• authors,  Books,  jack,  music,  videos

    Lifted we have a Wild Winner

    What’s Jack up to? As I write this Jack is tip tapping around. His little nails making lots of noise on the wood floor. Though he just got a spiffy new summer cut I think the nails could use more help. Or maybe I could use more Patience.

     Thanks to random.org the winner of the copy of Wendy Toliver’s Lifted is….

    Maria Geraci!! Congratulations Maria. Now for those of you that don’t know Maria let me introduce her. Maria is a talented author herself of 2 novels  Bunco Babes Go Wild and Bunco Babes Tell All. You can visit Maria’s site here to find out more about them and her next book The Boyfriend Club which comes out in December. I can’t wait to read it. Maria, send me an email with your info for your book.


    In random music news you may or may not want to hear or care about. I’m all about listening to the new Erykah Badu CD. Today I need a Window Seat. I won’t post the her naked statement on the Dallas Mall video here though I do think I get it.  Maybe? If I do. I like it. I will share this song which I can’t stop singing.



  • 80's,  jack,  music,  my view

    Come on Eileen… and Steve

    What’s Jack up to?  I don’t want to say it too loud but Jack has been pretty good these past few days. All sweet and snugly and not too demanding and toddlerish. Of course not that I’ve said it on ye old blog he will totally show out today. Watch out for the fireworks folks.

    Thanks to all who commented on the Lifted giveaway from yesterday. There is still time to enter today. So please go to yesterday’s post and leave a comment to enter to win a copy of Wendy’s book Lifted.

    In honor of my birthday week I thought I’d post things that I like very much. Now I’m sure I posted this song before but hey it’s my blog so I’ll do what I like and post it again. My favorite 80’s tune Come on Eileen.

    And in honor of all the disappointment over not hearing Steve Jobs say that the new iPhone would be available on Verizon yesterday I posted this song in Twitter. This goes out to all of us left longing…

    Have a super day!



  • jack,  jack pics

    Friday Chill Time

    Hey it’s Friday. How’d that happen so fast? Jack and I sure don’t know. Oh well it’s here might as well do what we do and make the best of it and throw in a little chillin’ where we can.


    Peace Out and Enjoy!



    P.S. Did you watch the Not So Real Housewives of the NYC? What did you think? For all the kookiness I thought Ramona’s wedding was nice. And no, money can’t buy you class, but it sure can get you a whole lot of other fun stuff on the Bravo dime.

  • happy holidays,  jack,  jack pics,  photography

    A Good Day

    What’s Jack up to? Well the Jackster has had us on our toes for sure this weekend. Making off with sausages then going running down the street only to have a neighbor nab him barking in the middle of the road then bring him back home. Yeah Jack was quite the handful on Memorial Day.

    But I guess it was just the excitement of the fun day. Memorial day in our town starts with a parade. Most of the town comes out to watch and the Parade ends at the Memorial Field with speeches then hot dogs and sodas for everyone. It ‘s a nice way to give honor and to come out and see neighbors you haven’t seen is a while.  Jack had fun seeing all the folks and even his buddy Bentley Ms. PVE’s dog.



    Well now it’s back to the weekly grind. I think I may just ease into it. How was your weekend?



  • authors,  Books,  jack,  my view

    BEA Day and no Table Flipping

    What’s Jack up to? Jack, like me, is trying to get over this heat. I mean come on 92 in New York in May. It’s just not cute people. Not cute at all.

    Yesterday was such a fun and tiring day. It was BEA Day! That’s Book Expo America at the Javits Center which is way over in the boonies of 11th avenue of Manhattan where you are essentially captive, have to have overpriced food and drinks, breathe recycled air and walk miles in a big glass cube.

    But I was saved for the ride down from Freshchester by the kindness of a friend. Thanks so much Ellen. I’ll travel with you anytime!


    Once there I met up with my PIC Megan and I got to meet new friend author Victoria Janssen.


    We also hung with the great and all book knowing Stacy.


    And there was Chris and her friend Tina from Germany. Why didn’t I get a pic? Very sad. Good to see you Chris!

    And then Diana. Hooray! So happy to get Ascendant the much anticipated follow up to Rampant.

    I was, as usual, without restraint and have come home with too many books, but lots I’m happy to say are young adult that the Dear Twins can enjoy too. But I also got alot at the fab Harlequin booth from Brenda Jackson and Gwynne Forster and Rochelle Alers. At RWA I got to see Cathy Maxwell again who is just so nice and was wonderful on the romance panel.

    No spotting of the Duchess Fergie for me. I think her event was ticketed so I missed that crowd but see from the news it was some event.

    I was just about heading out the door vowing, “no more books!” when I saw a huge line and had to ask who it was. Well, my super blog friends it was none other than Teresa from The Real Housewives of New Jersey! And she was signing her book Skinny Italian! You know I wasn’t leaving without that book and meeting the famous table flipping Teresa.

     Let me just say her line was so long but she was gracious and had a smile for each person and signed every book. Then when I went and asked for an additional book for my super fan and knit friend Eileen she was only too happy to give me another one for her. So sweet and the book is beautiful.


    Great way to end the day!



  • inspiration,  jack,  my view

    Get Up

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is chilling and watching the window today from his couch perch. Making sure all is cool with the block ya know. LOL.

    Wishing you a beautiful Sunday filled with blessings. The DD has 2 dance shows today gotta get up.




