Go On Baby
What’s Jack up to? I never found out what Jack got into or what he was trying to say with that look that he gave me the other day but he was a lot happier over the weekend since Nana came back up for a visit.
I’m thinking Jack would love it if Nana just moved in. I’m sure the Dear Twins would too since Nana spoils everyone on her path. It seems the word ‘no’ is no longer in her vocabulary. Man, it’s a whole lot different from when I was a kid and getting into all sorts of mess or at least trying too– you see in my day nothing got by Nana. But, I guess that’s the fun of her now being a great-grandmother. Getting to say ‘sure’ and ‘yes, go ahead baby’ then sitting back and watching the fun unfold.
Happy Monday!
photo from here
Summer Breeze
What’s Jack up to? Jack has been a happy dog these past few days with nothing but nice weather, treats and his favorite lady up from Harlem to pay him visit.
Yep, Nana has been hanging with Jack while the DH and I take the twins on some college tours and Jack could not be happier with long lazy days and nights on the porch and all the cuddles he wants.
Right now he’s enjoying a cool breeze, the nice view and probably wishing that summer could last forever.
Hope you all have a glorious weekend.
Dipping My Toe In
What’s Jack up to? Poor Jack is a sad dog today. He had Nana over for 5 days and now she’s gone back home to the city and without him in her carry all. Sorry Jack she’ll be back with sneaky treats soon.
Hello folks did you miss me? I missed you all during my week long blog break.
Though I missed you all it was nice to take a little break. This was still a busy week for me with the dear twins taking finals but today, the first day of summer, is their last so please wish them luck with me. Fingers crossed all goes well.
And I was lucky to have Nana over for quite a few days during my break and that was wonderful. She and I cooked (ok her mostly). We played lots of games of cards and planted my Impatients (you know the flower named after me).
So here I am dipping my toe back in the blog water and saying hi on the first day of Summer. Hopefully the water will be good.
Happy Summer!! Roll call…who’s with me? How are you spending the first day of Summer?
Like Old Times
What’s Jack up to? The Jackster is doing fine. He’s spent most of the weekend being his own demanding self and giving me this look which says can you get off your butt and get me a treat or something lady? This is usually following by an impolite nudge.
Here are a few pics from my weekend.Cocktail meatballs simmering for Nana’s Birthday get together and Pokeno game. Can you say Shweaty Balls?
And deviled eggs. Does anybody make them anymore? I do!
Then the game at Nana’s so much fun. We haven’t played in ages. When I was a kid Nana and her friends would play cards until the wee hours of the morning. Now it was the next generation’s turn and only one of Nana’s old friends (Mrs. G) got to come up to the apartment. We were all so glad to see her since she had not been well and was out of the hospital. She was so happy to play cards and party like the old days that she stayed up talking with Nana and closed the party at 2am!I hope you have a lovely week.
KwanaI’m On A Horse
Thanks so much to all of you for your sweet birthday wishes to Nana yesterday. Since she’s not on the Net at her place I will be printing the post out and sharing it with her this weekend when the family gets together to celebrate her birthday with good ol’ card games. I’m bringing Pokeno. I know she’ll be so thrilled to read all your comments.
As a thank you let’s all smile at the Old Spice guy for a moment shall we? Folks can’t stop talking about this commercial and it still gets me. So funny. Makes me want to buy soap on a rope.
KwanaHappy Birthday Nana
What’s Jack up to? Why he’ll have extra pep in his step today because today is the birthday of his best girl…NANA!
Happy Birthday Nana!Words cannot say how much we love you.You are the best grandmother a person could ever ask for and thebest Nana in the world…to everyone!Love,
Kwana, DH, DD,DS and
JackSuper Romance
What’s Jack up to? Jack is full and content though a bit sad after a lovely weekend visit from Nana where he was spoiled silly. He really does love her like crazy and she is just nuts for him. It’s too cute.
How was your weekend? Did you watch the Superbowl on Sunday? I watched quite a bit, that is until the last installment of Emma came on PBS at 9 then I was off. Though I know the story it was much more exciting than the Superbowl for me.
Did you watch? If you didn’t you can watch it online here.
Or at least take the: Bachelors of Highbury Quiz. I scored with Mr. Knightley. My Mr. Knightly!Best,KwanaP.S.Congrats Saints! I wonder will Kim get her ring now?Harlem Holidays
What’s Jack up to? Jack is doing great and recuperating from the excitement of Christmas. He had so much fun with family dropping in and by being totally spoiled by having Nana over with him for a few days so he was sad to see her go back home. I know, Jack me too. Thanks to all of you for your 2 year blogiversary well wishes. Who knew I could blab so much? Thanks again for sticking with me.A few of you were sweet enough to ask about Nana and she sends her holiday best wishes to you! I made sure to head to her place and take a few pictures to share this year’s Harlem Holiday Hallways with you. Here are Nana and my Aunt Cynthia saying Merry Christmas.
Cynthia along with other neighbors are the masters behind the WOW hallways. Can you believe they actually had lights this year? And the wrapping paper on each door is too funny, but I love it. A present in each apartment.
And they say neighbors don’t get together anymore. I think they do. All it takes is a little community care and friendly cooperation. Hmm…I wonder if the government is listening?Best,
KwanaNana not NaNo
Good Monday to you and wishing you a good week ahead.
Thanks so much for all the well wishes on my Nano challenge. Speaking of Nano, today I’m talking about Nana, my Nana. All my regular readers know her very well. She’s a regular here on the blog and Jack’s best girl well everyone’s really. Sweet as pie and can bake a heck of a pie. Smarter than anyone I know she also has the secret mouth of a sailor and can bring a hardened biker to his knees with lash of her quick tongue so stay on her good side. She’s also been a caregiver for many years since I was first born until she retired taking care of many children mostly for single mothers in Harlem. Lots of time for little pay, just doing what she could to help them get on their feet, have a job and take care of their children.
Well Nana got a fright on Halloween. I picked up the phone to give her a shout and say hi see if she was all ready for her trick or treaters. She was out of breath when she picked up the phone and I could tell she was upset.Me:What‘s wrong?
Nana: I’m just back from my pharmacy and something has got to give baby.
Me: What happened?
Nana: Well you know I have to take 6 pills a day since I’ve had these stints put in.
Sidebar: such a scary time for our family when Nana was ill over a year ago and we’re so grateful for her continued improving health.
Me: Yep
Nana: I can’t take how these costs keep going up. My income is fixed you know. My one pill that was $38.00 last month has jumped to over $90.00 this month and there is no alternative medicine. I have to take it. I can see why these little old people skip pills or meals. Anymore of this and no one will have to worry about me needing meds. I’ll end up with a heart attack.
Me: Oh Nana don’t say that.
Nana: It’s true. I get so mad over all this heath care bull@#*$. People putting a price on lives. Without the little help from my family that I get I’d be dead now. This is just awful. Something had to give. They have to pass a bill and stop messing around. It’s always the little people that suffer.Well, that’s it people there was much more said, but I won’t go into it. I was pissed and so was she so the rating on the blog would have to go up. So this is all I have to say is that. Tomorrow is Election Day. Please go out and vote and remember to be good stewards over all.
KwanaI’m Not Crying
What’s Jack up to? This video shows how Jack is feeling over Nana going back home after hanging with him for the past week. Poor, poor Jack.
I’ll be missing Nana too. We had a great time just chilling, playing cards, people watching and trying to keep Jack in line.Best,