The Thirty Year Old Virgin… Guest Post fm author Synithia Williams
Today on ye old blog we have something a little different, a guest post. Now normally I do an author interview but when I read (I will say with my own bit of skepticism followed by pure enjoyment) fellow Crimsonista, Synithia William’s Worth The Wait I had to ask her here to tell us about her reasoning behind writing an older virgin heroine. Take it away Synithia….
The Thirty Year Old Virgin
The thirty year old virgin. Some scoff and say that’s unrealistic. How could someone possibly hold onto their virginity throughout their twenties? Romance readers may feel it’s an antiquated idea that is overplayed in contemporary novels. Yes you may be right, but if there’s one thing I do know it’s never say never. And to say that nowhere in this world is there a woman approaching thirty who’s never had sex would be (in my opinion) a lie.
I have friends who managed to hold on to their virginity through college. And only gave it up, for lack of a better phrase, when impending engagements approached. I admire these friends for doing this. It takes a lot of confidence in oneself to ignore the peer pressure, and relationship pressure, and stay true to your beliefs. One friend in particular, I could see still holding onto her virginity if she hadn’t gotten engaged and later married her husband. She’s the same age as me.
That’s why I believe someone like the heroine in my book, Worth the Wait, can, and probably does, exist. Tasha Smith was raised by strict parents who instilled in their daughters the importance of waiting for marriage. As she got older and saw friends in high school and college hurt, pregnant, or with a sexually transmitted disease, it was easy to keep to her decision to wait for marriage. But after college things got a bit dicey. Men weren’t thrilled by the idea that the only way to have sex with her meant they had to put a ring on it. Therefore, her love life became one break up after another.
That’s where my dose of 21st century realism comes in if you still doubt the whole almost 30 virgin idea. I can’t see how dating could be easy for someone holding out sex until marriage. That’s a lot of pressure on a new relationship. So, stuck between a rock and a hard place, Tasha resolves to lose her virginity by asking playboy entrepreneur, Jared Patterson, to be her first.
And from there the excitement ensues. I love drama, and put these two through their fair share. There are consequences to rash decisions, and the consequences almost tears families apart.
I hope you can understand why I went with an almost 30 virgin for this book. Give it a try. Let me know if I made it work. But for now, tell me your thoughts. Do you think a virgin would have a hard time dating in 2013?
Worth the Wait Blurb
After Tasha Smith is dumped yet again because of her virginity, decides it’s time to stop saving herself for marriage and start dating like women in the twenty-first century. She sets out to find a man rumored to be good enough in bed to relieve her of the nuisance, but discreet enough to keep her request a secret. Jared Patterson seems like the perfect candidate. Yet after one searing kiss, she wonders if she’ll escape the night unscathed.
Jared’s job as a successful fitness instructor and entrepreneur has helped him keep a string of meaningless relationships from the east to the west coast. After learning the hard way that women can’t be trusted, he has no qualms going from one sex only relationship to the next. Although Tasha is one of the few types of women he avoids—a good girl—the man in him can’t turn down her tempting offer.
What starts out as a onetime thing quickly turns into an affair neither want to stop. But when an unexpected situation drastically alters their relationship, it leaves them both asking if it was Worth the Wait.
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Synithia Williams has loved romance novels since reading her first one at the age of 13. It was only natural that she would begin penning her own romances soon after. It wasn’t until 2010 that she began to actively pursue her publishing dreams. Her first novel, You Can’t Plan Love was published in August 2012 by Crimson Romance. When she isn’t writing, this Green Queen, as dubbed by the State Newspaper, works to improve air and water quality, while balancing the needs of her husband and two sons. You can learn more about Synithia, and her novel, by visiting her website,, where she blogs about writing, life and relationships.
Thanks so much for being here Synithia. I really enjoyed Worth The Wait and can’t wait for your next release.
All the best,
Date with a Siren… author interview with Jax Cassidy plus a Giveaway!
Hello lovelies. Today on ye old blog I’m so honored to have one of my very good friends, the multi-talented and multi-published, Jax Cassidy! Jax is here to talk about and celebrate her newest release SIREN’S SEDUCTION. Welcome Jax.
J.C. Thanks so much for letting me visit your awesome site! I’m super stoked about being here.
K.M. Can you tell us about SIREN’S SEDUCTION?
