What’s Jack up to? Jack is having a hard time navigating in all this snow which has now turned to nasty slush and ice. Poor thing I wouldn’t want to put my paws in that either. Before you bring up doggie booties, they are so not Jack’s style or my patience. Getting his jacket on him is chore enough. Oh the joys of winter.
It’s December 22nd and the holiday panic has seeped in. My to do list for the day is 1, 2, 3, 4 …17 items long and counting. Thumpity, thump, thump goes my rapid heart.
Anybody else feeling the heat on this cold day?
Well, if you’re not or even if you are and need a bit of a break check out this great new website I Heart Daily from YA writer Melissa Walker and Anne Ichikawa. It’s a daily newsletter for teen girls with features on fashion, beauty, entertainment and news. It’s super chic and oh so cool even if you’re not a teen and just want to be in the know and who doesn’t want that? Check it out here.