• Reality tv,  Top Chef

    Top… What tha heck are they doing?- Spoiler Alert!!

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is being a mischievous super dog. Making amazing leaps to counters three times his height in order to knock over plates filled with yummy leftover curried chicken salad sandwiches and ham and brie. Oh Jack, wen will you mellow out?

    As for Top Chef I’ll be short and sweet. Did you watch? It was Green Acre’s all the way. Darling I love you but give me the city life.

    I was happy to see Hung. I’m into nostalgia. Stefan grabbed immunity with SPAM and the Hung is gone way too fast without any drama. Then Stefan and Jamie fight like an old married couple on the way to divorce court over their menu. Then Hosea is nervous and it’s a mess on his team. Cut to whining from Ariane and they are off to Dan Barber’s restaurant and farm in the country where they will pick their food to cook. Ha jokes on them.

    Stefan makes a funny that I know David Dust will not disappoint me on with his recap later. He will either A. Completely ignore the obviousness of the hen house or B. annihilate Stefan. Either way it will be hilarious.

    Sidebar: It’s so annoying the way they throw these little clips in between the commercials. Not cute Bravo.

    Chefs are in the kitchen. Fabio is annoyed and Tom is surveying. He’s not letting the new guy steal ALL his thunder.

    Up first is Team Lamb-Hosea, Ariane, Leah- lamb poorly dressed, not done well. Bad dessert. Oh my.
    Team Pork- Jeff, Fabio, Radhika- ravioli bad, pork should have been on the bone. dessert off
    Team Chicken- Jamie, Carla, Stefan- Soup, no need. Good chicken. Carla rocked the dessert. That’s my crazy like a fox Carla.

    Judges table. The tops are Jamie, Carla and Stefan. Team Chicken. And the winner is … All of them. What is that? Top Chef is going soft. Ugh! Carla was robbed.

    Then the judges ask for everyone else: the Pigs and the Lambs. Team lamb is hilarious with the rolling and the tying. Will they all be sent home since it’s an all for one and one for all night? Nope it was just Ariane. With her poor butchering. Feels like it was Leah’s night to me. I really don’t get this episode.
    Buh Bye Ariane.


  • jack,  jack pics,  Reality tv,  Top Chef

    Top Thursday

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is being silly tonight. Hiding under the bed and not wanting to come out. He’s just looking at me like I’m the nutty one. I’m not into begging you, Jack. I’m way to tired for games, Dude you’ve got to go.

    Top Chef is back. Another warning. Spoiler ahead….. Are you ready? Okay? Go….
    It nice to get into routine again. Some Cheftestants are nervous, some in a bad mood, some feeling awesome. To each his own.

    Padma is with French Chef Jean Christophe Novelli and the Diet Dr. Pepper Quick fire Challenge (say that three times fast) is a sugar-free dessert challenge. After the mad cooking scramble the plates look beautiful. But Christophe is. Everything is “interesting” meaning “it sucks” in his book and can’t compete with his too sexy for his search look.
    There are lots he doesn’t like but in the end the winner is Radhika. And she gets immunity.

    Now Padma announces Toby Young is the new judge taking over for Gail for the rest of the season. Bye Gail you will be missed. Is this what happens when one gets married?
    Commercial over and Tom is in the house to give a talk about Toby and the next challenge it will be a blind tasting and there will be 2 chefs eliminated. Wow. Way to deliver good news Tom.

    There are two groups A and B.
    Group A is up First and at Whole Foods. There is the usual mad shopping and second guessing. Then back in the kitchen a bit of chaos ensues. Fabio has serious lamb trouble and can’t believe Jamie is doing scallops again. He announces the show I not called Top Scallop. So funny.

    Time for service and the other chefs will judge their competitors food. Ouch. Nice twist TS.
    Radhika’s crab soup is a downer.
    Hosea’s vegetables upstaged the fish
    Jamie’s scallops were finally good.
    Fabio’s lamb was undercooked but his pasta is good.
    Eugene dish is called the bland leading the bland
    Melissa’s tacos are called fishy and Toby says it tastes like Cat food. Eek! That’s never good.