J.C. I’m a sucker for love stories and this one is a sad one. It’s about two characters that are broken, have lived through hardships, that find each other through fate. There is a sprinkling of my Eastern beliefs woven into the storyline but the essence of the story is about overcoming obstacles, valuing yourself, and allowing yourself to give and be loved. This particular story is very special to me because it’s the first print contracted story that was released through a small press publisher. Recently, I got my rights reverted to me and decided to breathe new life into it. I also felt that because it had such a small distribution, it didn’t reach a wider national and international market…so now it will.
Niko Chow craves solitude. Only fate won’t leave him in peace. His desire to overcome his demons leads him to a promise made to a dying friend and into the arms of a seductive chanteuse.
Donovan Matthews ignites a passion within him he has long denied. The more time he spends with her, the more Niko finds her spitfire determination and generous heart as sensuous and exotic as the lotus blossoms that bloom in his garden. Can she end his internal war and help heal his aching soul?
K.M. That sounds way sexy and Niko seems quite tortured. Tell us what are your favorite types of heroes?
J.C. Definitely the tortured hero but more on the gamma side. I love me some dark, brooding, and passionate heroes but I don’t want a wuss either. I’m also not a fan of alpha heroes simply because I like my men to have a sensitive side. I feel it gives him the advantage over an alpha hero who always sets out to prove he’s the man in any situation.
K.M. What made you take the step into self publishing?
J.C. Honestly? While I was waiting on contracts with New York publishers, I didn’t want my readers to forget me. Self publishing gives me a lot of control and since I am the publisher, I can put out the story of my heart every time without making sacrifices. I feel I have an advantage over the general writer who self publishes stories without having any prior experience or knowledge of the industry. I’ve spent almost a decade being involved and learning about publishing which allows me to make the right choices that are both professional and beneficial to me as a writer.
I’m not out there putting up stories that I haven’t spent a great deal of time and effort into. I focus on re-writing, editing, layout, distribution, and everything in between while channeling the publisher’s mindset. There is a lot of time intensive labor involved and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. There’s not a product I would put out without being proud of the final product. I’m not saying it will be perfect but it will be as perfect as I can possibly make it. However, it’s still trial and error and I’m sure I’ll get dinged along the way but I’m prepared for it. All I can do is keep learning the craft and putting my best foot forward.
A lot of my NY published author friends have done exceedingly well and they’ve even passed on NY contracts to self publish, but that’s not my goal. Self publishing allows me to have the best of both worlds and helps build my readership for when I have books back in the brick and mortar bookstores.
K.M. Now I know you are a woman of many talents. Besides being an author you are a web mistress and graphic designer. How has this helped you with stepping into the world of self publishing?
J.C. I’ve worked many years as a marketing/art director for a successful international company as well as for a publishing company that prepared me to tackle self publishing. Being an artist and designer helps with the overall branding and packaging of my products. Right now it may be a one-woman show but I’m a control freak and I like things just right. Web design and cover or product design is therapeutic. It makes me happy to create something that is eye-catching and even prouder that my clients love it. I wouldn’t hand off a project without loving it completely because I am all about creating something special that I would do for my own self. It’s got to have a lot of love in it and I hope it shows through.
K.M. For fun can you give us a song that would be on Niko and Donovan’s playlist?
J.C. THE STORY by Brandi Carlisle. It’s such a heartbreaking song but totally defines what a person will do for love. It’s one of those songs that make me a weepy and the ballad is so haunting and emotional that I can’t stop listening to it.
K.M. What can we look for next from you?
J.C. There’s several stories in the works including a Christmas story for December, and of course, the upcoming release of SAIGON SUMMER in 2013 which is part of my charity fiction reads. I decided to release a book each year (if I’m not buried under deadlines) in which all author proceeds go to charity. This particular story is dear to my heart since it goes to my home country of Vietnam. For this release, I’ve picked charities that focus on fighting human trafficking and helping the survivors integrate into society again. I have a huge marketing plan and will involve live events to help raise awareness and serious dollars for these amazing organizations.
K.M. Where can folks find you and pick up Siren’s Seduction?
J.C. Readers can purchase my book on my website and almost all major online venues. The eBook is currently available and the print book is expected to be released in December. Since I love connecting to friends and readers on my social networks, I’m usually found frequenting Facebook or Twitter. I spend a great of time on Romance Divas since I co-founded the site. I wish I had more time in the day to add more social networks to my list but I figured my time should be spent wisely on trying to send proposals to my agent as well as writing regularly.
For writers & readers: www.romancedivas.comK.M. Thanks so much for being here Jax! It’s been a real pleasure.
