• my view,  writing life

    Fuel for thought

    Most of my writerly friends are in Orlando at the RWA national conference this week and honestly my heart is there too. I’ll be fighting hard this week not to live in a state of regret and oh I should have just gone for it and what the heck with the money zone. In order to combat that I’ll be listening to old workshops that I may have missed on my ipod and working on my next project and drinking lots and lots of coffee. 

    Here’s hoping for a productive week. Wishing I were having my annual Nora spotting though.



    P.S. Droid update: I have to get a new phone something is wonky with mine but it’s not in the store so I must keep this until it’s shipped to me. Patience is not my thing but I will deal. My BIG complaint: Why Verizon is it not shipped to the store and held for me for an exchange? Why must I pay for 2 phones and will then get my money back for one once I (Me?) send the broken one to you? That does not seem right.

    P.P.S this is not new news. I did kindly tell this to the customer service person in Verizon and on the phone. Just had to blog it like I blogged how excited I was over getting the Droid.

    P.P.P.S (huh?) I was no all rude like the Fla man who apparently did not have an hour for the technician to fix his phone because “he would lose too much business in and hour. As a matter of fact his business could shut down in an hour. Did we all have any idea how much money he could lose in that time. An hour? It was just crazy… Blah, Blah Blah….! ” Let the record show in the 45 minutes he ranted his phone did not ring once. I guess Mr. Trump was not calling.

    Oh and I can’t stop talking. Head over to Becoming True Me to discuss Is God On MY Plate? Here.

  • blogs,  writing life

    I write like…

    I’ve spent way too much time lately on the I write like site. I’ve been putting in random snippets of my writing to see if the results change or not. I’ve tried parts of different books of mine and random blog posts. More times than not I got that I write like Stephen King and twice Dan Brown and look who else appeared, Shakesphere. As if I could be so lofty?!  Not once has a female author turned up for me. Odd with my love of romance. Houston I may have a problem though with what I’m going for next this may be a good thing.

    I write like
    Stephen King

    I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!


    I write like
    Dan Brown

    I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

    I write like
    William Shakespeare

    I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

    Of course this all means little or nothing, you see according to articles. The leaked Mel Gibson tapes are like Margaret Atwood and Atwood herself tweeted that she tried it and came up to write like Stephen King. Ah well, At least it’s a fun procrastination technique and all that cut and paste really does look like work. Sort off.

    You can go here to spend way too much of your own time not writing.



  • inspiration,  life,  my view,  writing life

    Hope Springs

    Hope Springs

    Happy Monday!

    Just when I was feeling incredibly blah and terribly impatient with life I got this email note from The Universe on Friday to keep me hanging on:

    So what if you don’t have it yet, Kwana?It’s coming. You’re gonna get it. You’re gonna love it. And then you’re gonna forget there was ever a time when you didn’t have it.Like clockwork.I know,
        The Universe

    Feel free to take it with you to help you through this week if you like. I sure will.




    Don’t forget to check out my other spot Becoming True Me. Just click on my feet to your right.

  • writing,  writing life

    Bright Idea

    So I’ve been struggling with writer’s block and part of it is too many ideas and part of it is fear and then another part of it is terrible indecision… UGH!

    But thankfully I think I’ve now got a little bit of a handle on the beast that has been roaming around in my head.  Now the words are not flying  across the page yet, but my thoughts are getting more streamlined and contained into something (though it’s a lot bigger and more daunting than expected) that feels like a story I can get my heart and mind around.

    Something else I can get around and it goes with the whole idea of streamlining are these lovely Moleskin notebooks for bright ideas found on Etsy. Aren’t they cute? You can find them here.


    Have any bright ideas lately?



  • my view,  writing life

    A Watched Pot…

    Thanks for all your kind advice yesterday on focus and not obsessing. I will take it all under advisement as I of course continue to OBSESS. Eeeee. No really, I’m trying to chill. The whole watched pot thing and all. Besides it’s too hot to be standing over that darned pot.


    A Watched Pot Never Boils by Alfred William Strutt




    P.S. in other news my inspiration/dream board fell down yesterday out of the blue. Not much to obsess about over there… right?

  • my view,  writers,  writing life


    Is it just me? I know it can’t be. I can’t be the only neurotic nut case out here in bloglandia that can’t seem to walk and chew gum. You see I have a novel  out on submission right now and though no matter how much I tell myself, not to obsess, it’s no big deal, don’t get your hopes up, a watched pot never boils… I still do. I can’t help myself.

    This is the part of being an artist that I hate the most. The waiting for judgment part. It’s the part that makes me a little queasy in the stomach and the part that makes my writing process so slow. I think it may partially be due to holding off that queasy feeling. You see I should be continuing with work on another project but my mind is focused (I know stupidly) on what I can’t control. The opinions of others and not focused on my WIP. As if by my mind power I can bend someone else’s will.  But what I need to do is bend my mind in the right direction so it’s more productive and less obsessive. 