    Group B is now in the kitchen and they know who they are cooking for and what to expect. They are cooking hard.
    Araine’s Pan seared skate wing- a hit
    Carla’s risotto with scallops- not good
    Stefan-Duck Tom likie and Stefan has an orgasm
    Jeff-Tom doesn’t time and Toby Loved
    Leah-a toss up. Funny I forgot she was here this show.
    So its team B that wins hands down.
    Tops are Ariane, Stefan and Jamie.
    Stefan modest as always comes out not with thanks, but with “it was a great dish.”
    Jamie is thrilled to have cooked a good scallop.
    Ariane was pleased. She is clearly more modest than Stefan.

    The winner is…Jamie. No longer a bridesmaid. Da-Da-Da-Dum…

    From the Not So Glad Room she calls back: Melissa, Eugene and Carla.
    Carla admits she was not happy with her dish and is not surprised she is there. She talks about how she could have fixed it. Smart lady. Don’t be fooled.
    Melissa talks about enjoying the critique. She gets smacked around a bit more.
    Eugene talks about how he likes taking risks, but Toby says it lacks punch. Eugene tries to talks his way back in.
    All three chefs try and plead their case a bit more.

    But going home is…Melissa and Eugene. Carla lives to cook another day.



  • Reality tv,  Top Chef

    Top Merry Christmas… in July

    Top Chef begins and Ariane feels great. Winning is like that.

    The rest of the chefs not feeling so great. That’s what losing feels like.

    Suddenly the sad economy shows up in a blatant sidekick commercial with Hosea. Subtle.
    In the kitchen the quick fire is to make a holiday meal with one pot and the surprise judge is Martha Stewart! Boots start quaking. Martha says, “make it simple but not too simple,” quoting Einstein. Ok Martha.

    The chefs get cooking and Ariane and Jamie are now BFF’s tasting each other’s food despite Ariane’s constant wins. How long you gonna keep trusting that, Jamie?
    Time for Martha to judge and she’s is judging tough. You can’t tell what she’s thinking as she walks by. She does like Hosea’s paella though and says so. For Jeff and uses the word pungent. Not good. Ariane gets and excellent and Carla a tasty. Fabio just a thank you.
    No good were Jeff, Eugene and Fabio. Poor boys. Fabio wants to bust a vein.

    Tops are Hosea, Jamie and Ariane. Uh-oh these two again. Jamie is nervous. The winner is Ariane. Again!! Jamie stop letting her taste your food already!!! It’s the kiss of death.
    Now the elimination challenge which is catering a party for amFar with 300 guests. In comes the Harlem Gospel Choir good music but totally confusing to the chefs. The chefs draw knives. With numbers and the choir sings The 12 Days of Christmas which is the inspiration for their dishes.
    In Whole Foods some of the chefs are panicking over their themes. Poor Fabio with his ladies dancing. No luck of the draw for this guy.
    Back in the kitchen the chefs are working harder than ever to get everything done and packing it all in the fridge at the end of the night.
    In the morning they all notice that one of the fridges were left open and the food has gone bad. Are you telling me no producer saw that? I’m thinking a twist was needed.
    Other chefs pitch in to help Hosea and Radhika who were most effected with prep and they pull food from the sky. It’s the Christmas in July miracle. I’m not buying it.
    At the event Natasha Richardson does the intro and Stefan is in love. Service begins.
    Stefan’s Chicken pot pie is a hit.
    Radhika’s dish does well. Indian spices again. Just embrase who you are already and go with it girl.
    Carla is star struck but doesn’t do well.
    Eugene is story telling. Blah, blah, blah. It’s a bust.
    Fabio has dancing crab cakes and they flops.
    Jamie is going with the scallops again. It’s bad. One man says slimy and Michelle Bernstein who is also judging is not happy with anything and boy is she vocal. A real little Miss Sunshine I tell ya.

    Melissa ,another loser. Leah not a winner either.
    Ariane- deviled eggs. A classic. Tom is not impressed. Me neither. Natasha likes them. Tom shrugs.
    Hosea a winner with his pork.
    Jeff’s seared cheese a winner. How do you do that to cheese? I’d burn it.

