• Books,  my view,  writing life

    Writerly Thoughts and Talks…

    This past weekend I had the pleasure and the honor to engage in a call-in book club chat with the women of STCC (Sisters Thoughts From Coast To Coast). I was thrilled when I found out months ago that they had chosen my 1st book in my creative hearts series: THROUGH THE LENS as their pick for the month of February.

    Creative hearts  2

    Kudos to these women! What a cool and innovative way to have a book club and to connect with readers that share your interest across the country. We had a call in time and access number for the chat and yes there were indeed Sisters talking coast to coast, ranging from New York to California. The moderator asked questions of the group related back to the book as did I and they asked some probing questions of me about my ideas and motivations for the story and characters and what I had coming up next. But my biggest thrill was finding out what moved them in the story which was at times eye-opening as you never know what will hit with a person. It just may not be the part that hit with you as a writer.

    book club

    I wanted to say thank you so much once again ladies of STCC for having me. It was such a pleasure and I hope to meet many of your at Romance Slam Jam or the Romantic Times Convention in New Orleans this year! I’m on my way! You can find out more about STCC here.

    And my dear bloggy friends if you’d like to hear more about what I have going on now, today I’m thrilled to be interviewed over at The Write Way Café. I’m taking about my career path, my current book and what I have coming up next. Please stop on by!

    Threads of Desire cover Final

    Now tell me are you in a book club? Where do you get your reading recs?


    All the best,



  • book launch,  K.M. Jackson,  my view,  writing life

    With this Thread… Threads of Desire release day!

    Wow. So this has happened. In the past year and a half I’ve gone from zero stories published to as of today, with the release of THREADS OF DESIRE, the final book in my Crimson Romance Creative Hearts series, being a four time multi-published author. That is quick version of my overnight success.

    The long version of that overnight success is nowhere near as astonishing or amazing and it sure as heck ain’t quick. The reality is this path to publication has taken me well over ten years (more like twelve, but come on, if I really count and then look in the mirror I may start to see the wrinkles and I’m not going there), three agents (yeah I’m still in that process) and enough rejections (from the who’s in the who) to wallpaper my house both inside and out to get where I am today. And where is where I am today?

    Honestly, it is with me just where I am. Being a multi-published author grinding it out each and every day and still feeling just as wide-eyed and vulnerable as she did on the very first day. Both excited and nervous, stomach full of butterflies about presenting something to the world. But as with all new things I set forth,  I’ll take a breath, steel my nerves and see where this one goes. And then come tomorrow, as with all the days before I will open my laptop and stare at the blank page.

    Once again the possibilities for an overnight success wide open…

    Thanks for joining me on the ride.


     Threads of Desire cover Final

    THREADS OF DESIRE is available now!


    Sexy, fashionista Gabrielle Russell has been challenging Nick Ross most of his life and now is no exception. A top financial analyst, Nick has been dating his boss’s daughter and he’s on the fast track to turning his five-year marathon into a three-year sprint. But life throws him a curve when he finds his perfect girlfriend curled up in a very un-zen like position with her yoga instructor. Faced with this awkward downward dog, Nick heads to the only place he can think of—his brother Steve’s place—only to be stuck face to hips, thighs, lips, just about everything with his roommate, Gabby. She’s the habit Nick just can’t shake. The one that got away and she won’t let him forget it.

    Gabrielle Russell is frustrated. She’s been banging it out for years as a curvy girl trying to make her creative mark the exclusive world of New York fashion and she’s hit a brick wall both personally and professionally. Now stuck in a dead end job designing jersey pantsuits for wannabe mafia wives while dodging the advances of her boss’s son, she doesn’t know how to get out of the hole she’s dug for herself. At least she has a bit of peace in the small apartment she shares with her childhood friend and roommate, Steve.

    Or she did until Nick Ross walked in. Mr. Perfection and her own devastation, the one that broke her heart and almost broke her spirit, and now here he’s back and looking for a place to camp out while he gets his life back on track. Well, she’s got news for him: She’s not the same girl she was all those years ago when just a look would send her heart stuttering. Okay, maybe she is, but now maybe it’s time the tables were turned on the unflappable Nick Ross.

    THREADS OF DESIRE can be found at these e-tailers:

    Amazon: http://amzn.to/1dKW7Sy

    Barnes & Noble : http://bit.ly/Nkr0sc

    iTunes: http://bit.ly/1aHfqS4

    Kobo: http://bit.ly/1njw0I5



    All the best,


  • contests,  family,  goals,  my view,  writing life

    Plan to Dream

    Happy Friday! Well we made it through another week and for me what a week it was. I made it through the 1st week with my DD away on her semester abroad in France.

    Yes, I still hardly slept and yes, I worried like crazy and yes, I cried more than once, but I’m happy to report that my lovely daughter arrived and is settled with her host family and is happy and doing well. I got to Skype with her and meet her host family over Skype too and was thrilled that they are already treating her like a member of the family. Having 3 grown sons the mom said, “thank you for sending me a daughter”. This made me tear up again but also soothed my heart. Please continue to join me in wishing her well, love and safety and to send good thoughts to our new extended family in France!



    With the DD settled I got to thinking about my own dreams and goals for the next few months. I have so much going on with THREADS OF DESIRE coming out on Monday. MONDAY!! (cue mild freakout) You can pre-order it here. But after that my writing options are wide open. Luckily the book ideas are overflowing, but sadly for me time is not. That said, I brought a fantastic new Filofax A5 Domino to reign in both my time and my writing. So far I’m thrilled with it (and I blame my twitter/writing bud Dren for the new obsession with flair). Now to get to writing…

    planner a

    Tell me are you one to plan your dreams?