  • jack,  my view,  writing,  writing life

    The Cave

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is being a total Jackster. Driving me wild by being all mischievous and totally underfoot. I can’t take two steps lately without tripping over little Jack.  Oh well. So it is.

    Not too many words today. I think more will come as soon as I’m more alert. But today I’m squinting against the sun and finally stepping out of my editing cave. Whew, it was a tough two weeks, but I think I got it all done.  Of course in my mind done is never really done… until it’s really done. And by that I mean sold, delivered and maybe on a bookshelf somewhere. But right now that outcome is not in my hands so I’m letting it go for the moment. Thanks for all your kind words and encouragement while I was hanging in the cave. You all really warmed me up when the fire got low.

    Happy Monday!



  • family,  jack,  my view

    4 Generations

    What’s Jack up to? Jack has been so good for me lately while I’m busy working that I’m almost scared to talk about it in fear that he”ll hear and start to act all Jack like so… Shhh… don’t tell him I’m talking about him on ye old blog today. And don’t look him directly in the eye. That’s when the trouble starts.

    I hope Mother’s Day was good for all you moms out there. I went to Harlem to surprise my mom at her church and picked up Nana on the way. Here is a pic of the 3 of us along with my DD. Sorry it’s blurry it was snapped by my lil brother with his Crackberry. It was wonderful to have 4 generations together for Mother’s day.


    Happy Monday!



  • Books,  jack,  my view,  writers,  writing life

    Bestselling Advice from Suzanne Brockmann

    What’s Jack up to? You all know it’s never a dull moment with Jack the terrible terrier. As I type this he’s looking at me with sad puppy dog eyes sitting on his bed on a Jack time out after having gotten into the trash. So you know I’m not thrilled with him after having to clean up a big old mess. Oh well, so starts the week.

     This week and the next I will be in crazy editing mode and hopefully have my nose to the grindstone as I have lots of work to do and not a lot of time to do it. Wish me luck and say a prayer that the family cooperates.

    On Saturday I went into the NYC for my RWA chapter’s Spring brunch. This year we had a guest speaker attend which is something we have not done in the past and boy did we get some speaker for out intimate little brunch.  New York Times Bestselling Romantic Suspense Author Suzanne Brockmann. I know right?

    Let me tell you we had quite a turn out at this year’s luncheon with Suzanne there. As it happens Suzanne is in New York directing an off Broadway play until May 22ndcalled Looking for Billy Haines. You can find out info at www.lookingforbillyhaines.com So on top of being bestselling author she can now add director to her resume. Cool huh?

    My notes were a little whacky as Suzanne talked while lunch was being served. Literally. She was so sweet. The waiters were coming in with the food trying to figure who had what and she didn’t mind she was like, “Who had the quiche? Salad? Pot Pie?” All with a smile.

     She told us her journey from being a stay at home mother is 1992 and how she started out writing screenplays and moved from there to contemporary romance.

     She also talked about Role Modeling after bestsellers careers during that time and the fact that category romance is a great place to start out for a 1st time romance author. It’s where she got her start. And guess what? Bantam has reissued all her category romances.

    Suzanne also said how in the category years she used to write 6-7 books a year. Yeah, that’s right I said it 6-7 and she set out to make them the best book ever. Keepers that people did not want to give up. There is something to aspire to.


    There was also talk about the importance of one on one connections with people when the question of social media came up. And how important is to say thank you when someone reaches out to you to gives feedback on your work. Good or bad. She’s a good egg. 

    Then we got into the process question and my mind was blown. Now you Brockmann fans know she writes intricate plots and ongoing series with twists and turns. Well she does big honking 80 page outlines. You should have heard the gasp of air suckage around the room. Me the pantser almost fell off my chair.

    But to soften the blow she also believes in the crappy first draft and that big outline is taking into consideration up to 3 books out. Whew.

    Also for you writers out there, when she’s in story mode she is writing 7 days a week. No breaks. She said that if she takes a day off it will take her 3 days to get back into the story.  I can so relate to that. No more breaks for me. One day turns to too many and nothing gets done.

    There were so nuggets of gold in Suzanne’s talk and Q & A that I can’t get it all in. The last thing I’ll leave you with is she told us to respect yourself as a writer whether you’re published or not. I believe that is true for whatever dream you are pursuing. Respect yourself and believe in yourself.

    Thanks so much Suzanne for a wonderful afternoon.

    You can visit Suzanne at her site http://www.suzannebrockmann.com

    Now back to the grind for me.



  • fashion,  jack,  my view,  Project Runway,  tagged

    10th Photo Mariah slash Beyonce on a budget

    What’s Jack up to? Jack has been an odd one. Very pushy and demanding lately. He wants what he wants when he wants it and is not afraid to show it. A total toddler like dog. So Jack.

    The Lovely Debra from Lifescapes tagged me with the 10th post challenge where you are supposed to post your 10th blog photo. Now I had to dig way back to January 2008 for this 10th photo and the post was back when I was blogging Project Runway which I have not been doing for the past 2 seasons though I still watch the show. I will say I was not surprised with the final 2 at all this season but wanted Emilio to win. Ahh well. I also give thanks to Anthony for providing the entertainment this year.

    Now this 10th pic was of a Christian Sirano design from one of the challenges. Christian turned out to be the winner and stand out of the show. Attached is a more recent youtube clip of Christian being just Christian. I love that he carries a date book like I do. Beyonce!


    If you care to play along in the 10 photo post let me know and I’ll come for a visit. I’d love to see your 10th photos.