J.C. Thanks, Kwana! I’ve had such a fabulous time and I hope that folks will give me and my stories a chance! For those totally new to me, I have a few free short HOT reads available on my website, Smashwords, Kobo, B&N and more…
K.M. Please leave a comment or question for Jax and 2 lucky folks will win a copy of Siren’s Seduction from Jax. Thanks Jax!
JAX CASSIDY followed her dreams to Paris, then Hollywood to pursue a film career but managed to fall in love with penning sexy romances and happy endings—finding Mr. Right was just an added bonus. She writes contemporary & paranormal romances and is Co-Founder of Romance Divas, an award winning writer’s website and discussion forum. Jax is also known as one-half of the retired writing team of Cassidy Kent. She is represented by Roberta Brown of the Brown Literary Agency.
Happy Birthday Mom!
Please join me in wishing a Super Sweet happy birthday to my dear not so old (at all!) mom today.
Happy Birthday Ma!
Love Forever,
Me and the whole gang!
image fm here
Through The Lens release… The Remix!
So I’m a published author ya’ll, holla! Through The Lens is here. For better or worse. Gulp.
And with that I get to clean the clogged bathroom sink and say, “so I’m a published author ya’ll, HOLLA!” It still feels good to say it while I do it. And I do it with lots of attitude all sassy and Honey Boo Boo style while Jack gives me the crazy eye.
Thank you all so much for the well wishes yesterday. Please don’t forget to go here and enter my contest. It’s a good one!
This week you’ll get tired of me sending you to other places where I’m blog hopping but believe me you won’t be sorry. Not for the me factor, I’m ok, but once you get there please browse around and get to know these fabulous, maybe new to you blogs. They are all terrific and I think you’ll become instant fans as I am.Today I’m over at author Synithia William’s blog talking about my how I became published and Through The Lens. Please stop on by and give it a read and a comment.
And Oh Boy, Through The Lens is Hanging with Bells. Bells has given Through The Lens it’s very first review! Trust me I was shaking as I read it. She is holding a contest today and giving away a copy of Through the Lens to the winner so please head over there and comment for your chance to win.Thank you all so much again!
All the best,
K.M. Jackson
aka KwanaJumping Through!… Through The Lens release day & a contest!
No need to Labor, it’s release day for THROUGH THE LENS! Bells, whistles, confetti, hooray!!! I tell you if I were younger and a little more limber I’d be doing back flips right now. But since I’m not then I won’t. But trust me in my heart, past the nerves and the constant feeling of nausea, I’m doing a triple back handspring right now.
I hope you all are flipping and bouncing right along with me. I also hope you all stop flipping and download it this very week. Heck, this very minute. Let’s make Through The Lens an instant bestseller! Remember that old Faberge commercial? You tell two friends and so on, and so on and so on… We’ll do one of those chains. I love going retro and it would seem telling my age.
So to get the ‘and so on’ party started I’m holding a contest. The winner will receive: Their choice of a $25.00 Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card, a lovely shawl to ward away that early fall chill in the air, and a lovely picture frame to cherish the next moment they capture Through The Lens.
In TTL, Mika and Ale, though they have known each other for quite a long while, start to see each other with a different view. Tell me has this ever happened in your life?
So what are the rules for contest entry?
- Leave me a comment saying what you have looked at with a new view.
- For a 2nd entry Tweet the message: “Get a new view contest #ThroughTheLens by K.M. Jackson @kwanawrites & ” and then come back and let me know it was sent in the comments.
- For a 3rd entry follow me here or on my official Facebook author page here and leave a comment here letting me know that you are part of the team.
Please be sure to leave an email address where I can get back to you if you are the winner if you don’t have follow back capabilities. Thanks so much.
Sorry but the contest is only open to residents in the contiguous United States.
Winner will be chosen by on
All entries must be in by midnight EST Friday the 14th.
Thank you all so much. Really, happy can’t begin to tell you how I feel today. All your encouragement and support over the years on ye old blog meant so much to me. I hope you enjoy Through The Lens and the books that follow.
And now the shameless plug…
THROUGH THE LENS can be found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and on iTunes
All the best, with all my heart,
K.M. Jackson aka Me!
Rebound with author Farrah Rochon plus a chance to win!
Sometimes, in this day, you don’t know what comes first: the tweet or the story. You see I’m not really sure if I became Twitter buds with today’s fantastic blog guest through Twitter first or if I became a crazy fan or her writing first, either way, no matter because I’m both.
