Scribing New
After working in Word for all of my books (and all of my near books) I have long been jealous of my writing buds who smoothly tout the benefits of working with the writing program Scrivener. They talk about how they don’t have to writer linearly, how they divide and then compile their scenes, how they can color code their scenes however they want and outline their work right there on their computer and so much more. Yeah, I was mad jelly. But you see I had Scrivener on my computer and I tried the program, but my hard to retrain brain just couldn’t get around the program.
Well, last week my good friend, super talented writer and it turns out computer wiz, Laura K. Curtis came by to help take me out of the ‘Dummie’ stage in my long Scrivener quest.
After her patiently going over and over how to insert files, add new files, label postcards and explaining ‘The Inspector’ (what is that again?) I’m honestly nowhere near what you would call an expert…
But maybe I can now call myself a Novice as opposed to a Dummie. Hey, as long as I remember to keep hitting save every few minutes and just keep writing I should be a Novice plus in about 2 years or 3 books. Whichever comes first.
Tell me are you trying to tackle learning anything new or have you done so after doing it the same old way for so long?
All the best,
Heather Thurmeier
I got Scrivener for my birthday and the plan was to do the tutorials over the summer. Never happened. But I still really want to try it. I’ll admit, I’m scared to try writing on something new! Soon I’ll sit down and give it a try… maybe…
I say give it a go Heather. Join me in the fun. LOL.
I did hear of Scrivener and it sounds great. I am taking an online course – trying to prepare more whole foods, more plant based and learning lots of new tricks. I really love learning new things.
Now if I could only say that about “technology” which moves at warp speed – I’ll get there.
That sounds fantastic and delish Patricia.
I use Scrivener. No way do I use all the features and don’t know what the Inspector is either. But I’ve written two books on it and am working on my third. Would never go back to Word.