Happy Pub-iversary to me!
Once again I was sleeping (well, writing in this case) on the job. I went and put a post up on September 3, then went back into my writing cave, letting my characters and my deadline take me away, not even noticing until some old friends (once again, characters) came a knocking by the names of Mika and Ale to tell me that I was forgetting something.
You see, September 3rd was my 1st anniversary as a published author! Whee and Woo Hooo! I can’t believe it’s been a year already that Through The Lens has been out, but the calendar says it’s so (not to mention my new grey hairs) and the calendar (or Miss Clairol) doesn’t lie. It’s been a roller coaster year of fun and learning and there is still so much more growing I have to do and stories I’d like to write. I can’t thank you all enough for sticking by me on my journey with your kind words and encouragement.
Cheers to all of you and remember to keep Looking Through The Lens. You never know when you’ll see a brand new view.
All the best,
One Comment
Reese Ryan
Happy belated pub-iversary, Kwana!