• my view,  writing,  writing life

    Scribing New

    After working in Word for all of my books (and all of my near books) I have long been jealous of my writing buds who smoothly tout the benefits of working with the writing program Scrivener. They talk about how they don’t have to writer linearly, how they divide and then compile their scenes, how they can color code their scenes however they want and outline their work right there on their computer and so much more. Yeah, I was mad jelly. But you see I had Scrivener on my computer and I tried the program, but my hard to retrain brain just couldn’t get around the program.


    Well, last week my good friend, super talented writer and it turns out computer wiz, Laura K. Curtis came by to help take me out of the ‘Dummie’ stage in my long Scrivener quest.


    After her patiently going over and over how to insert files, add new files, label postcards and explaining ‘The Inspector’ (what is that again?) I’m honestly nowhere near what you would call an expert…

    But maybe I can now call myself a Novice as opposed to a Dummie. Hey, as long as I remember to keep hitting save every few minutes and just keep writing I should be a Novice plus in about 2 years or 3 books. Whichever comes first.


    Tell me are you trying to tackle learning anything new or have you done so after doing it the same old way for so long?


    All the best,


  • my view,  writing life


    Good day peeps! Hope this hump day is treating you right. I’m starting off trying to get over a couple of humps. The 1st, the day before, of tripping over my laptop cord and watching that thing crash to the floor. Heart stopping there. And the lesson: Backup! Backup!! Backup!!

    The next is: a skunk must have gone by last night and had a spray storm right by our house. Ugh! The smell work me in the middle of the night and it still has me riled today. I’m hoping the smell of frying bacon is a worthy air freshener. In my mind it is.

    Oh well that said, I’m wishing you an easy way downhill from the hump. Watch those skunks.

    bacon 3


    All the best,


  • my view,  photography,  writing life

    They’re Closer Than You Think

    Now that I’ve finished book 3 and handed it in I’m left tapping my fingers until I get my editing notes and have to look at the final book in my Creative Hearts series for the big clean up to get it ready for production.

    In the meantime it’s time to face the fact that it’s time to move on and step into a new world of my own making. Now sure, I could very well add on and on and on to this series, but it really is time to start something now. There are new stories, new ideas and most importantly, new characters that are starting to take shape and voice in my head, while the old ones are enjoying their Happily Ever Afters or at least Happily for Nows off in the sunset. Yes, the time is now.

    You can’t live your life in the rearview mirror. All the while hitting the breaks and holding up traffic. There’s too much crash potential. As the warning heeds, the objects behind you are closer than you think.




    All the best,


  • my view,  Through The Lens,  writing life

    What a Day!

    Yesterday was an amazing day! Like I said to a writer friend on twitter, “I feel like a seat filler at the Oscars.” Just how did I get invited to this party? It was just magical seeing my 1st published book, THROUGH THE LENS climb in the ranks and getting to hang out with all the cool kids. I was totally nerding out. Once again, I can’t thank all my FB, Twitter friends and Crimson Sisters enough for sharing, tweeting and doing what they could to spread the word on the Kindle Daily Deal yesterday. Once again it proved to me just how wonderful and giving the romance community is. I feel so lucky to be a part of it. And I’m so happy to announce that thanks to you all Through The Lens, as if this moment has made it to #1 in Multicultural and Interracial Romance.


    Oh and I’m guest blogging today over at my local RWA/NYC chapter blog today with an excerpt from THROUGH THE LENS. Check it out here. Thanks.


    I am so grateful and feel truly blessed. Love to you all.



    TTL #1c  multicultural 9-17





    All the best,


  • my view,  Through The Lens,  writing life

    Happy Pub-iversary to me!

    Once again I was sleeping (well, writing in this case) on the job. I went and put a post up on September 3, then went back into my writing cave, letting my characters and my deadline take me away, not even noticing until some old friends (once again, characters) came a knocking by the names of Mika and Ale to tell me that I was forgetting something.

    You see, September 3rd was my 1st anniversary as a published author! Whee and Woo Hooo! I can’t believe it’s been a year already that Through The Lens has been out, but the calendar says it’s so (not to mention my new grey hairs) and the calendar (or Miss Clairol) doesn’t lie. It’s been a roller coaster year of fun and learning and there is still so much more growing I have to do and stories I’d like to write. I can’t thank you all enough for sticking by me on my journey with your kind words and encouragement.

    Cheers to all of you and remember to keep Looking Through The Lens. You never know when you’ll see a brand new view.

    Through The Lens Final Cover


    All the best,


  • my view,  writing life

    Hello September

    Good day everyone. With the long weekend over it’s back to classes for the kids and back to work for me. This month it’s grind it out time. Book 3 is waiting!

    Wishing you a Happy September.



    Cheers to a great one for all of us. For some reason September always feels like my New Year with back to school and all. A time to reflect and hit the restart button. How about you?


    All the best,


  • jack,  jack pics,  writing life

    The Muse is Testy

    My deadline is looming and the Jackster is not having it with my futzing around and not getting this book finished. Here is when I tried stopped typing and put my laptop down thinking I’d just sneak off to the kitchen for a quick bite.  With that face, I quickly started up again and got in a few hundred more words before I slipped past him as he was snoozing and nabbed a snack.


    jack muse 1


    Have a good weekend. You know what I’ll be doing.


    All the best,


  • my view,  writing life

    Friday Flashback- Time

    Happy Friday. I should be saying that with more enthusiasm. Some exclamation points I’m thinking. But with August here and writing deadlines looming I just can’t get my back into the excitement of another Friday. To a writer under pressure it’s just another passing day.

    big ben

    But that said, I’m rallying! See there’s your exclamation point. I’m powering through by doing a FAST DRAFT challenge with my talented writer bud, Laura K. Curtis which helps cut down on the internal editor as with the Fast Draft she has no time to chime in before you are on to the next point.

    Would I like more time to mull things over? Yes, I think I would. Is more time good for me? Probably not. It just gives that evil internal editor more time to gab and plant seeds of doubt. And we all know she’s chatty enough as it is.



    Have a wonderful weekend and here’s hoping, at least for Saturday & Sunday, time slows down for you.


    All the best,



    image thanks to weheartit.com

  • my view,  RWA,  RWA nationals,  Seduction's Canvas,  writers,  writing life

    Pin Me Down… ATL bound!

    This week I’m heading to Atlanta and the Romance Writers of America National conference. I can’t wait. As a romance writer I’ll get to attend workshops on both craft and career and as fan all get to see, meet and interact with some of my favorite authors and some new and old friends. It should be a fantastic time.

    If you are in the Atlanta area on Wednesday please come on out to the Literacy Autographing which is open to the public. Details here. You’ll get to purchase books from many of your favorite authors and have the signed. I can’t wait. I’ll be getting quite a few books signed by my faves and it’s all for a great cause. And if you happen to see me, though I won’t be signing, don’t hesitate to ask me to get pinned.

    button sed


    You see, I have these fab pins made up for the conference. Wouldn’t you love to be pinned by Mark Thorn, my hero from Seduction’s Canvas? I know quite a few people who would. I’ll be back with you all soon and checking in on twitter as the week goes on. Have a great one!

    Now if I could just stop packing shoes….

    shoes 1


    All the best,
