• Grateful,  home improvements,  inspiration,  life,  my view


    What’s Jack up to? Jack is being his usual self. He was out back doing fine hanging with the family until a couple of guys walked down the block that he didn’t know then he was off like a shot sending the DH after him with promises of the moon if he’d just come back. How do you solve a problem like Jack? Well… how?
    I stole the title of this post from Deidre over at Jumping Tandem after seeing her eerily similar post. This morning the DD came running down. “Mom did you see the tree in the backyard. I was so scared it was going to crash through my window!”

    What?! How did I sleep through that one?

    I jumped up and yep, there was a huge tree limb that fell just missing the house. It was from about 50 feet up so I’m sure it would have caused significant damage. It was also about 16 feet long.

    I’m feeling very grateful today and thanking God for keeping us safe while I was snoring the night away. Oh, scratch that last part. There’s no way I was snoring (Ignore any rogue comments from the DH). LOL.

  • inspiration,  my view,  writing life

    The Magic Box

    Inspiration. Who knows where it comes from. For me it comes from everywhere and at the worst and most important times nowhere at all. Sigh.

    I was checking out TED which I love. Trolling for inspiration and a little motivation when I came across this wonderful talk from Lost creator J.J. Abrams.

    It’s so good especially for this quote: “That blank page is a magic box.” What a fresh way to look at it. With magic. It’s a way to open your work up to endless possibilities. Taking away the restrictions of the critic sitting on your shoulder or the evil little troll in your head saying, “oh no you can’t do it that way or go in that direction.”

    Then he gets into the magic of the mystery box. The lure of anticipation, the unknown and the excitement of it. Watch and enjoy.

    What’s your mystery box? Mine is a Dell and my Nikon and of course my crazy Gemini mind.


  • inspiration,  Michael Jackson,  motherhood,  my view


    Yesterday when the family was going to pick Nana up to bring her back for a visit we decided to drive by the Apollo theater to see the marquee with the the memorial to Michael Jackson. We had heard on the news about all the folks who had come gathered there as soon as the news of Michael’s death got out. Well, it didn’t seem that the days break slowed the tide.

    There was still many people gathered and music being played. Like everyone, when I first heard I was shocked and saddened. Like I said yesterday, he was my first crush. What I was not prepared for was how upset my DD would be over the news. I mean she’s a whole generation behind me. How can this be? Well, she was almost inconsolable. My good friend, her God mother, who was also a HUGE fan eventually got her smiling with stories of how the two of us once dressed in our Thriller outfits to go out to the movies and we thought we were soooo cool. I had not shared that with the DD:)

    In the end the DD and I got out of the car as my DH double parked. We signed the makeshift memorial cardboard to say our own goodbyes and thanks to Michael for giving us music and memories that touched both our hearts.


  • inspiration,  jack,  jack pics

    My Wish

    What’s Jack up to? Mr. J is chilling hard. Sorry his updates have been sparse. This has been a tumultuous time for me and I did really need all the funny I could get last week. But Jack is good. Here he is just yesterday, cool as ice on the porch. Keeping and eye out to make sure no shenanigans are going on on the block. So serious he is, huh?

    Remember the little church that I keep passing? Here’s another good thought. I’m hoping for it for myself and for you too. We can all use a little peace within.

    I hope your Memorial Day Weekend is going well.

  • inspiration,  motherhood,  my view

    Temptation vs. Tests

    What’s Jack up to? Jack’s been busy this weekend trying hard to get his fair share of attention through the ups and downs of family mess and me just being dog tired. He’d come over to my side of the bed as I’d lay there not wanting to move and give a low whisper woof and a little nudge of the bed. Then when I didn’t move he’d amp it up to a whine and a shove until finally it was an all out bark and, “get up woman and get me out side!”

