Malan Shows
Here’s a video of Malan’s latest collection shown at Fashion Week. How much do I love Malan? He’s from another time.
Fredrick goes to PR- Blogging Project Runway
There is something so wrong with this picture and the funny fact that Tim Gunn said “fierce” twice in one show. Look at it. The poor man is scared witless.
My initial reaction was to hold my head in agony at the thought of the PR crew designing outfits for the WWE girls. What’s up with that? Would someone tell me how that showcases a designers natural talent? The whole point of the show is developing a new designers vision. Now if that vision is doing WWE costumes or Vegas showgirl dresses. Then fine. Glam it up. (Go Chris!) But if it’s not, give a challange that really shows what the designers will do once they get their own collection. What, will they be doing Holiday themed sweaters next week?
Ok, after all those emotions I sat and got into the spirt of the show. It’s PR time to have fun.
So it’s Buh-Bye, Ricky. Wipe your weepy eyes. You’re going to a better place. Probaly the Bryant park tents where all good PR castoffs eventually go. Sort of like the land of misfit toys.
I have to say. I didn’t hate Ricky’s bathing suit. Sure if he put shorts or a skirt over it he would have been betteror if he went the whole Jenny-from- the- block , Ghetto fab way he could have rocked it.
For my money this week it should have Rami with Sweet P in the bottom 2.Although Sweet P’s outfit was gawd awful to me Rami should have gone home.Sweet P’s Salute to Fredrick of Hollywood. Soon to be in costume shops everywhere.
Rami, what’s with the different patterns on the breast? What woman in the world want sequins on one breast and ruffles on the other? Anyone, anyone? She looks like a farm-girl with an identity crisis.
Christian, playing the stage mom and watching over his DIVA.
I totally got into the Prince/ Vanity Six moment.Jillian’s homage to American Gladiators. Cute, but not memorable.
Our winner, Chris here, happy a clam and feeling good in his element. I’m loving Chris’ spirt right now. That laugh always cracks me up. I’m so happy he returned to the show.Check out the judges, laughing nervously and all vowing to call their agents as soon as they are off set. “I thought this was a fashion competition,” Nina is probably saying under her breath.
So who’s your money on for the top three? I’m going to step out and say, Christian, Chris and Jillian. The judges may be getting tired of Rami and his draping (I am) and Sweet P’s days seem numbered. We’ll see next week. Until then…
KwanaThe Malan Show ep. 2
Sadly, no Project Runway last night, but here’s some cheer. Enjoy episode 2 of The Malan Show. watching him have a sandwich in the park sure put a smile on my face. Best,Kwana
Runway day
What’s Jack up to? Today he’s in a silly, playful mood and for some reason thinks we all want to chase him around the house in order to get him to go outside. Dude, chill no one really wants to take you out that much.First off, sorry for the crazy long post. It’s Reality TV and a lot to talk about. I promise to write shorter tomorrow.Fox’s new show The Moment Of Truth premiered last night. OMG. What a trip! I wanted to turn away as soon as I put it on, but I couldn’t and I’m sure that’s what Fox was banking on. The whole train wreck effect. I watched one married man and personal trainer, strapped to a lie detector, taken down by lying on the question : Have you ever touch a female client more than was necessary? He said, no and that was a lie. Did I mention that this was asked right in front of his wife? Yikes. The real moment of truth for me is: Will I watch this again? Sadly, I have to say, yes. It won’t be programmed into my DVR, but if I pass it I can’t promise not to watch. Ugh! Fox you’ve done it again.Now onto something I can be proud to admit I watched. Let’s talk Project Runway and the Levi’s Jean challenge. I have to say I got excited with talk of the Jean Challenge. It took me back to my denim roots and how in the late 80’s when for my entrance project into FIT, I decided to hand sew (poor little, Kwana had no sewing machine) the heaviest weight denim into a full 6 gored skirt with a matching denim bustier. Total Jody Watley! Don’t You Want Me. The finger pain was worth it when i got my acceptance into FIT.Now, please tell me why did they make the designers run for the denim ala Supermarket Sweeps. Why?I just loved Chris talking to his garment talk. Crazy, but real. Too bad the dress didn’t talk back. I thought he was on the way out this week with that one.Poor Sweet P and her Hippy dress. It had Tim saying what to me was the line of the night. “Resolve the skirt!” It shows you should always listen to Tim Gunn. Thankfully she did.Rami, wow, you can even drape denim. Bravo.Christian’s jacket was nuts to me, but his jean was Fierce.Bravo has totally caught on to the fact that Christian the star of the show and featured his fabulous whinyness to the fullest. Now Christain tell us what do you really think of Ricky?Oh, Ricky you cry baby. Wipe those tears away. You won.
Jillian and Victorya doing the coat smack down was fun to watch develop. But I was shocked to see Victorya go. I thought she won this round, just barely.
Ona fabulous note and thanks to the guys at Project Rungay for the heads up, Bravo has decided to make my day and do The Malan Show! It’s a short web show. Click here to check it out. I promise you won’t be disappointed, darlings.
