• my view,  writing,  writing life

    40 days Writing

    So last night as we were gorging ourselves on pizza and wings (I was using Fat Tuesday as the excuse and it seemed valid at the time) my son casually asked me what I was giving up  for Lent. Of course I was horrified and gave him a look that let him know it. What a time to ask while I was enjoying my wings and Glee no less. Besides I had not thought about it. I had decided to join in with our church’s Body Of Christ initiative to get healthier, pray and devote more and besides I has already given up sugar in my coffee so I was good. Really good.

    I shrugged and said I didn’t know I just thought I’d be a bit better. Better was better. But still something was nagging. It had been nagging at me all day. The day went by too fast and not enough as usual got done. The kids were ok, dinner was done, somewhat, I had done all the running around I needed to do and my freelance work was done too I even swept in a corner, yeah it was one but I swept. But still, I was just off. Then not a few minutes later it dawned on me. What would make me so much happier, so much more fulfilled. Fixing the unease I was currently fighting against. The same thing I can complained to my DH about earlier in the day.

    So quick I ran to the computer and tweeted this before I lost my nerve:

    Have just figured out what I am giving up for lent… Days without writing. No more unfulfilled days for me!

    There you have it. Everyday must do some work on my current WIP just let it flow and not let my mind or life or sweeping get in my own way. Nothing is more important. I’ll see you all when I see you! Much Love!



    painting by Gerard ter Borch (1617-1681)

  • family,  motherhood,  music,  my view,  teens,  twins,  writing,  writing life

    The Waiting…

    Lately, in my house with college apps having been out for a while for the dear twins and us having gotten some good and not good news from different places we are all going a bit nutty around here. We’re still waiting to hear from some top choices for both kids. Still stressed over how it will all play out come September and I won’t get into the stress the DH and I feel over how it will work out financially. I’m just living on it will.

    To top it off I have a book out on submission that has been out forever but that’s just how it goes in publishing. No news is no news or just a no and you have to move on. But I still can’t help constantly checking my emails. See I’m not one to compartmentalize and put things in the back of my mind. Everything stays right of front talking up too much space.

    All that said I woke up with morning and this song popped into my head. Good for a writer and a high school senior. Enjoy.



  • my view,  writing,  writing life

    A Working Holiday

    Happy President’s Day! I hope if you’re reading this it’s from the comfy confines of your home if you are in the US and you are off for the holiday.

    As with most stay at home/work at home moms there are no real holidays and I plan on making this a working one though the kids are off for the week so it will be difficult with them expecting me to play Mary Poppins when I feel I need to be working. There is a definite fine line between needs and wants. And right now the needs totally outweigh the wants.

    I had a successful weekend of editing my current young adult and now I’m ready to dive in and start to work on my next project, an adult romance with nothing young about it. I have so many ideas and not enough time to get them all down but I feel I’d better strike while the iron is hot.


    You have a great one. And if you can take the time… Relax and  Enjoy!



  • my view,  writing,  writing life

    I’m writing

    Or at least I should be doing something that looks a lot like writing or really good editing and not looking off into space right now like I probably am…

    Darn! You caught me again.


    Shoot. Must focus. Later peeps.



    image from here

  • writing life

    Just One of Dem Days

    This is a late post for me guess it’s just one of those days which is what I told the DD when she asked how the day went. She tried to glamorize it in song with all sorts of angst and the sultry tones of Monica singing but I told her sadly, it wasn’t as deep as all that. It was yeah, just one of those days where the hours weren’t long enough and I felt I hadn’t gotten enough done but a few lines of writing, some freelance work and a bonus load of laundry.  Yay, the glam life of a writer and stay at home mom.

    But to make her happy, hey, I’ll play the song. Props to her for knowing it from 1995.

    Happy Weekend!



  • my view,  writing,  writing life

    The 2nd Guess

    How much time have you spent second guessing yourself? Well I don’t know about you but as for myself I’ve spent way too much time doing it.


    Especially in my writing. I don’t know if it comes from doubt in myself, a lack of confidence in my work, or from the nature of the work and the fact that the fate of it is ultimately in someone else’s hands. I do know this though… second guessing is a terrible waste of time and in the end all it does is send you in circles usually back to the beginning where there was your true authentic self. The place you should have stayed when there was the first spark of excitement and your sprit was full of “I CAN do this!” and your mind had not yet been invaded with the evil critters of doubt and fear.

    So my point today and I guess this is mainly for me as all these rants are: is to stay in the mindset of the starting gate. The “I CAN do this!” moment and don’t second guess. Time is way too precious. Happy Thursday!



    Image from here

  • my view,  writing life

    Snook Um’s

    So Snooki is having a book signings and for some reason this doesn’t bug me as much as you may think it would. Or as much as I thought it would. It could be all the Snooki hate going around has given me Snooki backlash. Despite the fact that although I’m yeah, kind of bugged over the fact that Snooki has a book published before me and I’ve been at this game for quite a while I can take it for what it is, total entertainment and capitalizing on a brand that’s hot right now. So who am I to knock the girl’s going on 20 minute hustle?  What do you think?


    Check out this article from the LA Times



  • my view,  writing life

    Head Soak

    If you’re looking for me you can find me soaking it all in– in my own mind right about now. Trying to get a handle on my writing life for the year ahead.  I hope you’re getting a good grasp on 2011.  Would a good soak help? Have a good day!




    image from here

  • motherhood,  my view,  writing,  writing life

    Dance for Joy

    Hello peeps. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was fun and filling probably too filling.

    Writing update: It’s now the end of November and I know I won’t be making my NanoWrimo goal. Yes, it’s sad to say but this month got away from me with the new freelance gig at The Loft and with the Dear Twins college application process.

    But in better news there was light at the end of the college app tunnel and we all got through it. The Applications are done and submitted! Whew. I think we all are a bit beat up and exhausted from the process (Ok I’m beat up and exhausted)  but so happy to be done.  Now is the waiting game. Isn’t that always a general state of life? But I’m feeling hopeful that there are good things in store. So for now I’m going to do a little happy dance like the beautiful Ms. Josephine here and give thanks that this part of the process is over.

    Now back to my room and my regularly scheduled writing program.