    Back at the judges table the tops are:
    Radhika, Hosea, Jeff and Stefan. Looks like a tragedy turned into a triumph for Radhika and Hosea. Thanks Father Christmas in July.
    The winner is Hosea.

    Now for the bottom chefs: Eugene, Melissa and Jamie. Aww poor Jamie.
    First they jump on Jamie about the temperature of her scallops.
    Next is Melissa and the mouthful of cheese she made.
    Now Eugene and poor seasoning. Eugene is standing by his dish. Uh-oh Eugene. You are not gonna win this fight.
    The judges deliberate and they are not happy with most of the chefs. Tom is upset and wants to talk with them all about stepping up their games. I have a feeling Ariane’s wonderful Deviled eggs did him in.
    Tom walks into The Not So Glad room and reads them the riot act. I was right. The Deviled egg come up!
    The shocker to me is no one goes home tonight. He calls it a holiday gift. Yeah right. In July.
  • Reality tv,  Top Chef

    Top Thursday

    Thank Goodness for Top Chef. I so needed an escape last night.

    The fun begins with a Grand Central then quick cut the chefs waking where they live in wherever land New York.
    Stefan is in love with Jamie even though he has no chance at all with her. You are so in the wrong ball park Dude. Too funny.

    In the kitchen it’s just Padma for the quick fire and no guest judge. The Challenge is playing “Identify the ingredient” and the chefs are put in pairs to go head to head. Stefan is paired with Jamie. How did THAT happen? They are playing “Name that ingredient” ala “Name That Tune”. Cute. Carla says something about; “tasting in her mind” that I can’t wrap my head around, but it cracks me up as I envision it. So Carla. She’s hilarious. I think I get it and I love her. Hosea wins the challenge against Stefan. Good for him.

    Time for the elimination challenge the chefs pull knives labeled, old, new, borrowed and blue. Padma is throwing a bridal shower for Gail. Gail doesn’t want veal or black beans besides that it’s all good.

    Radhika is with Ariane and Jamie and Jamie tells her go with Indian food again for their borrowed theme. Poor Radhika. I hope she makes it to one day cook Italian.
    Fabio, Leah and Melissa are Blue and Fabio is bummed that there is no blue food. So they are going with and ocean theme.
    Carla, Eugene and Dan have new so they are doing sushi.
    Jeff, Hosea and Stefan are old so they are going old school. But Stefan is trying to play dictator.
    I’ve noticed this season in the kitchen there is not nearly as much drama as in past seasons. It’s a real quiet season. I wonder is the producers are happy with that. I doubt it. I’ll come right out and say it. I miss the drama of a true Marcel. At least Eugene is showing a bit of spunk.

    It’s back to the Hosea and Leah flirtation (which I suspect may be manufactured for drama or lack thereof) and it comes out that they both have attachment back home. Hmmm this should be interesting during the recap.

    Time for the shower and the longest table ever. Not very good for conversation in you ask me.
    First out is ‘something old’. Jeff, Hose and Stefan- Heirloom tomato plate.
    Next is ‘new’ Dan, Eugene and Carla’s sushi. I think it confused everyone.
    On to ‘borrowed’ with Ariane, Jamie and Radhika and the lamb is not done. It’s down to the wire. But in the end everyone is happy.

    Finally ‘blue’ with Fabio and his gang and this late show is running later. Fabio is sent out as the charmer. With all the ohhs and ahhs I think it worked at least in the beginning.
    Time for judging. Top groups Old and Borrowed and the winner is Ariane. Again and she is shocked! Jamie is not happy. Always a bridesmaid…

    In the bottom are Something new. And Dan is surprised. He says he happy with the dishes and no matter how many faces Tom makes at him or how many sound effects Bravo throws out he thinks they were de-lish! Uh oh, Danny.

    Something Blue is on the chopping block too. Fabio wanted to argue, but thinks better of it and shuts his mouth after a steely look from Tom. Those eyes can do it. Smart.
    Back in The Not So Glad room things are quite sad. It’s finally doing its job. The judges call them back.
    Team blue is safe. Smile Fabio.

