• family,  motherhood

    Holding on…as you let go…

    This has been both a long time coming and the shortest time ever. Over the weekend our girl aka “little twin A” aka “The DD” graduated from college (with a double major in International Studies and French thank-you-very-much-bring on those jobs please).

    It was an amazing, proud and bittersweet moment for both me and the DH. And we’re now in the position of welcoming her back home as a young woman when at the same time (not entirely by choice) we’re sending her out into the “real world” as a young adult. It’s such a strange time for all of us. Not just a new chapter but a whole new story just waiting to be written and the hardest thing is this story I’m not writing.

    Try as we might have to hold her tight and keep her our baby she still went and grew up, so with that all we can do is let her know how incredible we think she is, how much we love and care for her and hope that the world will love and care for her at least half as much.

    Either way we are here. Still full of love, the love of parents, of family and that never changes.


    Kayla Grad collage 1




  • jack,  life,  motherhood,  my view

    Oh snow!

    Happy Monday! The DD has arrived in Paris and so begins a new chapter for her. Thanks for all the well wishes. Please join me in continuing to wish her well and safety.



    So now it’s Monday and time to crack that Monday whip. For some reason with both kids now settled and getting into their pursuits and studies I’m feeling like this is as re-start to the New Year for me. I’m making my to-do list and checking it twice. Time to really grind it out.


    But first…. I guess there is more snow to be shoveled. Both Jack and I are not amused (also someone needs a haircut. Spring please come soon).


    Wishing you a great day.

    All the best,


  • happy birthday,  motherhood,  my view

    Ch-ch-ch-Changes… Happy Birthday Dear Twins!

    So it happened…

     No matter what my feelings or your father’s. No, we couldn’t slow it down or stop time.

    The teenage years are done and twenty is here.

    Happy 20th Birthday My dear, Our Dearest Twins!


    On this day our wish for you is the same as it’s been since the very first. For you both to be full of happiness, and peace, to be safe and live a life full of love and joy. To continue to do your best as you go out in the world and reach for the stars.

    All we ask in return is that you cut us some slack and know that, though you’re truly young adults, for as long as we live you’ll be our babies and the two most precious people in the world to us. Continue to make us as proud as we are today.

    babies a

    Changes… yep, they happen and we can’t change that just like you can’t change our love.


    Love forever,

    Mom & Dad


    P.S. Check out my DD’s (Little Twin B) Next semester Paris Dreams here and wish her luck and she goes on her way!

  • life,  motherhood,  my view,  Uncategorized


    Putting these words on repeat after a weekend full of amazing highs and such low lows. I got to see love fulfilled when I attended the wedding of good friends where I toasted and danced and made merry with so many that I love. But then later that evening to turn around and see justice denied had me going to bed with a heavy heart to a restless night’s sleep. Though as the mother of young black teens it was not my first and I daresay it won’t be my last. But one thing I know is it takes some valley walking to get to the base of that mountain and start your climb. So climb I shall. Climb we all shall. It’s been done before.

     Here’s to the week ahead.



    All the best,


    Image fm tumblr

  • family,  motherhood,  my view,  Seduction's Canvas,  Uncategorized

    Blooming Monday!

    Happy Monday! I’m hoping you had a lovely weekend. I sure did. It was a proud one as I saw my DD receive her Associates degree in liberal arts this weekend. This is what I hope is her first higher learning degree as she is going right onto continue her studies for her bachelors next semester. It was blooming smiles all around even if it was a tad drizzly. Nothing could dampen our spirits.


    And speaking of good spirits… we have a winner in my Get Ready For Seduction Giveaway! The lucky winner is… Vanessa N! Thanks Vanessa and thanks so much to you all who entered. And please remember that Seduction’s Canvas will be out on May 27th and you can pre-order it now. You can also get an exclusive sneak peek over at Heroes and Heartbreakers right now.

    Have a great start to your week!


    All the best,


  • motherhood,  my view,  politics


    Yesterday the President was in Connecticut to give a very important speech on gun control, speaking for the tragic Newtown victims and countless others on this issue that in my opinion needs attention, action and a vote NOW.

    Well, he choose my DD’s college sports center as the venue to hold that speech. On Friday she was one of the many students to line up and score one of the hottest tickets in town. She and her friend were so excited when they called me screaming after getting their tickets that I was feeling giddy right along with them.

    And here my beauty is, looking quite Presidential herself, sporting some old school Jackie O style with her peplum dress. Definitely ready to meet the press or President Obama if the opportunity should come up.

    Finally, here are some pics from inside the arena. She told me it was amazing to see him (yes , the word handsome came up, but that could have been from me) and to hear him speak. She said it was quite life changing to be in the presence of a sitting President and feel that energy.  I know I was so excited for her.


    I was also so proud. You see as a parent of young African-American adults, in moments like this, I can’t help but think back to a history not that long ago when a moment like this was nothing but a dream and a struggle in this hearts of a people.  And in the minds of some, a reality to never be seen. But here it is. In front of our eyes.


    All the best,


  • motherhood,  my view,  videos,  writing life

    Starting with Why?

    my book 2 deadline and feeling like a real gah! “author, author.” I was near tears though, happy ones after practically gutting my poor brooding hero. You see for some reason I found it necessary to put the man quite through it and I was so happy for it. A hot ready to pull my hair out over the emotional changes that I had made mess, but in the end happy because I knew the story would be the better for it. Because you see for me, a good romance is all about the character’s emotional journey.

    But then, not long after in some sort of divine conformation, my son came to me all excited about this TEDx video that he saw and wanted to share with me about Why and succeeding in the work that you do and how that can transfer into consumers believing in you and your message. I’d like to share it with you today. And leave you with the question: Is your Why lined up with your What?


    All the best,


  • happy holidays,  motherhood,  my view,  teens,  twins

    Float on, float on… Happy 19th Dear Twins

    Happy 19th Birthday Dear Twins!


    Now of course a big part of me wants to just spend today reminiscing and listening to Adele over and over, but  I won’t. Well, maybe just a few melancholy sniffles if you please.

    But then I will stop and smell the roses of the past 19 years…

    And tell you to eat all the cake both of your heart’s desire…

    And really enjoy this…

    And most of all… Don’t rush things…

    Slow down and make this a wonderful year full of family, love, laughter and joy,

    because what I do know is that time is going so fast that right now it does feel like you both are….

    Love you forever,


    Images thanks to We Heart It all except the last. That would be mine.

  • motherhood,  my view

    Angel’s Arms

    Today I woke and like so many others with hope that yesterday was just a bad dream. But no, it happened and that overwhelming feeling of sadness is left to nestle in and find a place in the corner of our hearts where all grief goes.  Then I walked past the little stone plate that I keep hung in my home and have had so many years (see it’s had its share of dings over the years as we have) that I’ve honestly forgotten where I got it but remember I was drawn to it all those years ago when my two angels where just little ones.  It’s an angel holding two small babies safely in her arms.

    I can imagine the angel’s arms are overflowing today. Sending hope for healing hearts in Newtown and all over the world today.


    Love and Peace,
