Writerly Thoughts and Talks…
This past weekend I had the pleasure and the honor to engage in a call-in book club chat with the women of STCC (Sisters Thoughts From Coast To Coast). I was thrilled when I found out months ago that they had chosen my 1st book in my creative hearts series: THROUGH THE LENS as their pick for the month of February.
Kudos to these women! What a cool and innovative way to have a book club and to connect with readers that share your interest across the country. We had a call in time and access number for the chat and yes there were indeed Sisters talking coast to coast, ranging from New York to California. The moderator asked questions of the group related back to the book as did I and they asked some probing questions of me about my ideas and motivations for the story and characters and what I had coming up next. But my biggest thrill was finding out what moved them in the story which was at times eye-opening as you never know what will hit with a person. It just may not be the part that hit with you as a writer.
I wanted to say thank you so much once again ladies of STCC for having me. It was such a pleasure and I hope to meet many of your at Romance Slam Jam or the Romantic Times Convention in New Orleans this year! I’m on my way! You can find out more about STCC here.
And my dear bloggy friends if you’d like to hear more about what I have going on now, today I’m thrilled to be interviewed over at The Write Way Café. I’m taking about my career path, my current book and what I have coming up next. Please stop on by!
Now tell me are you in a book club? Where do you get your reading recs?
All the best,
One Comment
….not in a book group at this time but do love reading on my own and then the on-line community is always excellent for sharing books. Good Reads.
I started reading “Winter’s Tale” –