    It’s a hot mess being in Submission Purgatory. For more on this subject go and read this funny and spot on post by author Kiersten White here.

     Tell me how do you get your focus?



  • my view,  writing life

    Editing 101 or at least how I do it

    The very sweet from Debra from Lifescapes was kind enough to ask me about my editing process which is a little hard to pin down but I’ll try to write a bit about it here and not bore you all too much.

    Now every time I write a book it’s a new and different process. I have written 5 full novels and quite a few partials which are sample pages of novels that are ideas in work.  A little back-story before I get to the edits. I’m a pantsterwhich is a term for flying by the seat of your pants. Now, I wish this wasn’t true. I’d love to be a big time outliner and have every aspect of my story down cold before I start to write, but that’s just not true and even when I do have it and map it all out, the characters are like these “real” people in my head that seem to go off in their own directions at the oddest times. So then its map out the window and time to pull out the GPS. Well, somehow through all this I find my way to the end of a novel that looks remarkably like the “movie” I originally saw in my head way back when.

    But being done is just the beginning. My grammar and spelling, as most of you long time blog readers can attest to, is just a hot mess besides that, who knows if I changed a characters eye or hair color way back in chapter 3 and not even noticed. Heck, I may have changed a name. Writing a story is a long process.

    Coming to the rescue is my critique group. I have a core group of 3 writer friends that I havehad for years I call them my Writing Vault and they are invaluable to me. We read for each other and give loving but very real feedback. No just easy pats on the back here. So I’ll send the manuscript off to one of them.

    Opps Add in: Thanks Maira for reminding me. First I print out a full copy and read it through myself and red line edit it once going through all the way with a full read. This is usually painful. Ouch.

    Then off to crit partners and  they will edit the whole book with bold red track changes with all their thoughts on grammar, seeing if  I’ve totally fleshed out an idea, have enough emotion etc… then I go back and make whatever changes (I agree with) I want to the entire book. Then I’ll do this again with another critique partner until I feel the work is the best that I can make it. I can’t put a time on this as it can be quite long depending on life and how much work the book needs. I’m not a quick writer and it’s different for each book.

    Now this process doesn’t work for all writers. I know many published authors that don’t work with readers at all, but for me the help and mostly the caring and support has kept me writing through the years even in the face of rejection.

    I am eternally grateful to my critique group. Thanks so much Megan, Jen and Jeanine. May all our writing and publishing dreams come true.

     So tell me, what’s your editing process?



  • inspiration,  my view,  writing life


     stretch     (str ch) KEY 

    stretched, stretch·ing, stretch·es

    1. To lengthen, widen, or distend: stretched the sweater out of shape.
    2. To cause to extend from one place to another or across a given space: stretched the banner between two poles.
    3. To make taut; tighten: stretched the tarpaulin until it ripped.
    4. To reach or put forth; extend: stretched out his hand.
      1. To extend (oneself or one’s limbs, for example) to full length: stretched her calves before running.
      2. To extend (oneself) when lying down: she stretched herself out on the couch.
      3. To put to torture on the rack.
    6. To wrench or strain (a muscle, for example).
      1. To extend or enlarge beyond the usual or proper limits: stretch the meaning of a word.
      2. To subject to undue strain: to stretch one’s patience.
      1. To expand in order to fulfill a larger function: stretch a budget; stretch a paycheck.
      2. To increase the quantity of by admixture or dilution: stretch a meal by thinning the stew.
    9. To prolong: stretch out an argument.
    10. Informal To fell by a blow: stretched his opponent in the first round.


    Even though in the process of editing my last manuscript I was doing a lot of taking away and the object was not to expand, I found that the exercise stretched me beyond where I had gone before.

    How have you stretched yourself recently? Have you stretched yourself or have you been a limp rubber band?

    Now excuse me while I beg someone for a massage. These muscles are sore!



  • jack,  my view,  writing,  writing life

    The Cave

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is being a total Jackster. Driving me wild by being all mischievous and totally underfoot. I can’t take two steps lately without tripping over little Jack.  Oh well. So it is.

    Not too many words today. I think more will come as soon as I’m more alert. But today I’m squinting against the sun and finally stepping out of my editing cave. Whew, it was a tough two weeks, but I think I got it all done.  Of course in my mind done is never really done… until it’s really done. And by that I mean sold, delivered and maybe on a bookshelf somewhere. But right now that outcome is not in my hands so I’m letting it go for the moment. Thanks for all your kind words and encouragement while I was hanging in the cave. You all really warmed me up when the fire got low.

    Happy Monday!



  • my view,  writing life

    And Still

    It’s the same old thing going on with me. I guess I’m running on fumes now. I’m either at my little table or on on my bed or on the couch. Yeah, it’s me and my laptop and my edits… in my sweatpants. Not as pretty a sight as this slightly misshapen Picasso woman. Ah well. I am who I am right about now.

    But enough about me, what’s doing with you today?