    Eugene wrist slap, Carla wrist slap.
    Daniel “this taste great” is packing and going. Buh-bye Dan!

    Next week Martha!!



  • Reality tv,  Top Chef

    Top Thursday

    I had no clue what to talk about today. I’m still a bit off from the holiday last week and the realization that Christmas is right around the corner, but thankfully yesterday was Wednesday and TOP CHEF came on to help me out.
    The show starts… another sultry summer day in New York. Funny we were supposed to just believe it was Thanksgiving last week. Oh Top Chef. Moving on who is there but my fave chef to hate the non-dancing Rocco Disperto. The quickfire is a breakfast Amuse-bouche which is a small bite as if that’s going to hold anyone over. What a word: Amuse-ouche just rolls of the tongue huh? But for the life of me, no matter how many seasons of Top Chef I watch, I can’t see the reason for them except to act as a tease. If you like what you’re tasting you’ll want a bunch, but all you have is a bite. It’s just frustration all around. Can you imagine ordering one at a restaurant? Getting 2 of something. 15 bucks. You and your partner each take one, it’s delish and then you look down at and empty plate with longing.
    Back to the challenge. The chefs quick go shake it. There is a blow torch pulled out by Fabio and things really heat up. Before you can say boo the time is up and Rocco is ready to judge. Always.
    Leah gets persnickety over size (it matters) and the fact that hers is really one bite. She rolls her eyes at all the 2 biters. It works. Daniel and Fabio are on the bottom. Stefan and Leah and Jamie are in the top three. The winner is Leah. Way to keep it bite sized. She wins a copy of Rocco’s new book.
    For the elimination challenge the chefs must create a dish for a 2 ½ minute live TV presentation. Freak out.
    Over in Whole Foods for some reason that let a couple of chefs cut their own fish. I don’t get that one. At All.

    Back in the kitchen there’s your usual chopping and such and Alex is doing what appears to be and impossible 1 hour crème brulee and Leah is happy for immunity.

    The chefs start to demo for the judges and Jamie has egg problems.
    Alex has speaking problems and taste problems.
    Fabio charms.
    Stefan is cool.
    Melissa burns Tom. Ouch.
    Time runs out for Leah, Ariane and Carla. They are too chatty.

    Melissa, Alex and Jamie are in the bottom three.
    Jeff, Fabio and Ariane are in the top three. The chefs are told to go home and the final elimination will be tomorrow.

    Then sneaky Tom shows up in the middle of the night dressed in black and gets the top three. He tells them that the hosts to The Today Show will judge the top dishes on the show.

    Jeff is mad about serving unsophisticated palettes at 6:30 am. Well, excuse me. Sounds like he thinks he’s a Top Chef already.

    Judging are Kathy Lee and Hoda so we know it’s much later than 6:30 more like 10am, Jeff so chill.
    Ariane’s goes over well. Fabio’s is good too. But Kathy Lee is Kathy and spits out Jeff’s. Ouch.
    Ariane wins at the today show.

    Back at the Judges table and Rocco is handing out more gifts. His favorite Tools. Ok, I refuse to make the obvious joke here. You all insert you own. Have at it.
    Ariane is the winner and she gets to present live on the Today show, today! Check it out.
    The losers are marched in. Melissa is given heat for her heat. Jamie has egg in her face for the egg and Alex doesn’t get the point of the competition.

    In the not so glad room there are whispers and murmurs about who is throwing who under the bus. Then out of the blue there are some strange tickles and giggles with Leah and Hosea. Hold up there. Only tension in the Not So Glad Room. Have some respect please.
    In the end it’s Alex that packing his Knives and going home. Have a happy wedding Alex!

