
And, Another One

What’s Jack up to? Why he’s as confused as me over the fact that today after a two hour delay being called for freezing rain it has suddenly been called another snow day. It’s a full house again Jack. Needless to say the kids are thrilled.

And me? I’m hoping to find my way back into my routine sometime in this new year. Soon… please. Even my Christmas lights are still up outside along with most of the folks on my block. I guess we’re all in the same boat.




image from here


  • Joyce

    A cute photo. The pups in the photo look just as confused. smile… Well Jack will be happy to have double the attention. We had snow all morning, then late afternoon into the evening the rain. It was a tad slippery walking in it last night. Enjoy your day, fill it with good movies and a pot of hot cocoa or and a treat or two for Jack!! xo

  • kathleen

    Love that boat photo! : )
    Be easy on yourself that holiday lights are still up. I have neighbors who still have wreaths on their door. Actually, I am enjoying it. People rush around so much, they don’t take much time to see what’s really around them. Could I be writing about myself? : )
    Be warm and safe.