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    2 Kids A Dog and a giveaway

    What’s Jack up to? Why Jack is helping me make new friends on this here internet. Way to earn your keep Jack.

    I’d love to introduce you to Alexia and her family from 2 Kids and A Dog. Alexia got in touch with me after checking out my blog and seeing that we have so much in common being that I have 2 kids and a dog too (although mine are considerably larger. College soon ouch). Alexia is an American mom now married and living in Rome. Cool huh?

    Well, I went to Alexia’s site and fell in love with her wit and humor. Seriously she had me practically falling off my chair laughing at her family webisodes.

    Meet mom here:

    And watch some of the funny here:

    And go here to check out the rest of the cool family and laugh some more.

    Alexia is giving away one of her fun calendars to a lucky commenter and as a bonus I’m throwing in 2 romances from my overflowing shelves (yeah the DH will like this giveaway a lot).

    So comment away. The drawing well be held on Wednesday evening (um sometime before I conk out for the night. 11-ish?) Sounds official huh?



  • blogs,  inspiration,  life


    With Spring in the air I’m feeling the need for a change. It’s time for a long overdue sprucing up on ye’ old blog.

    But as with all change it’s a little scary. I have tried going at it with help from the professionals but it was not meant to be so I’m taking matters into my own hands and working on things myself-ish (a little help from friends is nice).

    But, I love control anyway and sometimes it’s better to control your own destiny. At least that’s what I tell my kids (cut to me biting my nails).
    I have long wanted to go from Blogger to WordPress or maybe do a Full Blown Site so wish me luck (Lord knows I don’t want to lose a bloggy thing). So please keep checking back here for updates and hopefully a new home coming soon.
    Time to spread my wings!

    Have any of you made some significant changes lately or are planning to?


    images from here.

  • blogs,  inspiration,  jack,  my view,  pics

    Help When You Need It

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is doing good. The silly little dog is having a day with the dear twins since is been officially called a snow day so the weekend begins early at my house. Enough with the snow please. I’m done.

    And yes, this was a huge honking storm. Trees down and all that. My DH got stuck and his car couldn’t make it up the hill coming home last night. Thankfully he was in front of the town’s fire house and a bunch of young guys came out and pushed his car up the hill.
    It’s so good to have help when you need it.
    These pics were taken at night.

    Then later when walking Jack late in the evening he saw a huge tree had fallen around the corner. Of course I had to go out and see. Down right on the power lines.

    On our walk suddenly the big guns were out, this huge tractor. The driver was so funny. He pulled up beside us and said, “Did you call a cab?” Yep, Good to have help when you need it.

    Speaking of help when you need it… Laura from Shore(house) Chic blog is doing a Help for Haiti auction over at her blog. Because they still need so much help and will for a long time to come. Laura has some wonderful handmade pieces to go to the highest bidder. Go here to check it out.


  • awards,  blogs,  my view

    I’d Like To Thank The Academy…

    I’ve been surprised and honored to receive some very kind (though I’m not sure deserved) awards for ye ol’ blog here. On behalf of myself and the Jackster I’d like to give hearty thanks. Uh-oh here comes the ugly cry.

    The first was the Over The Top award from Christine from over at The Happily Ever After.
    The Over The Top Award is given to blogging friends whose blogs you consider over the top, in a complimentary way, of course. As in, they are “far more than usual or expected; extraordinary.”
    Now receiving this award tell me I need to go even further to be a little more Over The Top. Look out world I’m coming for ya! Thanks so much Christine. You can visit Christine here.
    Before passing this award on I have to complete this little survey. Okay. I’m game.

    Your cell phone? Blackberry Storm

    Your hair? Hot Mess
    Your mother? Wild
    Your father? Passed away
    Your favorite food? Too many to choose
    Your dream last night? Deep
    Your favorite drink? coffee
    Your dream/goal? To be happy
    What room are you in? Bedroom
    Your hobby? Reading and Knitting and TV
    Your fear? So many
    Where do you want to be in 6 years? A multi published author
    Where were you last night? home
    Something that you aren’t? Patient
    Muffins? Sometimes
    Wish list item? Marc Jacobs Lisa bag.
    Where did you grow up? New York City
    Last thing you did? Washed Dishes. So glamorous
    What are you wearing? Sweater and flamer pj’s
    Your TV? old. Really, it has a turn dial.
    Your pets? Jack the wonder dog
    Friends? sweet
    Your life? Complicated
    Your mood? Complicated
    Missing someone? always
    Vehicle? Ford Edge
    Something you’re not wearing? shoes
    Your favorite store? bookstore
    Your favorite color? Green sometimes other times,black.
    When was the last time you laughed? Hmm… Must get on that.
    Last time you cried? Hmmm… sure it won’t be long now.
    Your best friend? Loyal
    One place that you go to over and over? Bathroom. TMI?
    Facebook? 1 x a day. Not a huge fan
    Favorite place to eat? Johnny’s on City Island

