blogs,  inspiration,  life


With Spring in the air I’m feeling the need for a change. It’s time for a long overdue sprucing up on ye’ old blog.

But as with all change it’s a little scary. I have tried going at it with help from the professionals but it was not meant to be so I’m taking matters into my own hands and working on things myself-ish (a little help from friends is nice).

But, I love control anyway and sometimes it’s better to control your own destiny. At least that’s what I tell my kids (cut to me biting my nails).
I have long wanted to go from Blogger to WordPress or maybe do a Full Blown Site so wish me luck (Lord knows I don’t want to lose a bloggy thing). So please keep checking back here for updates and hopefully a new home coming soon.
Time to spread my wings!

Have any of you made some significant changes lately or are planning to?


images from here.


  • Debra

    I can't wait to see what you're up to! With spring in the air-it's the perfect time for some little changes.

  • pve design

    Funny how a change can bring about a whole new look!
    I know you will be just like that lovely butterfly!

  • Joyce

    I don't believe this first Patricia, then Deb and now you are posting things after my own heart! Smile… I have been wanting to do some blog changes too, but so afraid! I have been trying to figure out how some blogs have the little icons on the right that you click and brings to another page. I have so many loves I feel my blog role is turning into the yellow pages. Smile…
    One thing I like about spring is spring cleaning. I know I'm a little off my rocker. Hugs my friend. xo

  • Andrea

    Just make sure wherever you go…you put a google follower button so we can all go with you.

  • Chocolate Covered Daydreams

    I wanted to go to WP but I chickened out after I saw how much harder it seemed to be. Maybe for my birthday my son in law will surprise me with a blog makeover.

    I can't wait to see all the cool things you plan to do with your blog.

  • Maureen McGowan

    I've been thinking about wordpress, too… But would be happy with just moving to a full screen blog like you have… Was it a template? or did you figure out the code yourself.

  • A Day That is Dessert

    I love change; if I were more savvy with photoshop and the like I'd probably do something dramatically different on a regular basis.

  • Laurie at mizwrite

    Hi, Kwana! I've always used WordPress, so I actually find Blogger harder! I think it's just whatever you learned on seems "easier," but WordPress isn't hard at all.

    However, Important note: the free version (the "dot com") doesn't allow javascript. So a lot of the buttons you have in your sidebar (if they are javascript, and they probably are) wouldn't import to your free WordPress blog. Also, free WordPress doesn't allow Google Adsense.

    For these reasons, I switched to the paid WordPress (the "dot-org" one). I had to buy my own domain name to do so.

    But I'm happy with the switch.

    Why are you thinking of switching? To have more freedom of design?

  • Kwana

    Thanks so much for all the advice and thanks to you Laurie for your words. I will go with the hosted wordpress. Yes I want to have more design freedom and to have more pages to play with.