    This has been a week of strife. Finally on Saturday night I sent out this tweet in frustration:
    “If this is all a test- I’ll take my F now. Washing machine breaks down full of wet clothes. Blow dryer takes out half the lights in my house”
    It just seems that it’s all been one big pile on after another. I’m sure many of you out there know how that is especially if you have kids and extra especially if you have teens. We won’t even get into the “R” word.
    The young adult novel that I’m working on is just right about there. So close to done, but really not done because it’s in the editing stage. The toughest stage of all for me. When I’m getting feedback from my critique partners that can make the fragile neurotic writer in me quickly turn into the stereotypical doom and gloom alkie.
    Thankfully, things happen to give me that much needed push to go on and away from the bottle. Whew!
    I was wiped out on Sunday with a migraine and didn’t want to go to church but the DD did. I think to see friends. So I got up and out. There was a guest preacher, the mother of one of the ministers on our staff.
    The young minister got up to introduce his mom and the way he spoke just warmed my heart. Speaking off the cuff about the woman who, “had to lay Godly hands on him” when he was almost kicked out of school as a young boy, but was the smartest and best woman he knows. I laughed and knew I was there for a reason.
    Then she opened her mouth and started to speak about being Tested versus being Tempted. That confirmed it. Headache or not, yep, I was in the right place. The words that got me were that temptation is put forward for you to fail. A Test is set up for you to pass. I’ve never thought of it that way.
    I’ve been tempted plenty of times to give up on things like hard projects or diets or worse this writing dream. Saying, it’s too hard I can’t do it, I’m not talented enough. But it’s all just really a test. And like I tell my children, there are no shortcuts and I must keep persevering until I pass this and all my other tests.
    I know I will.

    Have you been Tempted lately? Think of it as just a Test. One you can Ace!

    Just as a but of added conformation my DD got word late in the evening that she made Dance Company (remember the audition a few weeks ago). She didn’t make it last year but as a mom I didn’t let her give up and her spirit didn’t let her either. She passed the test.


  • inspiration,  jack,  jack pics,  videos,  writing life

    Art and Fear- Two to Tango

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is doing his Monday chill (not that he didn’t chill the entire weekend). He’s all spruced up after getting a quick grooming on Sunday afternoon so he’s nice and clean and has a fresh new haircut. What more could a dog want?

    Lately, I’ve been in a strange head space that I don’t like at all. Cluttered, crowded and filled with all sorts of things and none of it what I really want. Lots if it putting little and sometimes big roadblocks in the path on the way to my dreams. Quite a bit of it all just necessary parts of life.

    But I have to wonder if some of it is just plain old fear. Fear, the ultimate life blocker. Freaking fear and his sister worry, they both suck and hang over at my place like annoying relatives that don’t know when they’ve overstayed their welcome.

    I saw this video of Elizabeth Gilbert author of Eat, Pray, Love, which I loved, a while back and shared it with friends. I recently watched it again over at the blog Make Under My Life and was once again moved so wanted to share to here.

    Happy Monday! I’ve got some work to do and some folks to send packing. How about you?


  • inspiration,  jack,  Knitting,  life,  writing

    The Two Sock Moment

    What’s Jack up to? As I write this he’s asleep on his blanket atop the couch as I listen to the rain continue to fall. It’s been some day.

    Those of you that have been with me for a long long time will remember my One Sock Moment post. I got lots of really nice comments and I liked that post (if I may say so myself) about not giving up and perseverance or maybe chucking it all. You can check it out here. Since that post life and the Gemini in me took over and the second sock seemed to take forever to get knitted with stress, family, dishes, writing and lets face it, The Not So Real Housewives getting in the way of finishing the other sock. Not to mention my Christmas knitting. But finally the One Sock Moment is over and just in time for Spring too. I now have a nice pair of 100% wool socks to wear for the upcoming warm days. Aren’t they pretty?

    But really there is only one thing that can beat the feeling of getting over the hurdle of the One Sock Moment and that is the accomplishment of the Two Sock Moment.

