• jack,  kids,  life,  motherhood

    Manic Monday

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is really going stir crazy with all the rain. You get a glimpse of sun then in a flash it gone replaced by torrents or rain that seem like they’ll never stop. Sadly, the forecast in not so hot for the next few days. Sorry, Jack I’m over it too.

    Yep, It’s another Manic Monday. Man, they come around so fast. We’re in the last week of school here in NY. The last bit of finals for the Dear Twins, then I hope for a bit of the wildness to die down. We’ll see. Does it ever really? Nope. In the meantime I’m cracking that whip and lacing up my skates.

    What’s on tap for your week?


  • kids,  life,  motherhood,  stress

    Getting Testy

    What’s Jack up to? Jack’s had a fun weekend. A little sun a lot of rain, but he did his best to stay feisty through it all. So very Jack.
    This week starts a strange and stressful 2 weeks at my house of testing and finals for my twins. So there is no real set school schedule. The kids will be just going in for their tests and whatever extra test prep that they can be coaxed into and they both can surely use.

    I’ll be on the edge of my seat hoping they do as well as possible to pull it all out for the end of the year. There will be some days on and some off for them and around it all I’ll be on call for, well, whatever. Very stressful for any mom. Time to put on my roller skates and try and not get too testy myself.

    What’s on tap for your week?

  • inspiration,  motherhood,  my view

    Temptation vs. Tests

    What’s Jack up to? Jack’s been busy this weekend trying hard to get his fair share of attention through the ups and downs of family mess and me just being dog tired. He’d come over to my side of the bed as I’d lay there not wanting to move and give a low whisper woof and a little nudge of the bed. Then when I didn’t move he’d amp it up to a whine and a shove until finally it was an all out bark and, “get up woman and get me out side!”

    This has been a week of strife. Finally on Saturday night I sent out this tweet in frustration:
    “If this is all a test- I’ll take my F now. Washing machine breaks down full of wet clothes. Blow dryer takes out half the lights in my house”
    It just seems that it’s all been one big pile on after another. I’m sure many of you out there know how that is especially if you have kids and extra especially if you have teens. We won’t even get into the “R” word.
    The young adult novel that I’m working on is just right about there. So close to done, but really not done because it’s in the editing stage. The toughest stage of all for me. When I’m getting feedback from my critique partners that can make the fragile neurotic writer in me quickly turn into the stereotypical doom and gloom alkie.
    Thankfully, things happen to give me that much needed push to go on and away from the bottle. Whew!
    I was wiped out on Sunday with a migraine and didn’t want to go to church but the DD did. I think to see friends. So I got up and out. There was a guest preacher, the mother of one of the ministers on our staff.
    The young minister got up to introduce his mom and the way he spoke just warmed my heart. Speaking off the cuff about the woman who, “had to lay Godly hands on him” when he was almost kicked out of school as a young boy, but was the smartest and best woman he knows. I laughed and knew I was there for a reason.
    Then she opened her mouth and started to speak about being Tested versus being Tempted. That confirmed it. Headache or not, yep, I was in the right place. The words that got me were that temptation is put forward for you to fail. A Test is set up for you to pass. I’ve never thought of it that way.
    I’ve been tempted plenty of times to give up on things like hard projects or diets or worse this writing dream. Saying, it’s too hard I can’t do it, I’m not talented enough. But it’s all just really a test. And like I tell my children, there are no shortcuts and I must keep persevering until I pass this and all my other tests.
    I know I will.

    Have you been Tempted lately? Think of it as just a Test. One you can Ace!

    Just as a but of added conformation my DD got word late in the evening that she made Dance Company (remember the audition a few weeks ago). She didn’t make it last year but as a mom I didn’t let her give up and her spirit didn’t let her either. She passed the test.


  • jack,  motherhood,  my view

    Motherly Love

    What Jack up to? Well, Jack is making my life just as lovely as ever. Climbing on the table last night and eating and entire plate of penne with sausage and tomato sauce before anyone could say, boo. I’m trying to just keep on taking deep cleansing breaths. Ohmmmmm

    First off; The Fashion Show, did you watch? I sure did. While it’s no Project Runway, I enjoyed it. It was a nice, refreshing change and will keep me entertained while I hold out for PR on that heart wrenching movie channel that I can never keep up with.

    I thought the pack of hot mess designers were just hilarious. Well done. And let me say I didn’t give cute Kelly Rowland enough credit for being able to throw the barbs. Very nice. That “Hanging by a thread,” line had me howling. As for Isaac, he’s always fun to watch.

    Well, it’s Mother’s Day weekend and that got me thinking about the best movies that capture the spirit of mothers. My mom had us at the theater seeing this little gem on its opening weekend.

    Come on you know you wanna laugh or at least snort a bit. It’s totally un-PC but that’s okay. I’m not telling. Funny how 28 years later I’m looking at Joan in a new light, slightly tilting my head.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend whether you’re a mom or not. Please celebrate in a special way. Have a happy.

    Oh and check out this sweet message sent to me by my bud PVE here . It’s nice to have a little love from your friends.

    Much Love!

  • jack,  jack pics,  life,  motherhood,  my view,  sports,  Yankees

    Take Me Out to The Ball Game

    What’s Jack up to? Jack has not been happy with all the rain we’ve been having in New York. I have to practically pull him out the door for his walks. I hear you Jack. I’m not thrilled about it either dude.

    Last night I got to go to the new Yankee Stadium with The DH and DS.

    It was with mixed emotions that I went to the other side of the street abandoning the dear old Yankee Stadium of my youth. The one I used to walk across the 155st bridge to in the summer along with Nana, Mrs. George and a multitude of kids from the Harlem neighborhood where I spent every summer.

