• home improvements,  jack,  jack pics

    DIY- Why!

    What’s Jack up to? Well Mr. Cutie got me a a book contest win on Twitter yesterday. I tweeted this picture of him and won a Dean Koontz book from agent Colleen Lindsay. Go Jackster! I’m sure it was the tail wag that did it.

    So I tackled the screen door yesterday. Man that thing took waaaayyy too much time and sweat.

    Here’s Jack doing his version of help. Check out the crazy eyes. Nope, he’s nothing like the handy dog from yesterday’s post. I sure could have used that dog.

    Of course after I got the old piece of screen out and the plastic tubing from that skinny little channel. Eek. (thanks needle nose pliers) It took an extra trip to the hardware store because the tubing I had was to thick to go back in. Ugh!

    And still it was too hard to put the tubing back in. Even when it was thinner. Ugh, again.
    Joe our lovely hardware guy gave me the ol’ head shake on my second trip. It would have been so much easier if I could have just taken the door off and brought it over for him to fix. But no. That wasn’t happening.
    So after much mumbling and swearing under my breath, I finally kinda sorta got it in. At least good enough to keep the bugs out for now. Look closely, that’s mesh!

    So, Until I feel like a do over, it’s gonna have be good enough. I’m tired and my poor hands can’t take it. I’m much better with a paint brush.
    There’s a reason they pay folks to do these things. But end the end total cost for the job: $9.00. Of course now I need a manicure so there’s the trade off.

  • jack,  jack pics,  life,  my view

    Howdy Monday

    What’s Jack up to? Right now he’s sitting next to me on the couch ever so sweetly. I swear you’d never believe he’s same rowdy, heck raising, chair knocking over, neighborhood terrorizing little nut job that kept me going mad this weekend. I guess it’s moments like this that keep me loving him.

    So how was your weekend?
    We still had some surprise pop-up storms in New York, but isn’t that just like life?
    Full of pop-up storms. And you’re forever dodging the raindrops or caught without your umbrella. Well,hopefully with the official start of summer the weather will get a little calmer so we can all breathe easy and relax a bit.

    Happy Monday!

  • jack pics,  life,  music,  my view,  videos

    Little Girl Blue

    What’s Jack up to? Cuteness!

    In keeping with the Ugh 40th birthday week theme this was filmed the year I was born, 1969. A talent gone way too soon. Janis Joplin. Little Girl Blue.

    What are you counting today? Blessings I hope.


  • inspiration,  jack,  jack pics

    My Wish

    What’s Jack up to? Mr. J is chilling hard. Sorry his updates have been sparse. This has been a tumultuous time for me and I did really need all the funny I could get last week. But Jack is good. Here he is just yesterday, cool as ice on the porch. Keeping and eye out to make sure no shenanigans are going on on the block. So serious he is, huh?

    Remember the little church that I keep passing? Here’s another good thought. I’m hoping for it for myself and for you too. We can all use a little peace within.

    I hope your Memorial Day Weekend is going well.

  • jack,  jack pics,  life,  motherhood,  my view,  sports,  Yankees

    Take Me Out to The Ball Game

    What’s Jack up to? Jack has not been happy with all the rain we’ve been having in New York. I have to practically pull him out the door for his walks. I hear you Jack. I’m not thrilled about it either dude.

    Last night I got to go to the new Yankee Stadium with The DH and DS.

    It was with mixed emotions that I went to the other side of the street abandoning the dear old Yankee Stadium of my youth. The one I used to walk across the 155st bridge to in the summer along with Nana, Mrs. George and a multitude of kids from the Harlem neighborhood where I spent every summer.

    But times change and there I was in the new brightly lit stadium with my own excited son. Even though the Stadium was new, I’m happy to say the characters remained the same.

    And a little romance in Beyond Heaving Bosoms at the game!

    It was an exciting game with a crazy tie up in the pouring rain in the 8th inning which resulted in a rain delay. But sadly, the Yanks went on to lose in the 10th. I’m tired today.

    Here I am in my fetching new Bronx Bombers Hat. I love it! Perfect for bad hair days and walking Jack.

    I hope you have a great day.



    Scroll down to talk The Fashion Show! Are you watching tonight?

  • jack,  jack pics,  my view

    Temper Tuesday

    What’s Jack up to? Oh that Jack is working my last nerve.

    Just add him to the list. He almost made it through the day yesterday without making it on the list with the rest of the folks and then last night I go in the kitchen for a moment, turn back to go in my bedroom and there is Jack standing on my bed like it’s perfectly normal.

    What!! Now I can take a lot but can’t stand for a dog on my bed. Do you know where Jack walks.

    Besides, I don’t even let the DH sleep with me without taking a bath!
    Now, Jack can sit anywhere else he wants in the house but not my bed and of course I had just put on fresh sheets.
    Ugh! Anybody want a dog for cheap?
    Yesterday was a pretty sucky day dealing with the Little teen twin ‘A’ aka The Drama Queen aka The Fire Starter. Sigh.

    Then in the afternoon I realized I spend so much time in my car due to the twins and I wished that Domino had done a Pimp My Ride edition before going belly up. I need a renovation.

    Oh well. I hope for a better day today. I plan on getting some reading done. I finished a big edit of my YA on Sunday night at around 1 am so hooray for me!

