happy birthday,  jack

Happy Birthday to… Me!

What’s Jack up to? He’s just being Jack. Happy and bouncing and driving me batty.

Just like he’s supposed to.

So today is my birthday. Wow, I can’t believe another one has come around so quickly. Must be the age.
I’m always a little down on birthdays and holidays. Like a child, I tend to make way too much out of them. I don’t know why I do. I’m old enough to know better. But, I’m one of those people who believe that special days and special people should be marked in extra-special ways. So I always go all out, make a huge deal, then I get all melancholy thinking of the past and the future and then I turn to mush. I’ll try real hard not to do that this year. This year I plan on smiling as much as possible and counting the many blessings I have.
What I’d like to do here is say thank you to my dear friends old and new for hanging with me on this blog and listening to my silly ramblings. It really means so much to me.
Please enjoy this pic of my little flower this sits in my kitchen window and let’s bloom together this year.