Happy 200th Birthday Pride and Prejudice!
I’m still deep in the writing cave and can barely come out to see the sun (if there was some sun). Though as much as I’d like to spend the day with a full on Pride and Prejudice fest and go all in with my double DVD collection to celebrate the 200th birthday today, I just can’t. So that said, I’ve made do with this fun video while I enjoyed a warm bowl of soup for lunch today. If you have 10 minutes click on and enjoy.
And really the warm soup and Firth’s long looks were just want I needed to get me through to the next page. Thank you Miss Austen.
Have a great day!
All the best,
image fm here
All your fault, you hooked me up to P & P and I even had my dear husband watch it with me. I just loved it and kept watching it over and over. I could hardly keep calm at the fashions.
Marilyn Brant
LOVE it, Kwana!!!!!
I haven’t seen this “Keep Calm” before :).
I was totally sucked in to all the Austen festivities this week, but it definitely took away from writing time. Good luck with the book you’re working on!
Thanks Patricia. Yes the fashions are glorious.
Thanks Marilyn. It is such a cute keep calm. 🙂