    Here is Ariane’s winning BEEFSTEAK TOMATO SALAD recipe

    3 beefsteak tomatoes, nice and red and ripe (substitutes: heirlooms or vine ripe)

    12 pieces seedless watermelon, cut into 3 inch sticks
    sheeps milk feta cheese (firm), cut into 10 pieces, 2 inches long
    4 T extra virgin olive oil
    1/4 cup 12 year old balsamic vinegar
    2 T herb fleur de sel


    2 cups basil
    ice bath
    1 cu olive oil


    1. Blanche in boiling water.
    2. Shock in ice bath.
    3. Put into blender.
    4. Add 1 cup olive oil and salt, and puree 1 minute.
    5. Pass through fine chinois.
    To plate tomato salad:
    1. 3 each 1/2 inch thick slices of New Jersey tomato.
    2. Top with three pieces of watermelon and 2 pieces of feta.
    3. Drizzle with olive oil, basil oil, aged balsamic.
    4. In a small (baby sized) spoon, fill with fleur de sel, place on side of plate.Garnish with sprig of basil.

    Now I have no clue what fleur de sel is I guess we have to watch The Today Show to find out.

  • Real Housewives of Atl,  Reality tv

    The biggest diva is…

    So did you all watch the Not So Real Housewives of the ATL? You know I did. For the record I gave a glance to the new OC season, but just a glance. I can’t get my head or my heart into it yet coming off the ATL ladies. We’ll see as the weeks go on.

    Back to ALT, I would not miss this hot mess for the world. I’m sorry (no I’m not) It’s my guilty pleasure and I loved it.

    The looks, the drama, the hair. How could I not? All the housewives were in rare form. NeNe was taking no crap and telling like it T-I-S.

    On to Kim…So now we know Big Papa/Poppa is married and Kim says stay tuned. Should we keep our fingers crossed and watch just to see if he makes an appearance. Come on! Does somebody out there know who this guy is? And the Kim cancer thing was that all and act?

    And I still say Sheree left NeNe off the party list intentionally.
    And I loved Dwight with the long hair and the advice at the end. So all in all I guess he was the biggest diva.

    I sure hope they come back for another season. Could it be next week please?



  • america's next top model,  jack,  Reality tv,  Top Chef

    Top Dog

    What’s Jack up to? That Jack is doing his own thing. Making a comfortable bed out of coats thrown about and clean laundry that he secretly pulls down to suit his needs. What will I do with you Jack?

    Today it’s yet another grey day and cold as all get out with snow lightly falling. Ahh sweet. Not. I’m so not ready for this yet. And do my twins put on decent coats for the 27 degree weather? No. Like the teens they are. It’s a little Northface for one and a Hoodie for the other and out the door. Oh well…

    The finale of America’s Next Top Model snuck up on me last night. Once again this season it was on and I didn’t even notice. How did that happen? I guess it’s because there wasn’t a girl left that I could really get behind and root for. It was a season of just eh for me. Every interesting girl was out in the first weeks.

    By the middle of the show Analeigh was a goner.

    And it was up to Samantha and McKey to walk the wacky I just don’t get it, it really doesn’t do anything for the clothes, runway. And did you see those girls stomp? They were both in need of Ms. Jay’s boot camp. Again.

    Then no big surprise the winner was the girl the bugged me all season McKey. I will give her credit though. She did have the best Cover Girl ad. Congrats.

    Now the question is will I be back for another season? I just don’t know. This show has jumped the shark.

    In better news Top chef was back back and there was a guest judge Donatella such and such with tons of restaurants I didn’t know. The quickfire was making a Top Chef hot dog. Huh? The chefs were freaking out. Asian dogs, Indian dogs, sushi dogs, Sausage dogs. Just give me a Nathans please.

    I notice once again Radhika, the Indian chef who did not want to be type cast went for Indian. Ok and boy can she serve up the dirty looks. But dirty looks and all she wins the quickfire and gets immunity.

    The elimination challenge : Create a 3 course new American lunch menu and everyone gets a section, appetizers, entrees and dessert. Chefs get crazy for a sec then split into groups after pretty boy Jeff pulls rank.

    Fabio talks a lot during this show and the more it goes on the better he speaks. Is he playing us or am I just getting used to him. Hmm I must watch carefully. Last week he needed cards just to say his dish. What’s up with that? Is he really from Italy or Hoboken?

