What’s A Girl Got To Do…
…to get one little Vogue shoot in her lifetime.
Oh to dream, right? Is it Sarah or the genius of Mario or is it Dior that make these images so magical? Sighing…
The More things Change II
What’s Jack up to? Jackster is being a sly one. Constantly sneaking off lately and getting into things that he’s not supposed to. Oh that Jack what am I going to do with you?Dancing with the Stars started last night and for me the only reasons to watch were Susan Lucci and Toni (un-break my heart) Braxton. That body of Toni’s is amazing after two babies. Man. Another reason to watch is to see Chef Rocco DiSpirito try and dance. Most of you know my hate/ hate relationship with him from Top chief. I want to see Karina give him a run for his money. Bruno actually brought up the word cattle prod when referring to him. Hmm…I have a small rant today. You can read about my old rant on this subject in The More Things Change here. After perusing the big honking 798 page September Fall fashion issue of Vogue I noticed the slim editorial section didn’t have not one black model. NOT 1. And after they waxed so poetic on the subject the month before. And sadly this month even in the way too many pages of advertising there were very few Black models or models of any diversity.
Kudos to Harper’s Bazaar for their September Tyra cover, Michelle Obama inspired spread and and their Benneton inspired spread which looked back to the 8o’s to move forward. Refreshing. Now why don’t I subscribe to Bazaar. I really should.best,KwanaTranslation Please
What’s Jack up to? Oh Jack is a happy camper now that he has the DD to bark at and fight with his day is that much more complete.Guess what I got my hot little hands on? My very own copy of the much coveted Black Issue of Italian Vogue. The one fashionistas in the NYC are going ga-ga over. Well my DH came home yesterday with a copy for me! It only took him checking 3 or 4 sold-out newsstands and finally hitting pay dirt in the Met Life building.What a feast for the eyes and I would suspect the mind too if only I could read it. I’m thinking there are some really interesting articles in here dealing with race in the fashion industry. That darn Italian Vogue teases me with English titles and Italian articles. I’m dying to read the conversation with Bethann Hardison. But I’m sure with a little digging it will all turn up somewhere in cyberspace.
In the meantime, I’ll be happy with the amazing pics and hope this is stand by Italian Vogue and Steven Meisel will actually bring about a change in the fashion industry and we can start to see a real global representation of beauty in print and in the runway. Are you listening American Vogue, Elle, Bazaar etc… You can read my past thoughts here. Now for a few pics!
NaomiTyraCheck out Karen Alexander!
Toccara Jones! Serving up a Pam Grier vibe. Can we talk about how stunning this is?Ah fashion!Best,
KwanaP.S. Thanks so much for your comments on Changes yesterday. I want to keep it going. If you missed the post please check it out and comment here.
The more things change…
What’s Jack up to? He’s just back to being Jack. I guess you can’t take the suburbs out of the dog huh?
I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of the July issue of Italian Vogue. It’s sure to be a collectors issue. Featuring all Black models photographed by Steven Meisel in an attempt to speak to the racial prejudice that has so long been prevalent in the fashion industry. The New York Times wrote about it here. Being a Black girl that got her first subscription to Vogue at age twelve the article said nothing that I didn’t already know and feel about the Black Out in the fashion industry.
I have to say. I applaud Italian Vogue for doing this but am so sad that it had to be done and am really sad that it was not done my own own American Vogue. Yeah they were nice enough to do a little piece on the subject in the July issue and feature a couple of “new” ethnic faces for that piece but that was it. Not another brown skinned girl in the editorial section. And did we need another star on the cover? Nicole Kidman, as fine as actress as she is, did not need that cover. Let’s give fashion back to the fasionistas.
It almost makes me long for the days of the Fashion Cafe. At least then we had some distinct faces in fashion.
That said beauty is beauty and it comes in all shapes sizes and colors and it’s time for the world, especially the fashion world to get on board with that before it starts to hit then where they live. In their wallets.
photos thanks to Italian Vogue and NYTI don’t want my daughter growing up like I did, constantly searching for a face that looks like hers and then being pleasantly surprised when she gets a little glimpse. That’s just not right. Not in today’s world. Fashion has to get with it and soon.
PS- Bravo is back tonight with Shear Genius. Yay!