’ve already made a Prince and a Mary J. Blige station for walking fun.
    And I have to say I’m sorry for all the crazy tweets yesterday to my tweet peeps. I was drunk with phone lust but folks check out the quality of the camera. These are quick pics that I took yesterday. Super high quality for a camera phone. I’m sure I’ll be driving the Jackster just as nuts as he drives me.

    Oh well. It feels good to have this checked off the never ending list in my head.  I’ll be spending the weekend with my phone. Holla!

    Happy Friday!!


  • jack,  Knitting,  my view


    What’s Jack up to? Hmm… I know Jack’s been up to something when I come in the front door and he doesn’t come forward to greet me. I’ll call him and there will be no reply. Now it can be one of 2 things. 1)an intruder could have come in when I was out and, well, I don’t even want to go there or 2) Jack’s in trouble and he knows it. Usually I can find him either under my bed or in the basement in his crate or his favorite spot is in the hall closet which is never closed because Jack knows how to open the pocket door with his paws. So when this happens I leave him be and go investigating. My latest find was on the kitchen floor. A ripped apart and empty bagel bag. Don’t ask me how he got to it. I thought it was in the fridge. Oh Jack you are good.

    So I’m getting elbow deep or maybe it’s knuckle deep at this point in my lace project. I can’t tell you my frustration with this thing. Well, really I can but first isn’t this book cover just gorgeous. I’ll have to put it on my TBR list.


    Now back to my first time at lace knitting. Grrrr…. First off the counting or miscounting if you are me, every row a different count. And then it was the fact that my needles were way too close in color to my yarn. Eyes crossing.

    So after unlacing so many times I took a trip to the craft store and brought some deeper rosewood needles and started again, and again and again.


    Finally I opted for a smaller scarf repeat instead of a shawl and I started again so this is where I am now.


    This is going to be a long project. At least I’m plotting while I’m knitting or unlacing if you will.

    How’s the hump day treating you?



  • jack,  jack pics

    Hold Still

    What’s Jack up to? Hey Jack would you like to take a picture and say hello to the people. They’d sure like to see your sweet face?

     Just one photo please?

     Um, could you stand still just for a moment?

    One moment? 

    Not that end please. A little class why don’t ya?



    Thank you. There’s  a good boy. Was that so hard?  Whew. What a Diva you are.


    Happy Monday!




  • Books,  jack,  my view

    What Cha Reading?

    What’s Jack up to? Well with the big heatwave we’ve been having there’s been no dashing out the door for the Jackster lately. He’s no fool that dog. He’s staying where there’s air conditioning and doesn’t want me getting angry and locking him out, not that I’d do that. LOL.

    So I have not asked this question in a moment. What cha reading? The last few books I’ve read were:

    The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo a book/knitting/moms night out club pick which 1/2 the club has read so far and  I really enjoyed but took me a while to get into but it won me over by the middle. Now I know with that review I’m not the norm. But I do want to read the next in the series. Lisbeth is such an interesting character.

    Then there was Soulless and Then Changelessby Gail Carriger which my friend Kate from Babbling about Books turned me on to. I loved Soulless so much that I had to buy Changeless for my ereader the same day I finished it. I have to say though it could not beat Soulless but left me with enough of a cliffhanger that I am very much waiting for the 3rd book in the series. Carriger is such a wonderful writer.

    Now tell me what are you reading? Who’s rocking your world right now?



  • bad dog,  jack,  jack pics

    No Sleeping In… It’s Monday Ya Know

    What’s Jack up to? Well I had plans to sleep in on this day off Monday for everyone in the house. But Sir Jack wasn’t having any of  that.  Bounding into the bedroom bright and early, his annoying little nails scratching on the wood floor and when that didn’t work he went to pushing for all his might against the bed. Groan.  I’d say he feels bad for waking me and the DH up, but with this look, somehow I don’t think so.

    Stay cool and I hope you got to sleep in today.



    P.S. A big, I mean HUGE, happy  birthday to my littlest brother, Semaj. There is a 19 year age difference between us and he’s way cooler than me so he’s probably not even reading ye’ old blog but I wanted to say a shout out to him and tell him how much I love him and he’ll always be my baby brother no matter how big he gets. This Hess truck goes out to him today.

