• Barack Obama,  happy birthday,  politics

    MLK Monday

    I hope everyone had a good weekend and are enjoying the Martin Luther King Holiday today, spending time with your family, thinking of what you can do for your fellow man and reflecting on the values of Dr. King. This holiday is especially special with what will take place tomorrow with the swearing in of our 44th president, Barack Obama, his victory made possible by the efforts of the great MLK.

    Of course the world does not change overnight but I’m feeling so hopeful and proud of the very significant change that will take place tomorrow. A New Day is coming. How will you welcome it? Me? I will with a grateful heart.


  • happy birthday,  inspiration,  motherhood,  teens

    15 Happy Birthday Dear Twins!

    15 is the magic number, yes it is, it’s the magic number…

    Did you know that throughout the bible the number 15 has been thought to symbolize: deliverance, divine grace, restoration, restitution, resurrection and healing? All wonderful thoughts for you my two loves this year.

    Here are some examples taken from here.

    -The Ark was borne by the Flood fifteen cubits upwards, Genesis 7:20.
    -Hezekiah’s reprieve from death was fifteen years, 2 Kings 20:6.
    -The Jews were delivered from death under Esther on the fifteenth day of the month (9:18,21). This is specially significant, as we have seen, that their sentence to death was connected with the number thirteen.
    -Bethany, where Lazarus was raised, and from whence the Lord ascended, was fifteen furlongs from Jerusalem, John 11:18.
    -Paul’s ship anchored safely in fifteen fathoms on the 14th day, after thirteen days of toil and trial, Acts 27:21.
    -On the fifteenth day of the first month was the feast of unleavened bread, Leviticus 23:6; and
    -On the fifteenth day of the seventh month was the feast of Tabernacles (v 34).

    Oh, can it really be true, that you two are 15? Nah. It just can’t be. I close my eyes and it was yesterday that I was holding both of you in my one arm and balancing two bottles with my other hand. It felt so overwhelming, but I took solace in thinking that God gave me two arms and two babies for a reason. You know, I can still feel the weight on that arm and smell your sweet smells. It’s so very real, every smile, every tear, every wail. From yesterday, to today, to forever the love never ends.


  • blogs,  happy birthday,  jack,  life


    What’s Jack up to? Jack is having a hard time navigating in all this snow which has now turned to nasty slush and ice. Poor thing I wouldn’t want to put my paws in that either. Before you bring up doggie booties, they are so not Jack’s style or my patience. Getting his jacket on him is chore enough. Oh the joys of winter.

    It’s December 22nd and the holiday panic has seeped in. My to do list for the day is 1, 2, 3, 4 …17 items long and counting. Thumpity, thump, thump goes my rapid heart.

    Anybody else feeling the heat on this cold day?

    Well, if you’re not or even if you are and need a bit of a break check out this great new website I Heart Daily from YA writer Melissa Walker and Anne Ichikawa. It’s a daily newsletter for teen girls with features on fashion, beauty, entertainment and news. It’s super chic and oh so cool even if you’re not a teen and just want to be in the know and who doesn’t want that? Check it out here.


  • dieting,  happy birthday,  jack,  jack pics,  working out,  writing

    Happy Birthday Jack!

    What’s Jack up to? Jack is happy and chilling after his birthday party weekend. Well, not really a party, he is a dog after all and I’m not crazy. At least not THAT crazy.

    Happy Birthday Jack!

    Yep! Wild Jack turned 2 (or is it 14? I just don’t get the whole dog years thing) on Saturday. Thanks for adding just a bit more more nuttiness to my already heavily topped sundae of a life, Jack.

    I’m back from a fun filled and super inspirational weekend at the New Jersey Romance Writers conference. I’m exhausted, but feel the need to go to the gym and see if my membership is actually still any good thanks to Mel and this cool new blog she’s starting called FatChicksRunning. Now I refuse to out myself as a Fat Chick, but really who am I fooling? Like Mel, I’m a woman of a certain age who doesn’t want to be a certain size anymore and it’s time to do something about that. So I’m off. Hmm… Now which way was that gym?

    More on the conference soon. So much to talk about. So many smart women. So much work I need to do. Eek!


  • good news,  happy birthday,  jack,  life,  music,  stress,  videos

    Just Fine!

    What’s Jack Up to? Right now Jack is whining at the basement door. Should I take that as a hint he’s is no longer interested in watching the Yankee game with the DS and wants to hang with me? Can I get a moments rest? No. Oh well. That’s life. BTW I’m way sad over the ending of Yankee stadium. Part of my childhood is now gone. Big tear.

    At the end of last week with all the market turmoil, constant political crap and the Dear Teens sometimes making me want to pull my hair out I was feeling deep in a cynical rut. Which is honestly is not a far from my norm. Not to mention I didn’t totally agree with who got out Aufed on Project Runway and Top Model last week. UGH!
    But after church on Sunday I walked out feeling just fine. Shoot, God didn’t promise a life without trials, right.

    So during my many errands I rolled down the windows popped MJB (Mary J Blige) in the cd player and hit the gas. Hard.

    Do me a favor, try and not stress too much this week. It’s all going to be just fine. Do what you gotta do and Crank it up!

    And Happy Birthday to Ma! What can I say? Much Love. K.


  • happy birthday,  jack,  life,  Liza Palmer,  Megan Frampton,  writers,  writing,  yorkies

    The Quiet

    What’s Jack up to? Jack’s a bit better today. Not much snapping so that’s good. I’m taking a hard line, but of course it’s hard to do with those big brown eyes of his. I must stay strong.

    I’ve been a terrible blog hopper and lately not keeping up with many of my favorite blogs which maybe means that I’ve been a good blog hopper because for a while there blogs were taking up way too much of my time and kind of taking over my life.