    Moving on, Jill is in the egg isle of Whole Foods and spots ostrich eggs. Why are they there and why is she crazy enough to buy them?

    Back in the kitchen, Tom come in and announces the the restaurant that they will be cooking in is his and the diners are all all NY chefs that didn’t make the cut for the show. Ouch, nice crowd. Way do deliver good news Tom. It doesn’t matter though because it’s Tom. Richard and I don’t mind.

    At CRAFT the teams pick their locations and start prep. Jamie serves up the attitude. Do I like her? Kinda. Yeah. I think she and Eugene may be my faves but I’m not sure. Give me a few more episodes.

    Carla is worried about her crust, Fabio goes on about olives and Sweet Richard surprises me by not telling Ariane about her overly sweet dessert. Ohh playing dirty. Do I like him? Maybe?

    Tom arrives in the kitchen and it’s time for service.

    Jamie’s soup is good.

    Hosea’s crab-bad


    Fabio-Beautiful. the food. not him. That’s up for discussion.


    Jill-ostrich quiche-glue

    Eugene-open faced meatloaf- bad



    Alex-pork tenderloin-no good

    Radhika-Avocado mouse- bad

    Daniel-pound cake- good

    Ariane-lemon meringue- too sweet- Padma spits it out.

    Richard-sandwich- after school snack

    Carla- apple tart- good

    Finally Tom tries everything and the chefs sweat it out.

    Jamie, Fabio, Carla, – They were the tops. Fabio still needs to hear himself talk and decides to argue before the judges could say they liked his dish. Ugh. I can’t stand him. Of course he’s the winner and he’s tied with Stefan. These two should pull out a ruler and just get it over with.

    The bottom three were: Hosea, Jill and Ariane.

    Poor Hosea is surprised to be there. Ariane is nonchalant and Jill is just spacey.

    Jill has to pack her knives and go.



  • life,  motherhood,  Real Housewives of Atl,  Reality tv

    Night Runner

    What’s Jack up to? That little stinker has the nerve to enjoy being stretched out in front of the fireplace even more than me. Jack you’d love it all the more if you were reading TWILIGHT too!

    I think that maybe, kind of, sort of I’ve gone over to the dark side. Although I’m not fully able to admit it here because I don’t want you all to throw it back in my face in a couple of months when there’s snow on the ground and I’m snuggled up cozy in front of the fire refusing to go out let alone workout.

    But the other evening after a particularly busy day with the teen twins, night had come with no workout. I went over the rest of the week on my head and it seemed that I would not get another chance for my daily workout. At this rate my training was going to quickly be blown. Oh well, shrug. What could I do? My life was too busy and look, it was time to get dinner started anyways. So sorry no workout for me. Shucks. Not.

    But then it dawned on me. I wasn’t really that late. I was just making excuses to push my needs aside and take the easy way out.
    So I quickly threw on my workout gear, said goodbye to Jack and the Dear Son, pushed dinner back one hour and headed out for my date with a Dreadmill. For once family could wait. It was time for me. I’m still running. Not strong yet, but still running.
    In other not so newsy news: I took the Housewives quiz. Wanna guess who I turned out to be? I’m a NeNe! Do you agree with that? All my friends out there shout it out. See I’m yet another step closer to Anderson. Just saying, again. Take the quiz here and see which housewife you are. I soooo want to know.
    What did you all think of the finale? Don’t these women with chefs crack you up? I’m so glad to know it’s a real possibility. And have you seen the chefs? I just wonder how the DH would react to having another man cooking in my kitchen all the time. He would so NOT be going for that. The Alpha male would be out in full force. There would be a cook off every night.

    But back to the show. What did you think of:

    Dallas laying it on the line with Kim.
    Mychael Knight sticking it to Sheree, but sweetly. I love him. He should have really put it all out there, but he’s such a gentleman.
    Then the big dinner. Whew.

    And did you see the preview for the reunion show? OMG! This makes me talk way too much. But little Lisa’s talking about flipping Malibu Barbie Kim over the couch. Till next week.