KwanaNeither Avant or Garde
What’s Jack up to? Jack’s unusually quiet this morning. It may be that he’s afraid that I’m going to make him get down from his high couch perch that he’s come to love. So he’s buried himself deep into the pillows like he’s trying to blend into the surroundings. Don’t worry, Jack I’m over it. I’ll just vacuum and Fabreze the couch when company comes.NeitherAvant or Garde. That’s what the judges seemed to think about Kit and Ricky’s designs last night. I have to say I agree. Although their major design was sweet in and Alice in Wonderland meets Gone With The Wind kind of way, it just didn’t go far enough. So one of them had to go and it was Kit’s night. We’ll miss the sweet bleached blond. It was a good run.
What was one of the major things we learned with this episode? Well, it’s that we don’t want to work in Rami’s showroom before fashion week. Why, he made the pierced and heavily tattooed Sweet P cry. Toughen up girl! You don’t have to take that mess. I don’t care if he is The Drapemaster.
Team Victorya and Jillian. Uh-oh. They cracked me up with all their soft talking that was so filled with venom I was feeling poisoned in my bedroom. But props to that major coat. It was a work of art, tough as nails and beautiful to boot. Loved it.Did we all love the show intro and watching Christian flat iron his hair? That hair could have totally been a project inspiration this week.
I loved the Diva Duo of Chris and Christian. They were the clear winners to me with their tornado of organza. The cell tower collar was nutty at first but when the model turned and the end of the runway and created the picture it was just amazing. Great job guys. How happy am I that Chris got to come back? Could he make the final three? I hope so. I thing that would be a runway show to remember.Best,
KwanaKit speaks
Here are a few parting words from Kit
High School Mania
What’s Jack up to? Why he’s just chillin’ right now after giving the house a 4:30 a.m. bark-fest. We get it, Jack. You’re a ferocious guard dog. Ohhh we’re sooo scared. Now be quiet.
I loved the prom dress challenge last night. But from the looks on the contestant’s faces when the models came out, it seems I was the only one.
Victorya looked so pissed at having to do this challenge, the anguish was all over her face. Then she had the nerve to get dissed by her high-school model, who told her she picked her because she got the last choice. Ha! But, I have to say Victorya redeemed herself from last week’s mess. Really cute dress. Totally prom.
Christian, as usual was like a little bolt of lightning. Then he got Miss Maddy who was super opinionated and studying design herself. She took the pencil right out of his hand! Perfect. Maddy sent Christian to the floor, in a fetal position. Taken down by a seventeen year old. Fantastic. Power in a pleated skirt. Maybe he learned something this week.Ricky, I’m now officially tired of the hat. And when are you gonna stop crying? It’s not that deep, dude. I thought his dress was sweet though, even with the awful workmanship on the bottom.
Sorry, Rami you were not the golden child tonight. The panel was right. His dress was too old for a prom dress. Cut the back-talk and do the challenge right. We already know you’ve got it, but never forget the client. She’s seventeen for goodness sake!
Kevin saying he’d put a chastity belt in the prom dress was priceless. Too bad his dress was sad. Old and sad. He was sweet though. He’ll be missed.I also loved all the prom pictures. They took me back to my own My Fair Lady Moment.
And as always, Love you Tim Gunn. The voice, The stance, The Tim Gunn-isims. Just everything. Make it work.
For more PR fun check out the cartoon sketch of Christian on the Project Rungay blog. Fierce!
KwanaUltimate motivation?
Could NBC’s newest version of The Biggest Loser, couples edition, be the ultimate in diet motivation?It’s perfect for all those January resolutions. And talk about drama. Sweat and tears flow like crazy. My fav on the show? The hard-as-nails mama, Bette-Sue who’s teamed up with her daughter, Ali. The tough 53 year old mama actually slipped off the treadmill and did a face-plant. Ouch! But she got back up and kept in going. Well, I guess I’ll be at the gym again tomorrow. Thanks Bette-Sue.On a more obscure note. With her sassy attitude and asymmetrical 80’s hair. Could she possibly be Christain from Project Runway’s mother too? Hmmm…Talking Project Runway
What’s Jack up to? Why he’s resting an relaxing this morning, looking no worse for the wear, after waking the house up at 4 a.m. He was barking for reasons we still don’t know of. It seems suspiciously like he just wanted to play. Ugh, Jack.Last night Project Runway was back with a new episode. I just love Project Runway. Every week it takes me back to my days and nights at FIT, sewing and working on a dress form.I have to say I rolled my eyes when I found out that Hershey’s was their surprise destination. Another candy Challenge? Haven’t they learned from the past?But at least this time they found a candy challenge that didn’t have to be real candy. Can you believe how many pillows were in that store?I do think that choosing Rami as the winner was right. The fit of his dress was just amazing. His workmanship was impeccable. Good for him. I have to say the fact that he can sew his butt off makes me soften a little about the fact that he’s already a pretty established up and coming designer and his outfits have already been worn on the red carpet by celebrities like Jessica Alba. Just a little. I still wish it was a competition for young designers at a real starting out level.I also have to say I was quietly rooting for Chris and after seeing the close up, I really loved his well thought out dress. Very Warhol-esque but wearable.I was disappointed that Victorya wasn’t in the bottom two. Yeah Sweet P’s dress was a little boring, but it was wearable. Victorya’s dress to me just wasn’t.Of course the right person left. Poor, spit marking, living on her own higher plain, Elisa. That brown Greta thing had to take her out. Bye,Elisa. You made for interesting TV.On a final note. Where would this season be without Christian? Thanks for cracking me up again with those zany zingers and that asymmetrical windblown hair.Best,Kwana