Another Monday
So yeah another Monday is here. Well, we might as well go at it with the right attitude.
Shall we?Best,
Kwanaimage from here
Just One of Dem Days
This is a late post for me guess it’s just one of those days which is what I told the DD when she asked how the day went. She tried to glamorize it in song with all sorts of angst and the sultry tones of Monica singing but I told her sadly, it wasn’t as deep as all that. It was yeah, just one of those days where the hours weren’t long enough and I felt I hadn’t gotten enough done but a few lines of writing, some freelance work and a bonus load of laundry. Yay, the glam life of a writer and stay at home mom.
But to make her happy, hey, I’ll play the song. Props to her for knowing it from 1995.
Happy Weekend!
Is This Getting Boring?
What’s Jack up to? Poor thing buried is in snow. Well don’t feel bad for him feel bad for me and the DH doing the digging.
I had to get the heating pad last night for my back and then we got over a foot more snow over night. But, Spring is coming we know it right, Jack?
Have a great one!
Wordless Wednesday
Raise Your Hands
It’s steady light flurries right now which seemed to have come a little earlier than expected because school is on today which is a good thing in my work world, but I’m hoping they taper off for the afternoon buses. More snow is expected tomorrow night which I really hope doesn’t happen since the next day the dear twins have a big test which may have to be postponed to June if they can’t get in in. Yikes. Fingers crossed there. This has been one tough winter.
I hope things are mild where you are.
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Really it is. Now just keep telling it to yourself until it sinks in. Go get ’em partner!
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Delayed Start
Not sure what to say about today. It’s a delayed school start due to yet more snow which I’m completely over by now. All these closures and delays have me delayed with getting on a normal track for the New Year. I’m still feeling out of line from the holidays and not quite where I should be yet. I know I’m not the only one judging by all the grumblings on twitter. Feeling like I’m having a delayed start. How about you? Let’s hope for some calm within the next few weeks. And then it will be Game ON! In the meantime… Happy Friday!
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The 2nd Guess
How much time have you spent second guessing yourself? Well I don’t know about you but as for myself I’ve spent way too much time doing it.
Especially in my writing. I don’t know if it comes from doubt in myself, a lack of confidence in my work, or from the nature of the work and the fact that the fate of it is ultimately in someone else’s hands. I do know this though… second guessing is a terrible waste of time and in the end all it does is send you in circles usually back to the beginning where there was your true authentic self. The place you should have stayed when there was the first spark of excitement and your sprit was full of “I CAN do this!” and your mind had not yet been invaded with the evil critters of doubt and fear.
So my point today and I guess this is mainly for me as all these rants are: is to stay in the mindset of the starting gate. The “I CAN do this!” moment and don’t second guess. Time is way too precious. Happy Thursday!
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TBR… why don’t cha?
I often talk, well complain really, about my toppling TBR (to be read) pile. That sad pile of neglected books that never seems to get any smaller but only grows larger the more I hear about another great book or series from a friend, or a blogger or murmurings out there on twitter.
And it’s not just physical books now that I have an e-reader there is a growing digital TBR pile also. It’s quite daunting really.
I was happy when I saw that one of my favorite bloggers Wendy The Super Liberian was hosting a TBR challenge. Head over here to check it out and join if you like.
This month the challenge was to pick up a long neglected category romance. I picked one that hadn’t been hanging on my shelves but on my Sony for a short while. Romancing The Chef by Robyn Amos.
I’ve noticed a surge in chef romance lately and wanted to give this a try. I’m so happy I did. It had a great mix of romance with little of the drama of Top Chef and a touch of Iron Chef tension thrown in for good measure. I enjoyed that though there was a picture perfect heroine, she was new to being perfect after just having lost a significant amount of weight. And having that weight loss being new to her she came to the story with plenty of insecurities to add problems for the romance. This was an enjoyable and quick read and I’m thankful to Wendy for helping to get me to move it from my TBR pile. And that’s one.
As a bit of a bonus I also read another way too long neglected book that literally got buried in my TBR pile. Caitlin Crews’ (aka Megan Crane) Pure Princess, Bartered Bride.
It’s the story of Luc Garnier, the harsh billionaire business magnet on the hunt for his perfect princess titled bride. He meets his match when finds what he’s looking for in Gabrielle, the perfectly well molded princess who has never stepped a toe out of place. But problems arise when Gabrielle finally decides she doesn’t want a life as perfect princess anymore after she becomes shacked to the brooding Luc. A fun and steamy read. You keep turning the paged to see how these two will one up each other and who will win out in the end.
And that’s two! LOL. Thanks Wendy!
And, Another One
What’s Jack up to? Why he’s as confused as me over the fact that today after a two hour delay being called for freezing rain it has suddenly been called another snow day. It’s a full house again Jack. Needless to say the kids are thrilled.
And me? I’m hoping to find my way back into my routine sometime in this new year. Soon… please. Even my Christmas lights are still up outside along with most of the folks on my block. I guess we’re all in the same boat.
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