  • Real Housewives of Atl,  Reality tv,  Top Chef

    Back to Reality

    What’s Jack up to? I’m typing on the bed and he’s squeaking something under the bed. Shhh, Jack. Woman at work here.

    Catching up on the Hot Mess Housewives. Can you believe all that mess with NeNe and Sheree. If you ask me and I know you did. Sheree is totally playin’ Kim and her two faced self. And yeah I know NeNe shouldn’t have been singing that song but Kim should not be singing at all. What did Miss Jan say?

    How do you spell Cat? K-A-T. Oh Kim. Quick, is Africa a Continent or a Country?

    And Sheree’s fashion line. Sigh. First off, I have a huge problem with a designer that won’t pick up a pencil herself. I don’t care if you can’t sketch. Learn. The sketches don’t have to be perfect they just have to get your ideas across otherwise you’re a merchandiser not a designer. You have be able to Sketch, drape, sew or something. Preferably all of it. Once you’re big then you can farm it out. And was she seriously getting her samples the day before without any fittings? Yeah, she’s ready for the masses.

    Grrrrr… Can you tell it’s an issue with me from my fashion days? I actually wrote a whole book about it. A cute chicklit, um, sorry, young women’s fiction, romance where the girl makes good in the fashion industry. It was one of my first. I still have it if some smart editor out there wants to give it a go, give me a holla. It’s ready to roll.

    Now onto America’s Next Top Model. Finally it’s Buh Bye Majorie. No more whining.

    Buh-bye. Nuff said.

    Now for Top Chef!! It’s so good to be in New York.

    The show opens with scenes of my hometown. I’m excited but tired. Man, why can’t they put this on at 9. There are chefs arriving at Grand Central Station which I don’t get. There are no planes there only trains and none of the chefs are coming from Westchester where I am. No, the first is from Italy and the next is from San Fransisco. Next there are chefs arriving by ferry. Are they coming from Staten Island are New Jersey? I shrug.

    The chefs go onto Governor’s island and now I get the ferry. Man I am tired. Padma disappoints a few chefs by wearing jeans, but Tom does not in his purple shirt.

    There’s a quickfire elimination and a poor chef is already taken out. So sad, Lauren. No NY experience for you.

    No rest for the chefs they are quickly given their elimination challenge and draw knives for neighborhoods. The challenge is to cook a dish inspired by your neighborhood.

    The chefs cut it up in their cool new apartment not quite in the heart of things. Money is tight and the economy is BAD. But the view is awesome. Already there are pissing contests for the position of Alpha dog. My money is on Stefan with side money on quiet Gene. I don’t think Fabio is a real contender.

    Bummer for Hosea and Carla with Brighton Beach and Russian food. He doesn’t know the food and she’s waiting for her spirit guide. What?

    I’m suspecting some real characters this season.

    Back in the kitchen it’s the usual fun chaos and I’m so happy that top chef is back. Suddenly times up and the judges come in. Gail is covered up (Sorry David) and is it me or is she wobbly on her heels?

    There’s a face off and all I learn is that Richard has a crush on Tom. Big woop. Get in line, Mister.

    I’m happy to see the Not So Glad Room is back. Feels Like home.

    Spoiler Alert Ahead!!!!! Stop reading if you don’t want to know the outcome.






    The top three are: Leah, Stefan and Gene. The Winner is… Stefan.

    And The bottom two are: Patrick and Ariane. Saying Buh-bye is… Patrick. See ya kid.



  • Crushes,  Real Housewives of Atl,  Reality tv,  working out

    Oh Honey!

    I made it to the gym yesterday so, yay me. Too bad I got a stitch in my side about 5 minutes into my run. UGH!! With the stitch and the fact that a skinny chickadee hopped up on each of the dreadmills on both sides of me, burning at triple my shuffling pace, I so wanted to trip them up and go home. But I didn’t. I’m such a freakin’ lady.
    No, I slogged my way through, stitch and all.
    Yay me again!

    And check this out. See I told you Anderson takes his Real Housewives of Atlanta verrrry seriously.

    Oh Honey! (listen closely)