I’m so pleased to have on ye old blog today one of my favorite writers, Farrah Rochon. Farrah has written numerous romances for Harlequin including her now 2012 RITA nominated (Yay!) I’LL CATCH YOU, which is part of her sexy New York Saber series of books. And today she is here to talk about and give us a sneak peek at her new book debuting called THE REBOUND GUY. (Love this cover!)
Thanks so much for being here Farrah. This is a real pleasure.
I love the fun premise of THE REBOUD GUY. Can you tell the blog readers about it?
THE REBOUND GUY features “relationship advisor” (aka, professional rebound guy), Dexter Bryant, who specializes in aiding women who have just ended long-term relationships. Not only does Dexter strive to help women deal with those post-relationship woes, but he also sees himself as saving unsuspecting men from getting their hearts trampled on by women on the rebound. He’s so altruistic, isn’t he?
However, his newest client, Asia Carpenter, has Dex rethinking his choice of career. Asia hires him after being dumped by her fiancé, and after just a few weeks, Dex realizes that he doesn’t want to just be her rebound guy. He wants her permanently.
I think of THE REBOUND GUY as a cross between the movies “Hitch” and “The Wedding Planner,” two movies I absolutely love.
What made you decide to dip your toes into the self publishing waters with this one?
As you mentioned before, I write for Harlequin Kimani. I love being a part of the Harlequin family, but there are certain guidelines and restrictions associated with the line, and this story just never would have worked for them. I also love (and I mean LOVE) both the freedom and control that comes with self-publishing. Some may consider my professional rebound guy a bit unconventional and maybe even controversial (one of the “services” he provides just happens to take place between the sheets), but when this story came to me, I just knew I had to write it. There was something empowering in knowing that I would be able to publish it without having to compromise. I’ve gotten great feedback from readers already, which tells me that I made the right decision in choosing to self-publish Dexter and Asia’s story.
Now how about that sneak peek?
“Another late day at the office, Ms. Carpenter?”
“Another late one, Harmon.” Asia Carpenter waved good night to the doorman, who, as far as she knew, had never missed a night’s work in the six years she’d lived in a loft in this former 19th-century brewery in Manhattan’s historic Kips Bay neighborhood.
“This is the last time you get home after ten o’clock,” Asia murmured as she bypassed the bank of shiny brass mailboxes, heading straight for the elevator. Her finger hovered over the “up” button for just a second before she pivoted and walked back to her mailbox. She knew Cortland, her fiancé, hadn’t picked up the mail. Two years of living together and he had yet to have his mail forwarded from the apartment he’d shared with his old college roommate on the Upper West Side.
Asia thumbed through the junk mail as she walked back to the elevator, dumping it all in the brushed stainless steel waste receptacle before stepping into the empty car paneled with Scandinavian-blond wood. As she got off on the fifth floor, she whispered a silent “thank you” that she’d had the elevator to herself the entire ride up. She was too tired for idle chitchat with neighbors she still only knew by face. She’d learn their names eventually. If she ever found time to strike up a conversation instead of just offering a passing wave while striding through the lobby, that is.
She slipped out of her gray pumps before she even unlocked the door to her three-level loft apartment. Holding both shoes in one hand, she eased on the dimmer switch in the entryway so she would have just enough light to cross the kitchen to the lower set of steep, yacht-style stairs.
“Cortland?” Asia whispered, not wanting to wake him if he was already asleep in the open bedroom directly above her.
She tripped over something on the floor and grabbed the back of a barstool to break her fall, dropping her Italian glove-leather suitcase. She looked down to find the light-blue and dark-brown throw pillow that usually sat on Cortland’s armchair.
“What in the hell?”
Asia dashed up the six steep wooden treads to the high-ceilinged living room and turned on a lamp.
And gasped.
They’d been robbed. The flat-screen television, Cortland’s sound system, his favorite chair. All gone.
“Cortland!” Asia yelled. She turned and looked up to the open bedroom loft, but he wasn’t there. An eerie sensation traveled up her spine as she carefully navigated the tricky stairs down and walked through the tiny kitchen to the bathroom between the refrigerator and the entryway. She knocked before opening the door.
He wasn’t in there, either.
From the living room, she would be able to see all three levels of the small loft. Wrapping an arm around her waist to quell the sudden nausea swimming in her stomach, Asia trudged back there, slipping her personal cell phone from her jacket pocket so she could call to report the break-in.
Her eyes slowly scanned the space, trying to spot what else had been taken. All three levels of the apartment were visible from this vantage point.