    But times change and there I was in the new brightly lit stadium with my own excited son. Even though the Stadium was new, I’m happy to say the characters remained the same.

    And a little romance in Beyond Heaving Bosoms at the game!

    It was an exciting game with a crazy tie up in the pouring rain in the 8th inning which resulted in a rain delay. But sadly, the Yanks went on to lose in the 10th. I’m tired today.

    Here I am in my fetching new Bronx Bombers Hat. I love it! Perfect for bad hair days and walking Jack.

    I hope you have a great day.



    Scroll down to talk The Fashion Show! Are you watching tonight?

  • life,  motherhood,  my view,  stress

    Caution-Woman at Rest

    Hello Friday.

    There are a million things that I could be doing today and it would bore you all to list them all here. I may do one, two, possibly three. No, not three.

    But today is the last day before the week off spring break which is sure to be a very busy time in my house with me playing, Julie the Cruise director to my family. No matter how many times I tell them that is not my title or role.

    So today I’m going to take some time for myself to think, meditate, write, and rest. Block out a little Kwana time. Sometimes you have to steal it where you can.

    photo taken at Kykuit Rockerfeller estate

    I hope you have a good day.


  • motherhood,  music,  teens,  videos

    It’s Got A Good Beat And You Can Dance To It

    Happy Fab Friday People! Well, another week has flown by. What’s up with that? The calender says Spring. There are even crocus cropping up here and there but the thermometer here in New York clearly did not get the memo.

    Yesterday I was doing the mommy afternoon drive thing with the DD. Joy and fun with teens right? And when this happens you lose all control of your car radio especially with my girl. Cut to me cringing with the rapid fire speed of the station changing.

    So this is what’s playing in my 15 year old’s ears and subsequently what’s playing in my ears too right about now. I can’t deal with some of her music, but some I really do like. And hey, she does go for a lot of my 80’s stuff and she gets Prince. The girl has some good taste. In honor of Fab Friday and Simply Seleta Enjoy some Fab teen/mom questionable bonding music.

    The Ting Tings

    Kid Cudi

    Prince baby


  • jack,  motherhood,  my view,  teens

    Time to Make The Donuts

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is being Jack. He has been a sweetie to me, being so concerned while I’ve been out of it with my back ,but also taking advantage of my slow movements by getting into all sorts of mess like the trash, climbing on tables, going into the kids bags then sprinting under the beds where he knows I can’t go. Be warned, Jack. I will be better soon.

    As to that I’m determined to get up and out today. I feel a bit better. The back is still hurting some, but it’s not excruciating and I’ve got way too much to do to stay in bed any longer. No matter enticing that may be. Besides, the DH can no longer wait on me. Somebody’s got to make the donuts. And I’ve got my own job to do.

    The DD’s dance recital this weekend was wonderful and she was great. Just the best in my not so humble opinion! But honestly, all the girls did a beautiful job. I’m always blown away by the professional show that they, along with their very talented teachers, put together every year. I’m also grateful for the extra performances that they put on for charity. The fact that they give back to the community is wonderful and makes me proud.

    I hope you all have a good week ahead. One that is not too busy with a little down time scheduled in. As for me plan to walk lightly, drive slowly and write a lot.


  • motherhood,  teens

    The Love Connection

    Another Saturday. I’ll be shuffling slowly to see my DD in her yearly dance recital tonight. It’s always such a joy to watch her dance. She’s so beautiful and talented.

    I know there will be that usual moment where for a second I’ll look and not see the 15 year old young woman she is, but will still see the little 4 your old she was taking her first awkward dance steps. I imagine she will look out and search for me, it won’t show, but I know she will do it. With her heart. She’ll feel me there willing her on through the crowd of hundreds. I’ll feel energy coming back at me. For a moment we’ll be one. In the end I’ll cheer extra loud and let out a big “Woo Hoo!” in the elegant theater to be sure she hears me. She’ll smile big and bow quickly before running off stage.

    Later she’ll roll her eyes and say I’m soooo embarrassing. Her father will be mad at her for saying it. I won’t take it personally. Not this time. I know it’s expected. I know it’s still love. I’ll know we were one back there on that stage. Just like then all those years ago. It’s the same now. I’m still Mom and she’s still my Dear Daughter.

    It’s a Love Connection.


  • blogs,  life,  motherhood,  my view

    Alter Ego Hotness

    Don’t ya wish your Alter Ego was hot like me? Don’t cha? Well she or he can be. Just go make one for yourself. I’m so thankful to my buddy Mel Francis (her book Bite Me is ready for pre-order now at Amazon yo!) and her Month of Mel challenge for sending me over to The Hero Factory to create her. Isn’t she the Hottest. Too bad I’m not feeling quite up to her kick butt status just yet.

    I went to have my back checked out and the doctor feels I have a pinched nerve. The lesson here is listen to your body. Really listen. You see I’ve been having a problem with my big toe on my left foot for quite a while that has taken me off track with my running challenge. Giving me annoying pain that has me saying, Hmm… I really need to check this out… someday. Well, yesterday while barely being able to stand in the doctor’s office without holding the wall and having to have my DH help me to the bathroom. I said to the doctor, this is probably unrelated, but I have this crazy pain in my toe. He tell me it’s not unrelated at all. The nagging toe pain was a symptom of my pinched nerve.

    So all of you ‘do for everyone else in the world first’ out there folks take a cue from me. Listen to your body and get things checked out. Make yourself a priority. Those little things may be telling you something big.