    Happy Cinco de Mayo everybody!


  • inspiration,  jack,  jack pics,  videos,  writing life

    Art and Fear- Two to Tango

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is doing his Monday chill (not that he didn’t chill the entire weekend). He’s all spruced up after getting a quick grooming on Sunday afternoon so he’s nice and clean and has a fresh new haircut. What more could a dog want?

    Lately, I’ve been in a strange head space that I don’t like at all. Cluttered, crowded and filled with all sorts of things and none of it what I really want. Lots if it putting little and sometimes big roadblocks in the path on the way to my dreams. Quite a bit of it all just necessary parts of life.

    But I have to wonder if some of it is just plain old fear. Fear, the ultimate life blocker. Freaking fear and his sister worry, they both suck and hang over at my place like annoying relatives that don’t know when they’ve overstayed their welcome.

    I saw this video of Elizabeth Gilbert author of Eat, Pray, Love, which I loved, a while back and shared it with friends. I recently watched it again over at the blog Make Under My Life and was once again moved so wanted to share to here.

    Happy Monday! I’ve got some work to do and some folks to send packing. How about you?


  • DIY,  gardens,  housekeeping,  jack,  jack pics

    DIY- Weekend

    Happy Sunday! What’s Jack up to? Jack was up bright and early although no one else was. He was ready to go and enjoy the crazy warm weather in NY.

    The DH and I were wiped out from our little DIY project yesterday of weather proofing our deck. Honestly, he did most of the work. As you can see from the above pic Jack did none. Brushing weatherproof on all those slats take a lot of time.

    Now I know why people pay the big buck to get it done by someone and yes, it did take extra trips back to Home Depot because we didn’t buy nearly enough. Ugh.
    Oh well, in the end, it was a job well done and money well saved.

    Today it’s onto garden work. Spring is here even though the thermometer says summer. Whew, slow it down Mother Nature.

    Have a great day!

  • home improvements,  jack,  jack pics,  life

    Stepping Pretty or Charles in Charge

    What’s Jack up to? Jack had a fun weekend. The weather was beautiful in New York so he got to spend lots of time outside yapping at the neighbors and being a general pain in the butt. Jack also got to enjoy our new porch.

    Which I’m now calling The Veranda.
    Sure it’s not quite large enough to be called a veranda but I feel like a proper lady when I step out on that freshly laid blue stone.
    This was such a necessary home improvement. Our front stairs were literally crumbling under our feet. It was so sad.

    Check out my porch top. Just chipped painted concrete.
    Side Wall was falling apart. That second step was a doozy.

    If you refer to my unfortunate event post here you’ll read how I was shocked early in the morning by our Stone Man Charles showing up early Monday morning with a full team and 2 trucks while I was still in my nightgown and hair a hot mess.

    But it was no matter, Charles and his team were ready to work. Shout out to my neighbor over at LoveMomWorkLife for finding him. It’s great to have friends. He came in at the last minute of bids and stole the show.

    Speaking of stealing the show, let’s talks about the team. Charles guys are all sweethearts, most with these Irish Brogues that will steal your heart right on down to his young sons who were out of school last week and stopped by for a visit.

    I had my driveway full of romance heroes for a week. Just bliss. The DD could not wait to get home from school every day.

    And in less than a week. Voila! Beauty meets function.

    His stone cutters are artisans that are passionate about their work (I’m talking you Elvis!) Yes, we got into it over ¼ of an inch and one or two stones but I can appreciate that being an artist myself. In the end it was all love and the details were beautiful.Can you believe how they cut the stone to fit around my railing?

    Not to mention as they were power washing the stone Charles did my deck and house too. Love him!

    If you’re in the New York Area C & P Paving are the go to guys. Here are The DH and Charles happy that the job is done. So what the kid’s college tuition is gone. Who am I fooling? It was never really there in the first place.

    And Jack’s already loving it!

    I hope you had a good weekend. What’s on for the week?



  • bad dog,  happy holidays,  jack,  jack pics

    Jack’s Easter

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is recuperating from his exciting Easter celebrations. What a day he had!

    While we were at church I had the foresight to move the plate of chocolates off the kitchen table but left the hard boiled eggs surely they were safe. Not.

    We get home a few hours later to terrible eggy smell. Jack had climbed on the table took a couple of eggs and, I kid you not, peeled them, and ate the eggs. He left the peelings on the couch. What is with that dog? I swear to you, one of the eggs he ate was the one I made for him that said “Good Dog” and had his little drawing. Jokes on me!

    Then on the way down to Harlem and Nana’s house “she just had to have him over for Easter.” He would not sit on my lap. Whining and crying. Would not stop. I wondered why.
    My DH said let him go.
    What? Why?
    Just let him go.

    Spoiled dog. This is why I can’t do a thing with him.
    Note. When he’s with me, he’s much more well behaved (sort of). I do not condone this bad behavior at all.

    At Nana’s he ate anything and everything. Knocked over suspicious drinks and lapped them up. Did the dog come home drunk off daiquiris? I don’t know. Just crazy. Well, Jack had quite a time.

    I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I could gripe like crazy about all the mishaps with mine but why? I’ll save it for a rainy day. Or not.

