• book launch,  my view,  Seduction's Canvas,  writing life

    A Seduction…

    Wow, it’s getting pretty real around here. So I’m not just published, but soon to be multi-published as my DH reminded me the other night. Eep! I have to say that the whole idea totally boggles this little mind of mine as I still find it hard that anyone even thinks of me a writer, you know, like for real realz. But that said, here it is, live and in color, the cover of my May 27th release Seduction’s Canvas. I hope you love it as much as I do. I think that Crimson did a fantastic job of capturing the strength and sensuality of my hero, Mark Thorn and the obvious, Vin Diesel factor I was going for when describing him. I just can’t stop looking.


    Seduction's Canvas cover 5-6

    “I want to paint you” Artist Samara Leighton had wanted to say those words to the sexy motorcycle rider who lived in the building ever since she first laid eyes on him nearly a year ago. But now that the words were out she couldn’t stop her heart from beating wildly in her chest.
    “Honey, you don’t have enough paint to cover me.” Security specialist Mark Thorn didn’t mean to come off as a hard ass. As a matter of fact, he wanted nothing more than to let the tempting artist from across the hall do whatever she wanted to him and then some. But her haughty demeanor left the normally cool rider off his game.
    Samara knew this was her only chance to live out her long-standing fantasy and she wasn’t going to let it slip through her fingers. She had very little time before her show was done and the pressure of her family legacy meant she would finally go through with living out her life under the umbrella of the Leighton name and its responsibilities. There would be no more downtown jaunts, lazy museum afternoons, and evenings spent lost in the magic of color and her canvases. And definitely no time spent holding tight to the muscular form of her dark rider while the horrors of her past and her cares drifted further away with each mile of road they covered.

    You can pre-order Seduction’s Canvas at Amazon or iTunes now.


    All the best,


  • my view,  writing,  writing life

    A Case of The Mondays

    Hey folks. Seems I’ve got a serious ‘case of the Mondays’ over here as I’ve had no real Saturday or Sunday in I don’t know how long with edits flowing over into the weekends and writing going nonstop full-stop. I think I have to do a lot better with scheduling a little downtime so that I have little relaxation time to myself. Right about now I see a Tuesday and a Wednesday coming up mid-November. Yep, a case of the Mondays for sure. Or maybe it’s the Thursdays. I don’t know.  Either way these Office Space clips make me laugh and hey you have to laugh.


    Tell me how do you handle the work, life, family balance thing. Anybody out there having it all?


    All the best,


  • my view,  writing life

    Stay In Your Lane…

    My edits are barely in for my May 27th  Crimson Romance release: Seduction’s Kiss and I’m already bouncing on my toes about what project I should work on next. I have my 3rd to come up for Crimson, tentatively titled By Design (whoo hoo, set in the fashion world)  that I’m excited about and then there are the two or three other not so secret projects that I’m also itching to get going on.


    It seems the creative mind never stops and with all the changes going on in the publishing world it makes it just that much harder to reign in the brain, curb the flow of ideas and focus. But I must. Nothing is more satisfying in putting the words THE END on one of the projects that have been buzzing abound in your brain.  It’s like putting a net on that hard to catch butterfly.

    Or getting to that finish line and winning the race. But to do either of these things I know I need to Keep Calm and Stay In My Lane.


    What butterflies are you trying to capture today?


    All the best,



    Image from here and here

  • my view,  writing,  writing life

    Dragons to Slay…

    Good Day everyone. Peeking my bleary eyes out the window as I sip my coffee I can see it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. But I turn away from the glaring sun as I reach for some meds to fight against the migraine I woke up with this morning and wash it down with a sip of much needed caffeine. I take a deep breath. Time to dive back into my edits and slay those dragons. The dragons of adding scenes and fixing point of views. Not to mention the dragon of fixing the emotional game of Twister that I’ve gotten my characters tangled up in. Time for another sip of coffee then to my sword.


    What dragons are you slaying today?


    All the best,



    Image: Saint Michael and the Dragon by Raphael

  • my view,  Through The Lens,  writing,  writing life

    Marching Through!

    Happy Day and Happy March!


    So much to celebrate this month, not the least of which is the 6 month anniversary of Through The Lens! Whee!! Blows whistles, throws confetti. And for the 6th month anniversary I have had a fun trailer made by Winterheart designs for TTL. Come on and get tropical with me and Look Through The Lens!




