happy holidays

That and So Much More… Happy MLK Day!


Thanks so much to all of you for the wonderful Happy Birthday comments for the Dear Twins. They were so touched and thank you all!

So I was driving downtown with the twins the other night to go and meet my DH and see The Addams Family for the twins’ birthday (it was wonderful). We were in a crazy amount of traffic and the DD and I were both frustrated and flipping radio stations in for of a flipping competition. I was so happy when this gem from 1986 came on. I had the best time trying to tell the twins about the song and what it meant to all of us. The fact that Martin Luther King Day wasn’t always a holiday (something they could not really get their head around) and we were so happy we had to get out most popular and most stylishly dressed (LOL) R&B stars of the time to commemorate it. I hope you enjoy and reflect today on all Dr. King stood for and how his dream still had a long ways to go.