Up in the bedroom, some of the sliding doors in the wall of closets were open, but she couldn’t tell whether anything had been touched inside. Down in the kitchen, in the wine cooler in which she kept her very best French and Australian wines, the racks were conspicuously empty.
A thief with a taste for the world’s finest wines. Lovely.
Asia was about to call the police when she caught sight of something on the reclaimed oak wine barrel that served as an end table next to her sofa.
For a moment she just stared at the three keys: one for the front door, one for the deadbolt, and a smaller one for the mailbox downstairs. Underneath them lay a sheet from the notepad she kept next to the phone. Her fingers shaking, she gingerly slipped the paper from underneath the keys and read the words scribbled in Cortland’s bold handwriting.
Look me up when you have more time for me.
The blue note dropped from her fingers onto the hardwood floor. Asia picked up a second piece of paper from the table.
It took a moment to register what she was looking at. It was an invoice with the balance owed to the jewelry store where she’d picked out her engagement ring. $8,283.14.
Her eyes slid shut. A heavy dose of guilt joined the unease churning in her gut.
Suddenly, she understood what this was about. Cortland had planned a dinner for the four-year anniversary of their first date. She hadn’t forgotten about the dinner, but she had forgotten to call to tell him she wouldn’t be able to make it.
His anger was expected, maybe even warranted. But going through the trouble of dismounting the television?
“That’s a tad dramatic, Cortland,” Asia murmured as she hit the speed dial for his number. The call went straight to voicemail. She immediately redialed, pulling the hem of her silk blouse from her slacks as she climbed the second set of stairs to her bedroom.
“Pick up the phone, Cortland,” Asia said to his voicemail, straightening the black and white photograph of the chateau at Inglenook Estates in Napa that hung above the whitewashed wood bureau in her bedroom. “I know we had plans, but I got tied up at work. I’m sorry.”
As if her words had summoned it, her work phone vibrated in her pocket.
“Dammit.” Asia hung up on Cortland’s voicemail and answered the second phone. “Asia Carpenter.”
She pitched her head back and massaged the bridge of her nose as she listened to the person on the other end of the line.
“Tell me you’re kidding,” Asia said, though she knew it was no joke. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Try to keep the camera crews away by any means within the law.”
The chime signaling a text message bubbled up from her personal phone.
“Don’t call. Don’t text. I’m done.”
Asia stared up at the ceiling and pinched the bridge of her nose. If she had a moment to throw a fit over Cortland’s departure she would, but spare moments were like snowstorms in July: nonexistent. She’d smooth things over with him tomorrow. Right now she had to deal with a reckless, trust-fund troublemaker with too much money and too much time on his hands for her peace of mind.
Tucking her shirt back into her pants as she made her way down the stairs, she grabbed her purse and lifted an apple from the small scale replica of a grape bushel basket on the kitchen counter. This would have to be dinner tonight. She grabbed a second apple for Harmon and locked the door behind her.
Read the rest of the first chapter:
Thanks once again. That was great!
Farrah is running a special $0.99 introductory price on THE REBOUND GUY for the next week, so if you want to try her work, this would be the time (I’ve got my copy). And, because THE REBOUND GUY is at such a great deal, instead of offering a copy of it as a prize, Farrah is offering one lucky commenter an autographed copy of one of her backlist books (including that RITA nominee or her hard-to-find out-of-print Holmes Brothers books), so please make a comment and I will draw a winner by Monday. Best of luck!
You can find Farrah at her site here:
And On Twitter here:
And Facebook Here:
Take me away… Interview with author Heather Rodney-Diaz
So bloggy friends did I mention that month is the launch month of Crimson Romance, the new line from my spanking new publisher? Yeah, I’m thinking I did, but just put up with me since saying new publisher won’t get old to me anytime too soon.
Well, today I’m very happy to have a debut author from their spicy line, Heather Rodney-Diaz here to talk about her novel Island Pursuits.
First a bit about Island Pursuits:
When former U.S. Marine Adrian Mendez decided to return to his beautiful twin-island homeland of Trinidad and Tobago in the southern Caribbean, he didn’t expect to find the woman of his dreams. But one chance encounter with the captivating Cory Phillips was all it took. Adrian quickly realizes once just isn’t enough with this beautiful but feisty island goddess.
Headstrong and set in her ways, Cory struggles tremendously with the military stereotypes of the island. But when this gorgeous, sensual—and deadly—soldier offers her his help, how could she resist him? After many sultry and pleasure-filled steamy Caribbean nights with Adrian, Cory finds herself going against everything she once believed in.