    Oh and did you hear that I just hit send on book 2? Bam! Yeah, I’m thinking a nap is in order for the weekend.  But first, we have to get jiggy with the lovely Nana and have a big ol’ Super Duper Happy Birthday Celebration!


    Happy Birthday Nana!! Love you forever!


    Let’s hope she’s not passing out TTL at her party, but if she is, I really won’t be mad ya know. Not like it would be the first time I shamelessly used my grandmother to sell my stuff. Flashbacks of every school fundraiser ever now running through my head.


    How about you? What do you have planned for the weekend?


    All the best,



  • interviews,  my view,  writers,  writing,  writing life

    Just One More Thing…

    Happy Monday! Wishing you all a fantastic week as I go into my final push on finishing up book 2 in my Creative Hearts Series. I know that by my Friday deadline I’ll probably be resembling the walking dead myself. It seems the book is never done until it is out of your hands done, so it’s down to the wire for me. Are you like that with projects that you have to get out? Constantly, moving them around, fidgeting and re-arranging until the very last minute?  Be it a huge project or an intimate dinner party? Please chime in and share you last minute thoughts.

    And speaking of last minute… In these last few of Black History Month have you checked out the Black History issue of Shades of Romance Magazine?  I’m in there on page 32 plus a whole host of much more fab authors sharing their thoughts on Writing The Book and Black History. A wonderful read. Check it out here.


    Have a great one!


    All the best,



    image from here and here


  • motherhood,  my view,  videos,  writing life

    Starting with Why?

    my book 2 deadline and feeling like a real gah! “author, author.” I was near tears though, happy ones after practically gutting my poor brooding hero. You see for some reason I found it necessary to put the man quite through it and I was so happy for it. A hot ready to pull my hair out over the emotional changes that I had made mess, but in the end happy because I knew the story would be the better for it. Because you see for me, a good romance is all about the character’s emotional journey.

    But then, not long after in some sort of divine conformation, my son came to me all excited about this TEDx video that he saw and wanted to share with me about Why and succeeding in the work that you do and how that can transfer into consumers believing in you and your message. I’d like to share it with you today. And leave you with the question: Is your Why lined up with your What?


    All the best,


  • happy holidays,  writing life

    Like the Founding Fathers…

    Or at least like I’m assuming the founding fathers were, I’ve had my nose to the grindstone and have had quite the busy writerly weekend with my book 2 deadline fast approaching. As you can see it has been me and laptop, coffee and lens cleaner all the way.

    And shall be me and my laptop until I’m ready to finally say goodbye to this book, which I can assure you won’t be until the very last moment as the characters are still talking to me, adding lines, saying things that they should have said in scenes way back when (just like I do in real life). Oh they are quite the problem children. As if I didn’t have enough of those already. LOL.

    And just to show how mad (ie.crazy) me and my problem children really are. Check this photo of my wild clean up. Which had to happen when a squirrel popped up outside my living room window and I promptly jumped up and spilled my coffee all over the coffee table. Gah! Nice to get lost in your world. Just not that lost.


    Have a great Day! And Happy President’s Day if you are celebrating today!


    All the best,




  • my view,  new york,  writing life

    Looking Good For Her Age

    This weekend I got shoved out of left my writing cave to head downtown and attend my monthly romance writer’s meeting. Besides being a wonderful and inspirational meeting, I will thrilled to find I was down in Grand Central Station just in time for the 100th anniversary! The old girl sure looks good for her age. Here are a few pics that I snapped while bustling through to get to my train. Enjoy! Now back to the Bat Cave for me! Have a great one.




    All the best,


  • Books,  jane austen,  my view,  videos,  writing life

    Happy 200th Birthday Pride and Prejudice!

    I’m still deep in the writing cave and can barely come out to see the sun (if there was some sun). Though as much as I’d like to spend the day with a full on Pride and Prejudice fest and go all in with my double DVD collection to celebrate the 200th birthday today, I just can’t. So that said, I’ve made do with this fun video while I enjoyed a warm bowl of soup for lunch today. If you have 10 minutes click on and enjoy.


    And really the warm soup and Firth’s long looks were just want I needed to get me through to the next page. Thank you Miss Austen.



    Have a great day!


    All the best,



    image fm here