contests,  jack,  my view,  writing life

Hungry for Words

What’s Jack up to? Jack is a little tired of all the damp weather. It’s messing up his happy long walks you see. I’m with you Jack. A little rain is ok but I’m not a fan of the wet dog.

Happy Friday everyone! I hope your week has been good.  I’m wrist deep in NaNo writing and starting to feel the heat already and it’s only the 5thof November. Eee…I have to keep my fingers limber and my mind lose and not all knotted up in fear and just let it flow in the images that I know are there.


Thanks to those that entered the HUNGRY FOR YOUR LOVE giveaway. And thanks to random number generator we have a winner…. Sarah T! Thanks Sarah. Please email me your info and I will make sure Jeanine gets you a book.

 True Random Number Generator


Everyone have a good weekend. You know what I’ll be doing.



Comic from here