    Now I’m supposed to pass the award to 5 other Over The Top Bloggers. Okay Dokey!
    Kate at Babbling about Books

    Jax’s Artistic Journey

    Now the fun doesn’t stop there I received yet another award. Man, you’d think I starred in Precious or at least Avatar and was painted blue with all the awards.

    I received a Beautiful Blogger award from Tia at Stoic which is a super cool blog that you really need to check out. Beautiful? Wow. Look at me blushing.

    Now of course all things come with a little catch and you have to pay in order to play so here are the rules behind the award:
    1. Thank & link to the person that gave you the award
    Thanks so much Tia. You really are the fairest of them all. Link here.

    2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered & think are fantastic.
    15? I agree with Tia. These folks are not playing around but ok. Check out these cool peeps. Some may be a bit older than the rest but you won’t be sorry. Click away:

    3. Contact said Blogs & let them know they’ve won
    Uh, don’t they have Google alerts for that? Sigh ok.

    4. State 7 things about yourself

    Come on. You people must be bored with me by now. Sorry if I repeat myself:
    1. I can’t walk in heels. My feet instantly hurt. I wish I could though.
    2. I usually have at least one twin pissed at me. Ugh. Parenting sucks.
    3. I really love shrimp. Wish I had some right now.
    4. I adore a good bath. I’d like a nice hot bath at having a nice plate of shrimp.
    5. Throw some pasta with those shrimp and I’d be extra happy
    6. Put it all in Italy and make my day. I really want to go there one day.
    7. Maybe on a book trip?

    Whew. I made it. Thanks for reading and playing along. At least I hope you do. I really am honored to be thought of and so grateful to all of you who stop on my and hang with me every day.


  • bad dog,  blogs,  jack

    My Space- Check It Out

    What’s Jack up to? Mr. Jack has been just feeling hot lately. Being snippy and peppy. His most fun this week? Driving me crazy by getting into the trash whenever he can. We have one of those step-on cans that has a slow close lid that doesn’t just slam shut so it won’t take off a finger or make a ton of noise. Well, Jack is very aware of this and and just lays in wait for a person to throw away some food and then walk away while the lid is still closing so he can make his move. Yeah, Life with Jack is never dull.

    So what’s up with me? Well, my exciting news is I was featured over at one of my absolute favorite blogs yesterday The Musings of Ondo Lady! I’ve been a fan of Ronke and her cool British style since I first learned of the blog world and was honored when she interviewed me for one of her My Space pieces. Please stop by here and check it out. Thanks.

  • blogs,  inspiration,  my view

    Letter to My Younger Self

    The dear Chocolate Covered Daydreams has put up a challenge on her blog here to go with a pretty great giveaway. The challenge is to write a letter to your younger self. In it she asks what would you say, would you be serious or funny? Tough call. There is so much I’d want to say to myself and so much that I’m still in the process of learning but here goes:

    Dear Young Kwana,

    Relax, it’s not all that bad. Stand tall and when you smile mean it, when you laugh mean it and when you cry mean that too. Slow down and take your time because time is all you have. Realize now how precious it is and please don’t waste so much of it worrying. Trust yourself and have faith that you will make it through. Always.
    Oh and you are really beautiful. Did you know that?

    Don’t dream it, be it.


    P.S. don’t forget to scroll down and enter my PVE giveaway. Thanks.

  • blogs,  booksquawk,  jack

    Book Squawking

    What’s Jack up to? Jack had a calm and, I think for a dog, pleasant weekend this weekend. Knowing Jack he thought it was a bore. The weather was nice, so decent walks and the nights were cool, so good sleep. That plus food and treats what more could he want? With Jack-trouble.

