• Books,  jane austen,  my view,  videos,  writing life

    Happy 200th Birthday Pride and Prejudice!

    I’m still deep in the writing cave and can barely come out to see the sun (if there was some sun). Though as much as I’d like to spend the day with a full on Pride and Prejudice fest and go all in with my double DVD collection to celebrate the 200th birthday today, I just can’t. So that said, I’ve made do with this fun video while I enjoyed a warm bowl of soup for lunch today. If you have 10 minutes click on and enjoy.


    And really the warm soup and Firth’s long looks were just want I needed to get me through to the next page. Thank you Miss Austen.



    Have a great day!


    All the best,



    image fm here

  • my view,  TV,  videos,  writing life

    Fine Leather Goods…

    I’m so feeling the need for a Treat Yo Self day, even if that day is treating myself to a day in bed. But alas, I am under deadline so I don’t see that day happening for at least a month so I’ll be making due by living through Tom and Donna from Parks and Rec.

    If you had a day what would you Treat Yo Self to?




  • music,  my view,  videos

    Feeling Careless…

    …On this cold Tuesday afternoon, but George’s suit and hair are helping me to focus my thoughts. I’m also writing a whole different script for this video in my head all these years later. Way more fun!



    All the best,


  • life,  music,  my view,  stress,  videos

    Who/What Can it Be Now?

    With dog attacks, kids with ugh, family in health peril, me in car crashes and now lightening striking a tree right between me and my neighbors house, I find myself getting a wee bit paranoid and asking, “what can it be now?”.

    To this instead of going totally cray, I’ll leave you with Men At Work and just get back to work.





  • motherhood,  my view,  videos

    The Mom-mobile

    I feel like such a sucker for saying this, but after seeing this Honda CRV commercial with Matthew Broderick I feel about 10 times cooler about my Freshchester Mom-mobile. And really it totally is THE Freshchester car. Drive up and down the main shopping drag and this car is like the yellow cab of the burbs. Everybody has one and is carrying passengers. Oh well for the next few weeks at least, me and my fellow Trader Joe haulers will bask in the glow of feeling like Ferris and living out our glory days. In our own minds of course.


  • videos,  writing,  writing life

    Starting Over

    I’m thissss deep in this book (cut to me fingers about this far apart) and then it hits me. A problem a big one. So yeah, I’m back to the beginning. Again. Writing is fun. Might as well play a little music to go with it.
    Happy Wednesday!