    I have to remember this feeling and bring more of it into my sometimes (excuse the word but it fits) half @ssed life.
    How about you? What projects are just waiting for you to get back to them and polish them off. Bringing a sense of finality and accomplishment to your heart. I can quickly tick a few more off in my own life.

  • Grey Gardens,  inspiration,  movies,  my view,  photography,  stress

    Don’t Forget To Look Up

    So I’m just leaving Verizon to deal with my Blackberry Storm fail and after being totally aggravated because of having quite a tiff with a very rude manager. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if my WANTED poster is not now posted there. Oh well. He wasn’t nice and I told him so in my nicest possible way. I also explained that there were other very lovely employees there and maybe they should be managers and not him. I was heated. This will not end here. But back to the story… I get a new phone, my pics are lost, I leave mad as all get out and go rushing to pick up my DD and her friend from her important dance audition (fingers crossed for both of them) and I’m about to stomp into the studio when I look up.

    Wow! Sometimes all you have to do is look up to change your mood entirely. This is the start of a good season to do so. Lucky me, I happened to have my camera in my bag and look this pic.

    Reminder: Tonight is the premiere of Grey Gardens on HBO. I can’t wait to watch. Here’s a clip from the orig to remind you. I think Drew Barrymore will and Jessica Lange will do fine jobs playing Little and Big Edie. I can’t wait to see.

    Enjoy your weekend! Maybe plant a little something in your Grey Garden.


  • happy holidays,  inspiration,  jack,  my view

    Make It Good

    What’s Jack up to? Oh, Jack he’s a funny one. Cracks me up the way he runs to grab a squeaky toy as soon as the DH walks in the door. He knows who to play the games with. Too cute.

    Yesterday I got to get out and enjoy the lovely early spring day by spontaneously going down to the MOMA museum to get in some fun and culture with my bud PVE, her lovely daughter and her fun friend. So much to take in and get the inspiration juices flowing. Also nice to get out of those moody blues for a bit. I loved this painting by Robert Rauschenberg. As soon as I saw it I thought it’s good for Good Friday. There is something so hopeful there and I’m nothing if not hopeful. Always have been at my core. Funny how I’m reflected in the Plexiglas. Embedded right in the artwork part in the dark part in the light. Aren’t we all. Hmm…

    Here are just a few of the definitions of the word Good:

     /gʊd/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [goo d] Show IPA adjective, bet⋅ter, best, noun, interjection, adverb

    1. morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man.

    2. satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health.

    3. of high quality; excellent.

    4. right; proper; fit: It is good that you are here. His credentials are good.

    5. well-behaved: a good child.

    6. kind, beneficent, or friendly: to do a good deed.

    7. honorable or worthy; in good standing: a good name.

    8. educated and refined: She has a good background.

    9. financially sound or safe: His credit is good.

    10. genuine; not counterfeit: a good quarter.

    11. sound or valid: good judgment; good reasons.

    12. reliable; dependable; responsible: good advice.

    13. healthful; beneficial: Fresh fruit is good for you.

    14. in excellent condition; healthy: good teeth.

    15. not spoiled or tainted; edible; palatable: The meat was still good after three months in the freezer.

    16. favorable; propitious: good news.

    17. cheerful; optimistic; amiable: in good spirits.

    18. free of distress or pain; comfortable: to feel good after surgery.

    19. agreeable; pleasant: Have a good time.

    20. attractive; handsome: She has a good figure.

    21. (of the complexion) smooth; free from blemish.

    22. close or intimate; warm: She’s a good friend of mine.

    23. sufficient or ample: a good supply.

    24. advantageous; satisfactory for the purpose: a good day for fishing.

    25. competent or skillful; clever: a good manager; good at arithmetic.

    I’m wishing you a Good Friday from this one to the next and all the days in between no matter what you celebrate. It’s all Good Things from my heart to yours. Peace and Love.
