• motherhood,  my view,  writing life

    Feeling the Heat

    It’s getting on mid-Summer and I’m feeling the heat both literally and figuratively with the temperature constantly on the rise. I’m chest deep in editing and the college deadline is fast coming up for the dear twins.  But I’m still trying to stay cool by taking things one step at a time, keeping the AC on and the iced coffee flowing.

    How are keeping cool this summer?



    image from here

  • motherhood,  my view,  teens,  twins

    They made it and I lost it…

    Though we had thunderstorm and tornado warnings and had to all pile into the very hot gymnasium, nothing could stop the overflowing of love and joy that radiated throughout the room. It bounced off the walls and flowed through the bleachers as the graduates took their first steps and joined the cheering crowd of friends and family.

    I was waiting with about as much eager anticipation as a tween at a Justin Beiber concert and I thought my heart would burst with the first glimpse of my DD and then right behind her my DS! I could not be happier. I looked over my mother and the tears were flowing into the ugly cry. Uh-oh don’t look that way. Stay forward or you’ll lose it.  The DH and I waved and cheered and whooped and hollered. No one held on to a bit of class as we celebrated this truly great milestone.

    And you’ll all be glad to know that I made it through the whole service with dry eyes that is until the very end when the dear twins were dismissed. No longer children in school any more, but they walked back to me now graduates. That’s when I wrapped my arms around each of them said thank you, and lost it.





  • motherhood,  my view,  twins

    Rain Rain Go Away…

    Hello Monday! 

    Busy week ahead. The Dear Twins graduate this week. Oh to the Wow. But the weather forecast is looking a little shady so please send good thoughts for sunny skies our way so the family is not stuck sitting out in the rain come the day.

    Have a good Monday.



    image from here

  • motherhood,  my view,  teens,  twins

    It was Prom people… PROM!

    And this neurotic mother made it to morning to blog with you. Yep, it wasn’t easy letting go. Prom not too hard, though saying goodbye to the Dear Twins here and then later with their dates left a lump in my throat.

    It was the letting go for the after prom go to the city to hang out all night and then see the sun rise that gave this mom and dad heart palpitations.  But it was too funny seeing the girls getting off the party bus with their shoes in their hands, my dd included. Yeah I know that ouch feeling oh so well.

    That said we all made it through and all is well but the house is tired on a Wednesday morning. Sorry kids but you still have to get to your intern jobs today. Time to get up. *insert evil laugh here* welcome to adulthood.

    Hope you all are more awake than we are.  Have a great day!



  • Migraines,  motherhood,  my view,  teens,  twins

    Somebody Jolt Me

    Good Monday Everyone! See I’m trying to be enthusiastic though I’ve woken with a killer migraine that plagued me all weekend. See I need to keep my energy and enthusiasm high this week because it’s a Super Social Week for the Dear Twins with….wait for it….

    PROM tomorrow!!! Bells, Whistles and Whee!  For all you moms out there if you think getting together prom for  1 is hard imagine prom for 2 and one is a bit of a Diva. Yes, teeth whitening was suggested. And, No, I didn’t instantly push her from the moving car but just told her she has lost it and kept on driving.

    That’s what I plan on doing this week, keep on driving as the Prom is Tuesday, Sports dinner Wednesday and a Senior Cruise on Thursday. Yes I’m exhausted just thinking of it.

    But it all leads up to the end of June Graduation where I will no doubt act like a well deserved fool.  Prepare to be embarrassed twins…




    Please come back toward the end of the week because this coming Saturday is my birthday and though I have not put my head around the what, we should celebrate that too right?

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  • motherhood,  my view,  Oprah

    Growing up Oprah

    This is a tough post to write. I went to my TV at 4:00 yesterday, turned to channel 7 and she wasn’t there.  And by she I’m sure you all that know me, know I’m talking about Oprah. No, she wasn’t there. It was the news instead, as if I wanted to hear the news an hour early.

    So I blinked and let it sink in. Oh yeah, the day before she said goodbye. She told us thanks and to move on and live our own best lives. This 4:00 hour was now time to regroup and find a way to do what was and has been in our hearts to do for so long and be the best at it that we can.

    So it’s time to be myself, proud and unashamed,  Becoming True Me as I start on life part 3 now as a soon to be mom of college kids. No longer any label but my name.  But wow I won’t have my 4:00 anchor that has helped me grow and change so much these past 25 years as I went from a high schooler watching her on television with amazement and awe, to a college aged young woman, still drawing inspiration, into a career woman and wife and then a mother of twins and oh so thankful for the 4:00 advice and a place to draw comfort.

    Well, now I have my own high schoolers moving on and moving out and my 4:00 hour is free. She’s said goodbye. The news is on. The news I can’t change.

    So I’m turning off the TV and turning on the DVR to say THANK YOU to her myself one more time. Then at 5:00… watch out world here I come!




  • motherhood,  my view,  teens,  twins,  videos

    It’s Friday the 13th and I’ll smile Anyway

    It’s Friday… And it’s a bittersweet one. Colleges have been chosen, two separate ones, a few hours away and today is the last day of High School Classes for my Dear Twins.  I have to admit, I kind of want to cry. Of course I knew this day was coming but in September it seemed still pretty far off. Boy was I wrong. I should have known, Time runs like a freight train out of control and picking up speed.

    The twins will do volunteer work for the next month before graduation in June.  I’m sure the Summer will go by quicker than I want and before long I’ll be hugging both and in a fit of tears as I say goodbye at college. But, in the meantime I’ll sing this silly song and just pretend it’s another normal Friday.



  • kids,  motherhood,  my view

    A Rainy Smile

    Hello friends how are you all?  Chime in and tell me what’s going in your parts of the world to get me out of mine for a bit.

    It’s serious April Showers going on here which I really shouldn’t complain about since the showers bring the flowers and all that. But of course my dear bloggy friends you all know me too well and complain I will as the showers are coming when we are doing our great twin northeast college tours.

    And these tours, boy, they are teaching me just how old I really am. Over and rivers and through the woods I go on my bad toe, and ouch, halfway through I feel need to sit and rub out the pain wishing my foot doctor was on hand with a cortisone shot. Must the dorms be so far from the lecture halls? Yes, these colleges they are for the young.

    Oh well, hopefully in a few weeks the tours will be done and most questions will be answered. In the meantime I’ve got a dollar, two dreams and a smile. Fingers crossed.

    Maybe I need a sweet Burberry umbrella?




    Image from here

  • motherhood,  my view,  writing

    Staying Alive

    Hi peeps!

    Happy Monday. Just a quick pop in to let you know that I’m Staying Alive. Maybe not in the oiled up style of John here but I’m hanging in my own way.

    Had a very busy week with the DD finishing her last dance company benefit. She danced so beautifully and yes there were tears on both our parts. I tell you seeing your now young adult child take her final bows does it to you. Time to get ready for life part 2.

    So that said, I’m now I guess on only a partial blog break (you know I can’t shut it). I will going into my writing cave and will stick my head out like a turtle to see the light at times. Plenty of college decisions to make this month and lots of places to visit. Wish us luck!