    But yesterday while doing some perusing over at one of my favorite blogs The 5 Spot I read a post that really hit me that one of my favorite writers, Liza Palmer wrote. You may remember Liza from my interview I did with her here. Well Liza was talking about Ebbs and Flows and how this is an “Everything and Nothing kind of summer,” that “There’s this dip happening where it just seems like everything’s hard and nothing’s quite working out and life has taken on this molasses-y kind of pace.” Lines like this is why Liza is one of my favorite writers.

    She then talked about the journey and the quiet moments and how hard they are and how we as women especially hate those quiet moments (or years in my case). They can be positively brutal. You know those times when you plod along from work to work to work with what seems to be no real progress or reward. When people ask, “what new?” and you really don’t have anything new to report so you just nod and smile and say, “oh just the same ole thing,” With a small knot in your chest.

    But you’re at that strange point in your journey. Too far past the start to turn back. As a matter of fact way past the middle and the journey is not a hop on hop off type of thing. Take the next train back to normal. It’s a desert trek. If you turn back you could possibly die. So you have no choice, but shake your canteen, wipe your brow and plod ahead putting one foot in front of the other and move forward.

    I guess that’s what it’s all about the forward motion, not standing still or going backward, but moving forward and learning to enjoy and accept the quiet. I hear the best ideas come in the quiet moments anyway.

    You can check out Liza’s entire post here. The way she compare Michael Phelps and Mariska Hargitay is not to be missed.

    In Birthday news Happy Birthday to the P-I-C Megan. It is truly a magical moment when you find that special someone who really gets you. No, I’m not talking about that special someone. I’m talking about a girlfriend that other special someone you call to complain about that other special someone and all the other things that really irk you nerves because you that they just irk her nerves too. So cheers to you P-I-C!


  • happy birthday,  jack

    Happy Birthday to… Me!

    What’s Jack up to? He’s just being Jack. Happy and bouncing and driving me batty.

    Just like he’s supposed to.

    So today is my birthday. Wow, I can’t believe another one has come around so quickly. Must be the age.
    I’m always a little down on birthdays and holidays. Like a child, I tend to make way too much out of them. I don’t know why I do. I’m old enough to know better. But, I’m one of those people who believe that special days and special people should be marked in extra-special ways. So I always go all out, make a huge deal, then I get all melancholy thinking of the past and the future and then I turn to mush. I’ll try real hard not to do that this year. This year I plan on smiling as much as possible and counting the many blessings I have.
    What I’d like to do here is say thank you to my dear friends old and new for hanging with me on this blog and listening to my silly ramblings. It really means so much to me.
    Please enjoy this pic of my little flower this sits in my kitchen window and let’s bloom together this year.
  • happy birthday,  jack,  Prince

    Prince-ly Day!

    What’s Jack up to? Jack’s on fire today or at least he will be if the temperature hits 94 as the weather predicts. Jack doesn’t like the heat. But he’ll make it through like the charmer he is. Speaking of being a charmer. He was quite the charmer on our walk yesterday and despite being wild and jumpy, he was extra cute and our lovely little neighbor, T, is now more determined than ever to convince her mom, E, to get a D-O-double-G. She even watched me pick up P-O-O-P and promised to do so herself! Uh-Oh! Watch out, E!
    Happy B-Day to Prince. Another Gemini. His Purple Highness has had way too much influence on this girls formative years. Be still my little heart!

    From Adore :
    Until the end of time
    I’ll be there 4 U
    U own my heart and mind
    I truly adore U
    If God one day struck me blind
    your beauty I’d still see
    Love’s 2 weak 2 define
    just what U mean 2 me
    Scroll down for Ask the Agent!!
  • agents,  DH,  happy birthday,  interviews,  jack,  love,  marriage

    What is LOVE?

    What’s Jack up to? Ugh! The wild dog tried to give the DH a heart attack this morning on his walk by dashing out into the street towards a car. Thankfully he’s fine. Not so sure about the DH.
    Thanks to all of you who submitted questions on Ask The Agent yesterday. There’s still time to chime in. If you want to ask submit here. I’ll be writing up the interview soon and submitting it to Elaine. I’ll give a shout out as to when it will be posted. Great Fun! Thanks again.

    Speaking of fun…
    Happy Birthday to my dear DH! My own sweet knight in not so shining armor (not his fault. I’m just a poor armor shiner). No this is not my DH in this photo, but this is me at about the time I met my DH about 20 years ago with my big time forever crush, Prince.
    Then my DH came along. He was my total opposite with his southern charm and cool demeanor, but he and give me the same type of chills as the very best Prince song. I was a lost from the start.

    He really is my true BFF, my toughest critic and greatest supporter. Sticking by me at my best and worst and understanding me when no one else does.

    Happy Birthday DH!
    I Love you. But you already know that.



  • happy birthday,  jack,  Nana

    Happy Birthday Nana!!!!

    What’s Jack up to? He’s happy and content after getting to go over to Nana’s place where he was spoiled senseless. No, Jack! Birthday cake is not for puppies. And, Nana stop sneaking it to him!

    Happy Birthday to Nana today!!!

    Nana (aka. Mrs. Josephine M.) is my grandmother and she’s just about the best ever! The family matriarch, she can cook better than any body’s mama (who else calls lasagna a side dish?). She always has a willing ear, sound advice and tons of love to give. But don’t you cross her, because if need be, she’ll curse you out and have you crying in the corner, sucking your thumb like a baby. It won’t matter that you’re a forty year old man. When Nana Speaks people listen.

    I love you Nana, heck, we all do! Thanks for all you do and being you.


    P.S. I’ll print this page out and send it to you because I know you’re not surfing any silly Internet 🙂