my view,  photography,  writing life

They’re Closer Than You Think

Now that I’ve finished book 3 and handed it in I’m left tapping my fingers until I get my editing notes and have to look at the final book in my Creative Hearts series for the big clean up to get it ready for production.

In the meantime it’s time to face the fact that it’s time to move on and step into a new world of my own making. Now sure, I could very well add on and on and on to this series, but it really is time to start something now. There are new stories, new ideas and most importantly, new characters that are starting to take shape and voice in my head, while the old ones are enjoying their Happily Ever Afters or at least Happily for Nows off in the sunset. Yes, the time is now.

You can’t live your life in the rearview mirror. All the while hitting the breaks and holding up traffic. There’s too much crash potential. As the warning heeds, the objects behind you are closer than you think.




All the best,