  • Uncategorized

    Bangle Jangle

    What’s Jack up to? That darned Jack just about scared the life out of me the other day when he darted out of the house and up the block running behind my mother’s car the other day. What did he think that he’d make it all the way back to Harlem? But no he stopped at the big street up the block but all I could think of was a car coming behind his little butt. Ugh. Someone put a leash on that dog.


    In the meantime onto lovelier things. Lately I’ve been mad for Bollywood movies, just can’t get enough of them and the influence has traveled to my taste in jewelry. I’m craving bangles. The more the merrier.

    What summer accessory are you craving?



  • 80's,  fun,  music,  my view,  videos

    Metro Memories

    What’s Jack up to? Poor Jack is trying to catch a breeze just like me. It’s too hot for the dog to do anything but chill where he can.

    Happy Monday! So summer is officially here. Today the dear twins go to their summer job orientation (Yay for kids working) and I start on getting into my summer writing swing. Let’s hope I swing big.

    I hope you had a good weekend. Me? I heard this song well after midnight on Saturday night while playing Blackjack  waaaayyy past my bedtime and it brought back so many memories. Yeah, it was a fun weekend.


    P.S. Not enough guys with perfect Covergirl coral lips in videos anymore.

  • inspiration,  jack,  my view,  photography

    Blame It On The Rain

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is getting ready for the weekend which no doubt will mean hanging by the DH and hoping for things to drop by the grill.

    There are showers expected over the weekend, but like most summer showers in 90 degree heat, they can pop up at anytime. The sky going from a beautiful blue with the sun shining to suddenly darkening and leaving you with puddles at your feet. But in life storms are unavoidable we just have to figure out how to deal with them.  How do you deal with the sudden storm? Do you take refuge and run inside or are you like me, and you go out kick off your shoes and feel the rain on your bare feet, taking in all the storm has to give?


     Have a great weekend!



    P.S. For your weekend viewing pleasure… or not.

  • family,  jack,  kids,  life,  motherhood,  my view,  Nana

    Dipping My Toe In

    What’s Jack up to? Poor Jack is a sad dog today. He had Nana over for 5 days and now she’s gone back home to the city and without him in her carry all. Sorry Jack she’ll be back with sneaky treats soon.

     Hello folks did you miss me? I missed you all during my week long blog break.

    Though I missed you all it was nice to take a little break. This was still a busy week for me with the dear twins taking finals but today, the first day of summer, is their last so please wish them luck with me. Fingers crossed all goes well.

    And I was lucky to have Nana over for quite a few days during my break and that was wonderful. She and I cooked (ok her mostly). We played lots of games of cards and planted my Impatients (you know the flower named after me).

    So here I am dipping my toe back in the blog water and saying hi on the first day of Summer. Hopefully the water will be good.


    Happy Summer!! Roll call…who’s with me? How are you spending the first day of Summer?



  • family,  happy birthday,  jack,  jack pics,  my view

    Strange Hangover

    What’s Jack up to? Like me Jack is dog tired from all the B-day partying.


    I want to say thank you all so much for the outpouring of love here, on Twitter and on Facebook for my birthday wishes. You all make facing birthdays so much easier.

    I had a very nice birthday weekend filled with family and friends. After giving the DH a hard time for organizing a family BBQ for me on Saturday it turned out to be so much fun. I woke up today with a hangover and I didn’t have 1 drink of liquor. I think I am drunk off food and laughter.  How can everyone in a family be so competitive over cards? I tell you from Nana on down, it’s really scary.

    We are all such sore losers and talk so much crap. But in the end we take it all in good cheer; I mean how can you talk about someone’s mama when you have the same mama? And it turns out that even though my brother and I seem so very different in some things we are truly the same. That was nice to find out.

    And as I sweet topper I got these beautiful flowers from the DH which surprisingly (and not by accident) have the peach color from our wedding over 20 years ago. How much do I love him for that?

    All in all it was a fab way to turn the page on another chapter in my life.