    Today I’m happy to introduce you to a new blog called Booksquawk. It’s a writer’s book review blog and I’m honored to be one of the contributors. The tagline for the blog is: really good book reviews by professional writers.
    Now that for me is humbling. Really good? Hmm… I’m not so sure. Now I’m new to this review game, but, um, let’s just see how it goes. Shall we?
    And as for the professional writer part… I don’t think I’ve been a professional since my fashionista days and I sometimes had to wear heels and even then it was kinda loosey goosey. But hey, I am writing and I do want it to be my profession so, well, I guess that counts. Hey, they called me. I don’t know who did their background checks.
    Either way the cool thing about Booksquawk is that all different genres will be represented since the contributing writers have such varied tastes (yeah, expect some romance from me, yay!).
    So there is lots to look forward to and you may find a new favorite author.

    Please stop by Booksquawk here and stop by often because new reviews are popping up all the time. Heck, if you’re feeling fancy become a follower and get a big cyber type smooch from me! Thanks.
    Oh and scroll down on Booksquawk to read my review of ACCORDING TO JANE by Marilyn Brant. Thanks again!


  • blogs,  jack,  jack pics,  PVE

    Walking with Friends

    Jack took a stroll yesterday with one of his oldest friends, Bentley!

    Though they paid each other little attention each going their own way.
    And Jack clearly was in no mood to be photographed. Ugh, paparazzi!

    But he was happy to catch up with this friend and so was I.

    Patricia of pve design. Why don’t you pop over here and give her a Hi. I’m sure she’ll have something inspiring to get you over this hump day.

    P.S. I’m still rolling along with The NaNowrimo challenge. The words are addling up nicely. Yesterday was a bit of a bust with the being election day and the kids out of school, but I hope to put it in a higher gear today. I think I can hear you all cheering me on from your homes. Thanks.

  • authors,  blogs,  Books,  Lady Jane's Salon

    Smart Women Reading

    What’s Jack up to? The Jackster is chilling still recuperating after a busy Halloween weekend. Spending much of his time under the bed or lazing about in the couch. For Halloween he just about barked himself out with the ringing doorbell. My favorite was him trying to push through the glass door and my little neighbor girl dressed as a very annoyed nun holding it shut with one hand and looking at him with reproach and he bounced up and down just tuckering his self out.
    Last night I did my monthly escape to Lady Jane’s Salon. New York’s only romance reading series and once again had a fine time.
    This month the featured guests were:
    New York Times and USA today Bestselling Author Caridad Pineiro.

    Caridad read from her newest book Sins of the Flesh. A sexy paranormal suspense novel that at times can hit a little to close to home. You can check out Caridad here.

    Also reading was Joanne Rendell who did a mock play of sorts with excerpts from her book Crossing Washington Square with the help of a hilariously funny cast of helpers.
    It’s the story of two strong willed university professors and the tensions between them. Check out Joanne, her musings and her first release here.

    Lastly, helping to MC the night was Elizabeth Kerri Mahon of the Scandalous Women blog who was celebrating her birthday while dressed as Marie Antoinette who shares the same birthday! Happy Birthday again Elizabeth. You looked wonderful. You can check out Elizabeth’s scandalous blog here.

    Please remember to vote today. Thanks.

  • blogs,  fashion,  friends,  movies

    Anna and Grace a Love Story

    Hello Monday! How was the weekend everyone? It’s sort of still going on with it being a holiday today and the family is home.

    This weekend I did get in a bit of fun going to see The September Issue with my good buddy PVE. Now Patricia was the perfect person to see this with since we’ve been friends for X number of years when we were both still working in fashion BC (before children).

    I thoroughly enjoyed The September Issue or Anna and Grace A Love Story as I’m calling it.

    The whole story arc that pitted Anna Wintour and Grace Coddington (Vogue’s creative director) against each other, but still united in their love of fashion and Vogue was wonderful. I was sucked in by the fact that both women started at Vogue on the same day over 20 years ago. Oh, to be a fly on the wall in those days.

    It does make me wonder if people will one day think of me and my friend PVE once we’re both big names. Her a famous artist and me a bestselling author (wink,wink-Universe).

    Will they wonder how we were back all those years when we were still cubicle girls in the fashion biz? Still wide eyed dreamers tottering on our heels and looking for recognition. I wonder.
    I do know we’ll still be dreamers.

    Once a dreamer, always a dreamer.
