• my view,  writing,  writing life

    All Wet

    Oh I’m feeling like these leaves about my NanoWrimo challenge. All wet and scattered and left behind. I’ve got some serious catching up to do. I don’t know where I’ll be come November 30th but I’m still moving ahead and hoping not to be blown away.




  • my view,  photography,  writing life


    I wonder what he’s thinking? Hmm… maybe about the characters I put on his corner this week? Yeah, I’ve been spending a lot of time in his part of town (at least in my mind I have) or is it a her? Do we know? Something to Google maybe.

    Either way today I’m thinking about the conversation a couple of my characters had very close to this lion and all the real life conversations that have happened in the very same spot. If only this lion could talk, oh the stories he would tell.

    Hope your week is going well.



    pic: Lion in front of NY Public Library 42nd and 5th
  • contests,  jack,  my view,  writing life

    Hungry for Words

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is a little tired of all the damp weather. It’s messing up his happy long walks you see. I’m with you Jack. A little rain is ok but I’m not a fan of the wet dog.

    Happy Friday everyone! I hope your week has been good.  I’m wrist deep in NaNo writing and starting to feel the heat already and it’s only the 5thof November. Eee…I have to keep my fingers limber and my mind lose and not all knotted up in fear and just let it flow in the images that I know are there.


    Thanks to those that entered the HUNGRY FOR YOUR LOVE giveaway. And thanks to random number generator we have a winner…. Sarah T! Thanks Sarah. Please email me your info and I will make sure Jeanine gets you a book.

     True Random Number Generator


    Everyone have a good weekend. You know what I’ll be doing.



    Comic from here

  • my view,  writing life

    NaNo Time!

    What’s Jack up to? Jack had a good Halloween weekend though he could have done without me embarrassing him with that witches costume. So sorry Jack.

    So today starts Nano. National Novel Writing Month. Wish me luck and plenty of words. I sure will need it along with a high does of family support and sanity. If I’m missing from ye old blog at times please forgive me or if I’m not commenting on yours all that much be happy because that means I’m over here writing or at least I’m trying to write.

     And now the Nano Song!!!



  • writers,  writing,  writing life

    Nano Bamo

    Well I’m at it again. You’d think I’d have learned from the torture of last year but, um, no. Once again I’m participating in November’s National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWrimo. It all starts on Monday and the challenge is 50,000 words in 1 fun filled month. Eek.

    So who’s with me? Think you’ve got a novel in you? If so head on over to the Nano page and register and let’s see if we have any hair left in a month. 



    image from here

  • my view,  writing life

    Happy Dance!

    I’m doing the happy dance today because the DH came home with my laptop all fixed. Woo hoo!

    But oh boy you know what that means. No excuse for not writing. Gotta go. Bye!

    And remember, back it up.



  • my view,  Uncategorized,  writing life

    Don’t Weep

    I was just about weeping when I went to turn on my laptop the other day and all that came up on the screen were black and white lines and then nothing. Now the night before all was good. I turned the computer off and then off again trying to control the now relentless pounding of my heart the next time the screen went from grey to black. Oh no.

    All I could think of was the hard fought beginning of my new secret project that I had not yet saved on an external drive or even email to myself when I often do as another form of back up. How could this be happing? Then the thought of all the trapped pictures that would be lost forever came to mind too if this laptop was now dead. I was devastated.  I called the DH at work practically in tears and the conversation did not go well.

    Later that night once he got home the DH being the computer whiz that I am not was able to attach the laptop to our old desktop and see the contents of my laptop on the desktop so from there I could at least save my WP documents so yay! Secret project saved. And he took the laptop to work and got the pictures off. Yeah think it’s time to invest in some printing soon. Time to get them out of the virtual world.

    My dear laptop will now be going back to Dell for repair. I have no idea what happened since it is fairly new and I using my old tried and true computer which is standing by me through thick and thin. I hop think since Nanowrimo starts soon.

    Lesson here: Back ip up! Everyday!!!



    Image: Weeping woman from Picasso 1937

  • my view,  writing,  writing life


    The above stands for Butt In Chair Hands On Keyboard and that’s what I plan to be doing as you read this post. So I’m really sorry if I’m short on words here at ye old blog but I’ve got a bit of a deadline and I had better get some of the ideas that are in my head somehow on the page. So for now it’s me and my laptop lover all the way.  Wish us luck.


    I hope you have a good one.



    image from here

  • my view,  writing life

    One bite at a time

    Yesterday I had a great meeting with my agent to talk about the state of my current submission (waiting for word, fingers and toes crossed to cramping). We also talked about my new project which I’m just starting to work on.

    I attempted to explain my new idea which is bigger and more complicated than anything I’ve ever worked on. My agent was very excited by the concept and knew it could be fab, but could see the complexity of it all. She could also see my FEAR seeping through all my enthusiasm. She knew I was a little afraid of the project and assured me I could do it if I just took it piece by piece, one page at a time.

    Sometimes looking at the whole can be just too much and send you running from the challenge but if you just take it one page at a time or bite or step it’s a lot easier to make the journey.

    I’m think I’m on my way.



    image from here
  • writing life

    Plot It Out

    I’m Plotting. What do you think of when you hear the word PLOT?



    n. 1. a. A small piece of ground, generally used for a specific purpose: a garden plot.

    b. A measured area of land; a lot.2. A ground plan, as for a building; a diagram.3. See graph1.4. The pattern of events or main story in a narrative or drama.5. A secret plan to accomplish a hostile or illegal purpose; a scheme.

    v. plot·ted, plot·ting, plots
    v.tr. 1. To represent graphically, as on a chart: plot a ship’s course.

    2. Mathematics a. To locate (points or other figures) on a graph by means of coordinates.b. To draw (a curve) connecting points on a graph.3. To conceive and arrange the action and incidents of: “I began plotting novels at about the time I learned to read” (James Baldwin).4. To form a plot for; prearrange secretly or deviously: plot an assassination.

    v.intr. 1. To be located by means of coordinates, as on a chart or with data.

    2. To form or take part in a plot; scheme. plot (plt)



    a. A small piece of ground, generally used for a specific purpose: a garden plot.
    b. A measured area of land; a lot.
    2. A ground plan, as for a building; a diagram.
    3. See graph1.
    4. The pattern of events or main story in a narrative or drama.
    5. A secret plan to accomplish a hostile or illegal purpose; a scheme.
    v. plot·ted, plot·ting, plots

    1. To represent graphically, as on a chart: plot a ship’s course.
    2. Mathematics

    a. To locate (points or other figures) on a graph by means of coordinates.
    b. To draw (a curve) connecting points on a graph.
    3. To conceive and arrange the action and incidents of: “I began plotting novels at about the time I learned to read” (James Baldwin).
    4. To form a plot for; prearrange secretly or deviously: plot an assassination.

    1. To be located by means of coordinates, as on a chart or with data.
    2. To form or take part in a plot; scheme.