Their lustful island pursuits lead to a sizzling romance in paradise—but what they both discover about the past threatens to destroy any chance of a happily ever after. Can their love survive this tropical turbulence even as danger and deception lurks?
Sounds good huh? Well, now that I’ve got you going let’s chat with Heather.
Hi Heather thanks so much for being here. Please tell us a bit about yourself. Have you always wanted to be a writer?
Hi Kwana, thank you so much for having me here today! I hail from the twin-island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the southern Caribbean where I live with my husband of eight years. Therefore, my writing and books will always reflect a Caribbean theme but also have strong ties or links to the U.S. as I have lots of family and friends living there. I work full-time in the diplomatic corps so I am only able to write part-time.
Hmmm, have I always wanted to be a writer? That’s a great question and my answer might sound quite funny but it’s the truth. I have always loved writing since I was a child. When I was 12-years-old, I began hearing different voices and people in my head talking to me and I didn’t know what the hell that was all about. And no I was never or still ever diagnosed with any crazy people disorders!!!! However, as recent as 2009, it was only then that I realized what that was all about. Those voices were there all these years telling me things so that I could record them. It’s only now that I finally realize that perhaps I was destined to become a writer. I think writing was my gift. Now, could you all only imagine where I might have been today if only I had listened to these voices since I was 12! Island Pursuits is my debut spicy release from Crimson Romance. Well, better late than never, right?
I’m excited about the island setting of this book (especially since I have an island setting in my book too. Was totally dreaming of a getaway). Please tell us what made you set your novel in Trinidad and Tobago?
Well, that’s easy! I was born, raised and still live on the twin-islands of Trinidad and Tobago. And it’s pretty easy to write what you know. Besides, who doesn’t like a sweet but steamy romance in a tropical paradise? I also wanted to give the perspective of islanders falling in love too and telling their stories because there are so few of them published. This was also a very good opportunity for me to afford readers an escape by showing off my islands to the entire world through the pages of my romance novel!
Now I love a real life hero, tell us what was the draw for you to write a military hero for this book?
First of, military men are super hot in my book. I love that they are disciplined, dangerous and deadly but controlled and yet they could love passionately and tenderly. I love a man who is willing to give his life for his country or the woman of his dreams. Also, having so many friends in the military stationed all over the globe, it made writing this book even more special to me. I think we really do owe them a great deal of respect for what they do for us on a daily basis.
Now my favorite part. Please tell us the story of your “overnight” success.
I started writing Island Pursuits in 2009 and in about two months time the 90,000 words manuscript was completed. Then I edited, and tweaked and changed and revised and submitted and got a couple rejection letters and did everything all over again. Then one day in March this year, I got an email from Writer’s Digest about submitting to Crimson Romance and it just sounded so much simpler and less complicated than any other submission guidelines from other publishers I came across. So I immediately emailed my query and then I was asked to submit my manuscript and then a few days later I received an email from editor Jennifer Lawler saying that they wanted to use Island Pursuits for Crimson’s Spicy line. And I was like spicy?????? But hell yeah!!!!!! And just like that, that was the day my life changed and I am now a happily published author!
What’s next for you?
I’m definitely going to continue with my writing career, further developing it and learning as I go along. I have just started the editing phase of my second manuscript and I have also just started writing a third.
Cool. I can’t wait for the next books. Thanks so much for being here and I wish you much success with Island Pursuits!
Thank you so much Kwana, it was definitely a pleasure being here!
Check out for the buy links for Island Pursuits.
You can also find Heather on Facebook and feel free to “Like” her author page:!/HeatherRodneyDiazAuthor
Or follow Heather on Twitter:
That’s One Way
What Makes Love
I reposted this yesterday over at Becoming Tru Me but like this video from The Sartorialist and Garance Dore so much that I thought I’d post it here too.
Tell me what do you think makes love?
KwanaAdult Education
So we took the last twin back to school this weekend. No, not the same amount of tears at the first separation but still the same twist in the gut, anxiety, lump in throat thing. I don’t think those feelings will ever go away.
Honestly, we all got an education out of the first semester and I vow to stay diligent, hopeful and prayerful about this upcoming semester. Of course the kids think they are now full fledged adults but as parents we have feelings of our own to be a pull to their push.To drive that point home, on the way back I was feeling my age and put on the 80’s radio station and here’s what came on. Eee, let’s hope this education is not too adult.