Harlem Holidays
What’s Jack up to? Jack is doing great and recuperating from the excitement of Christmas. He had so much fun with family dropping in and by being totally spoiled by having Nana over with him for a few days so he was sad to see her go back home. I know, Jack me too.
Thanks to all of you for your 2 year blogiversary well wishes. Who knew I could blab so much? Thanks again for sticking with me.
A few of you were sweet enough to ask about Nana and she sends her holiday best wishes to you! I made sure to head to her place and take a few pictures to share this year’s Harlem Holiday Hallways with you. Here are Nana and my Aunt Cynthia saying Merry Christmas.
Cynthia along with other neighbors are the masters behind the WOW hallways. Can you believe they actually had lights this year? And the wrapping paper on each door is too funny, but I love it. A present in each apartment.
And they say neighbors don’t get together anymore. I think they do. All it takes is a little community care and friendly cooperation. Hmm…I wonder if the government is listening?