    And a big thanks to all who commented and entered Alyssa Cole’s giveaway. Alyssa pulled a winner and it’s Reese Ryan! Thanks so much Reese. Alyssa will contact you with your prize.


    All the best,


    image fm Becoming tru Me and Beyond

    P.S. See you back here on Monday to talk THREADS!

    Threads of Desire cover Final

  • jack,  life,  motherhood,  my view

    Oh snow!

    Happy Monday! The DD has arrived in Paris and so begins a new chapter for her. Thanks for all the well wishes. Please join me in continuing to wish her well and safety.



    So now it’s Monday and time to crack that Monday whip. For some reason with both kids now settled and getting into their pursuits and studies I’m feeling like this is as re-start to the New Year for me. I’m making my to-do list and checking it twice. Time to really grind it out.


    But first…. I guess there is more snow to be shoveled. Both Jack and I are not amused (also someone needs a haircut. Spring please come soon).


    Wishing you a great day.

    All the best,


  • Books,  Bounce,  my view,  writing life

    And the nominees are… (wait, that’s all you’ve got?)

    So a lot has been said these past few days about the USA TODAY Top Books of 2013 list (Big congrats to all that made the list. Good for you. There are some great books there).

    Also sidebar to me and giving myself a back pat for BOUNCE having gotten a mention on the USA TODAY HEA blog. Huge thanks to Michelle Monkou for the lovely review. It was called a “great book club pick”. Loving that! You can check out the full review here.

    Bounce1400 B

    But back to matters at hand. So much has been said about the fact that there are no self-pubs on the USA TODAY list this year, which is huge, but I do think in many ways speaks to the power of having a backer and big marking behind you (and the possibility of a TODAY show appearance doesn’t hurt a thing). But this hybrid woman writer of color is asking another question: where are the fiction writers of color on the list?

    In this big global writing world, why are the  top spots in publishing as rare as getting an Academy Award nomination? What are your thoughts? Why are so many writers of color turning to self-publishing? How can there be more visibility for these writers? Also who do you think, writer or publishing house, is getting it right? I’m sure there are some.

    This is a day of celebration so things have to start looking up. I’m all about the positive. Have at it.



    All the best,



  • happy birthday,  motherhood,  my view

    Ch-ch-ch-Changes… Happy Birthday Dear Twins!

    So it happened…

     No matter what my feelings or your father’s. No, we couldn’t slow it down or stop time.

    The teenage years are done and twenty is here.

    Happy 20th Birthday My dear, Our Dearest Twins!


    On this day our wish for you is the same as it’s been since the very first. For you both to be full of happiness, and peace, to be safe and live a life full of love and joy. To continue to do your best as you go out in the world and reach for the stars.

    All we ask in return is that you cut us some slack and know that, though you’re truly young adults, for as long as we live you’ll be our babies and the two most precious people in the world to us. Continue to make us as proud as we are today.

    babies a

    Changes… yep, they happen and we can’t change that just like you can’t change our love.


    Love forever,

    Mom & Dad


    P.S. Check out my DD’s (Little Twin B) Next semester Paris Dreams here and wish her luck and she goes on her way!

  • Bounce,  my view,  writing,  writing life

    Hello Monday, What brings you here?

    See me trying to be nice with that lovely “hello” though I’m darned near loopy enough to growl as I write this at 2:46AM after a weekend of Bat Cave copyediting. There I go looking up at the clock and BAM! I’m hit by Monday morning. Can I get a re-wind?

    Can I also get a forklift to get me off this basement couch and up my stairs to my bed? How did you spend this weekend? I hope unlike me you got outdoors and maybe took in some fresh air or are you in need of a forklift too and maybe that extra cup of coffee.



    Have a fantastic Monday!

    Oh and just a reminder my BOUNCE giveaway is still going on. Have you entered yet?

    Had to add a little edit here as it’s now 9:30 and I’m just blinking my eyes open to find out about BOUNCE getting an fantastic review on the USA Today HEA blog! This Monday is looking up! You can check out the review here


    All the best,



    image from here

  • musings,  my view,  writers

    Bundle up… and read

    Bundle up peeps it’s a cold one…

    Christmas shoppers on street, New York, ca_ 1900s


    But of course keep it Klassy. Tell me how are you keeping warm on this cold, cold day or are you one of the lucky ones is shorts and flip-flops and some tropical local? Come on make me jealous. It’s ok. I’ll still love ya.

    And Happy 123rd Birthday to literary pioneer Zora Neale Hurston. I’m thinking bundling up with a classic like Their Eyes Were Watching God would be great way to spend this cold day.

    zora a





    All the best,



    image from Vintage Everyday

  • happy holidays,  my view


    Tomorrow is it.

    A new beginning. 2013 has been quite a roller coaster year. Full of ups and downs (thankfully more ups than downs) ending with the debut of my 1st self- published book: BOUNCE. I’m hoping for a breakout year in 2014 with more smiles, more laughs, more words and more love.

     My wish to all of you, as always, is peace, blessings and happiness.

    Thanks so much for all the continued love, encouragement and support.

    Here’s to Shiny New Page in 2014!

    Blank page


    All the best,



    image from we heart it.