jack,  motherhood,  my view

Motherly Love

What Jack up to? Well, Jack is making my life just as lovely as ever. Climbing on the table last night and eating and entire plate of penne with sausage and tomato sauce before anyone could say, boo. I’m trying to just keep on taking deep cleansing breaths. Ohmmmmm

First off; The Fashion Show, did you watch? I sure did. While it’s no Project Runway, I enjoyed it. It was a nice, refreshing change and will keep me entertained while I hold out for PR on that heart wrenching movie channel that I can never keep up with.

I thought the pack of hot mess designers were just hilarious. Well done. And let me say I didn’t give cute Kelly Rowland enough credit for being able to throw the barbs. Very nice. That “Hanging by a thread,” line had me howling. As for Isaac, he’s always fun to watch.

Well, it’s Mother’s Day weekend and that got me thinking about the best movies that capture the spirit of mothers. My mom had us at the theater seeing this little gem on its opening weekend.

Come on you know you wanna laugh or at least snort a bit. It’s totally un-PC but that’s okay. I’m not telling. Funny how 28 years later I’m looking at Joan in a new light, slightly tilting my head.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend whether you’re a mom or not. Please celebrate in a special way. Have a happy.

Oh and check out this sweet message sent to me by my bud PVE here . It’s nice to have a little love from your friends.

Much Love!