• my view

    To the Sun

    After so many long days and nights buried under the cold cover of snow…

    it looks like my little yoga frog is finally out and raising his arms to the sun again.yoga frog

    Now, if only it would warm up we’d all be a little happier

    (and the grass would be greener and I’m sure little froggy would maybe like a coat of paint. Winter can be brutal).

    All the best,


  • jack,  jack pics,  my view


    This has been a fast winter, but a really long February and early March with the amount of snow dumped on us weekly or bi-weekly.

    snow b

    snow a

    But alas there is a light! And this week the forecast is calling for above freezing temperatures for the WHOLE week. Could it be that these piles of snow and ice will start to thaw? I’ve almost forgotten what grass looks like in real life and can’t wait to see what’s unearthed underneath it all (oh great, now I’m singing that song.  Happy Earworm! LOL).


     snow c

    All the best,


  • my view,  writing

    Believing is Doing…

    Happy New Week!


    So I’ve done all the blizzard prep I’m doing and what I have, I have and what I don’t, well,  I don’t. Right about now it’s pretty much sit and wait time. I hope wherever you are the weather is kind and if not you’re warm and dry.

    During this storm, as long as I have power (and if I don’t I have notebooks) I plan on working on my current WIP which truth be told has been my longest WIP ever. It’s a story that came to mind many years ago and when I got it I was so excited that I plotted it out and was ready to dive right in. Well, once I started I felt that it was a little (see a lot)  more challenging  and complicated than I anticipated and maybe I bit off more than I could chew. So I put it aside and wrote another book. Then that other book written I pulled the complicated WIP out again…. stalled again, put it aside and wrote yet another book. This process went on and on, the tough book haunting me while I went on to write and publish 3 more books!

    What was stopping me with this book that I could write other full books while stalling on this one that I KNEW I wanted to write? Was it fear? Was it believing that I couldn’t do it?

    Well the time is here that I MUST finish this book or lose my mind in the process. Giving up is not an option (well, it is an option but not one I’m happy with). Who knows if it will ever get published, but I know there needs to be a THE END or there won’t be any peace of mind for me. Wishing me luck peeps. Time for me to start believing and get to doing.




    All the best,




  • #WeNeedDiverseRomance,  happy holidays,  my view

    Dreams Always Matter… #WeNeedDiverseRomance

    Happy Martin Luther King Day here in the US!

    I always think of this as a day of reflection and not just a day of sales or a day off from work. I’m sure it helps that my children share a birthday with the great Dr. King which I always thought was a great honor and never missed an opportunity to remind them of that. They know the history and how far we have and sadly how far we still have to go. Recently, with the passing of my Nana, piggy backing on the powerful and important #WeNeedDiverse books hashtag, I started the #WeNeedDiverseRomance hashtag attempting to honor Nana’s love of romance and highlight the lack of diversity in the genre. Yes, we even have a long way to go when it comes to publishing and getting equal representation when it comes to our stories of happily ever after. And this is me with this hashtag hoping in some way to bring awareness and enact a bit of change to help balance the scales. It may be a small dream but it’s a DREAM all the same.



    And if we have learned anything from Dr. King it’s that Dreams Always Matter.

    coretta marching


    All the best,


  • family,  happy birthday,  kids,  my view

    Hit me… 21! Happy Birthday Dear Twins!!!

    21 years ago this day seemed so far away. Something that would happen in the future. The far, far away future, like say… cars that park themselves and watches that are phones future and we all know that those will never—oh crap!

    Never mind that, still I don’t know how the day has snuck up on me. These 21 years of diapers, baths, homework, school milestones, dance recitals, tee ball, basketball, moving ups, stepping downs, graduations, laughter and tears, just all of it has gone by in what now feels like the blink of an eye. And honestly if  I had my chance I’d rewind the clock and do it all again only this time slowing down to truly take in each and every precious moment and tell you both, triple time this time, how much I love you.

    But alas I can’t do that, so I’ll have to make do with telling you now, as often as I can, for as long as I can, that my love for you is still strong and reminding you that though the world says you are now “legal adults” you’ll always be my babies and forever have my heart.

    You 2 have made me 1 blessed mama. Thank you. Happy 21st Birthday.

    Kids college 21

    Love Always,


  • my view

    Begin again…

    Happy 1st Monday of the New Year!

    It feels like the ys aholidare over for real-real and it’s once again time to hit the ground running. I’m all for wiping the slate clean and starting fresh in this shiny New Year. Don’t you just love beginning again? Cheers. Let’s make it a wonderful one together!




    All the best,



    image fm Pinterest



  • family,  my view

    Sparkly Monday!

    And here we are…

    The last Monday of the last week of the year.

    Though it was a roller coaster one, with happily more ups and a very big down, I will gladly say goodbye to 2014 and as I always do, go hopefully and dare I say, optimistically into 2015. I’m expecting good things for us all. Now expecting is a pretty big word for me, but there you have it. I’m full up with new ideas, words and even relationships.

    And speaking of new relationships I’m thrilled to announce I’m now being represented by new Super Agent, Rachel Brooks from the L. Perkins Agency! I can’t wait to get going with Rachel in the New Year. Watch out world here we come! 


    This past weekend the family and I braved crowds the likes of which I’ve never seen and went down to the Rockefeller Christmas Tree. It was quite beautiful and well worth the tight squeeze. Enjoy this last week of 2014 and jump with me into a sparkly 2015.




    20141227_202453 (2)


    All the best,


  • Books,  Bounce,  my view,  Nana,  videos

    Happy Holidays & It’s a BOUNCing Blogiversary!

    This week marks my one year anniversary going indie and being self-published with BOUNCE And what a year it’s been. Filled with the highest highs, including BOUNCE winning the GOLDEN LEAF for Best Novel with Strong Romantic Elements from The New Jersey chapter of Romance Writers of America and me being honored with the Golden Apple Award from my New York City Chapter for Author of the Year 2014.

    Golden Leaf a

    Golden Leaf B

    I don’t know if I’ll ever have another year quite like 2014 as it was also my lowest since as I write this I’m missing like crazy my Dear Nana. All I can say is I’m so grateful that she got to see these things accomplished in 2014.

    But hold on now,it’s not just my one year self pubbed anniversary, I do like to do big things in December, this week also happens to mark my 7th Blog Anniversary!

    Wow I cannot believe it’s been 7 Years!! Talk about flying by. I’m standing up and giving a cheer to all of you for sticking with me for so long.

    7th 2

    As I head into 2015 I don’t know what the future holds, but I’m wishing you all the very best and thank you so much for supporting me. To show my thanks, if you have not yet checked out BOUNCE I’ve put it on SALE for this week only for just $0.99. Tell your friends or better yet, gift them a digital copy!

    Bounce Sale 99 a

    Cheers to an AMAZING 2015!

    Click here to BOUNCE with me!


    Barnes and Noble





    All the best,


  • Books,  K.M. Jackson,  music,  my view


    I don’t know why, but I’ve got George Michael on the brain today so thought I’d pass it on and share a little Freedom Flashback with you.

    I hope you enjoy.

    Oh and I finally ordered new canvases from Easy Canvas Prints  with my new self pubbed Creative Hearts Covers and they came in so I updated my wall of Almost Famous (please excuse the glare). I hope your Wednesday has been wonderful!

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    All the best,
