inspiration,  Michael Jackson,  motherhood,  my view


Yesterday when the family was going to pick Nana up to bring her back for a visit we decided to drive by the Apollo theater to see the marquee with the the memorial to Michael Jackson. We had heard on the news about all the folks who had come gathered there as soon as the news of Michael’s death got out. Well, it didn’t seem that the days break slowed the tide.

There was still many people gathered and music being played. Like everyone, when I first heard I was shocked and saddened. Like I said yesterday, he was my first crush. What I was not prepared for was how upset my DD would be over the news. I mean she’s a whole generation behind me. How can this be? Well, she was almost inconsolable. My good friend, her God mother, who was also a HUGE fan eventually got her smiling with stories of how the two of us once dressed in our Thriller outfits to go out to the movies and we thought we were soooo cool. I had not shared that with the DD:)

In the end the DD and I got out of the car as my DH double parked. We signed the makeshift memorial cardboard to say our own goodbyes and thanks to Michael for giving us music and memories that touched both our hearts.
