Scripting Life
So what do you do when in your head you’re feeling all sassy like a twenty something year old heroine from a rom com with your own upbeat soundtrack, but in reality it’s early morning but you’re lying in bed trying to talk your body into catching up with your mind and get it gear. The soundtrack is stuck on repeat. You see it’s another morning of waking up with a pain in your back and aches through all your joints. Definitely not the stuff of a romance heroine, let alone a young-ish (work with me people) romance writer who needs to book it to the keyboard and get those achy fingers flying and some words produced.
But that’s me and with my diagnosis of RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis ) a couple of years ago it’s been a slow spiral downward. I see my doctors and have tried different meds and I’ll admit, on and off exercise, but still, it doesn’t feel like enough. If you’re like me, through the pain, you want to feel proactive and not like some old maid being put out to pasture with this, what sounds like, an out to pasture disease.
Well, I’m happy to say that through a lovely blogger friend I have found a place where I can find some answers and feel like I’m being proactive while surfing the net. has a fantastic Rheumatoid Arthritis Center with a wealth of information. You can check it out here and check out here for all sorts of other health and wellness tips. was kind enough to send me 2 lovely yoga mats for my review and getting the word out which I’m more than happy to do. Anything to spread the word on fighting this awful disease. Here’s hoping I put them to good use getting these rickety joints moving!
What you looking forward to singing a new tune to in the coming year?
All the best,
Oh Hoppy Day…
Hello Lovelies! I hope all of you who celebrated Thanksgiving had a great one. Me? I ate way too much. Did any of you go out for some wild and whacky Black Friday shopping? If you did I’d love to hear how that went. I actually thought about it but cooler heads prevailed and by 10pm I was in my bed checking out and drawing a winner for my part in the Crimson Wonderland blog hop.
Without further ado the winner is …. Shannon G. Thanks so much for your comment Shannon. I sure hope you get to the Seychelles one day. I’d love to go myself. In the meantime let’s look on this pic and dream. I will email you with details about your gift card Congrats!
Thanks so much to the rest of you who entered. Your names are all being passed along for the grand prizes in the Wonderland blog hop. Best of luck!
Have a happy.
All the best,
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Bowling Along!
So this fabulousness happened at bowling yesterday… A lovely woman named Kim brought my book in to be signed! 1st time ever!
That’s me with the shaky hands and the huge grin. The poor women must have thought I was crazy with the way I hugged her, but I couldn’t help myself, I was just so honored that she would 1) order the book and then 2) want me to sign it. What? That is something that I thought was just for other writers. I tell you I just about bowled myself down the lane.
Then shock of all shockers… I got out of my below 100 bowling slump. I must be on a roll for sure. Whee!!
Happy Monday! Did you enter the Wonderland Blog Hop Giveaway this weekend? Great prizes. Go Here and enter. Please don’t miss out!
All the best,
Let’s Go to The Hop!
Not that kind of hop it’s a Blog Hop to a Crimson Wonderland! The Crimson authors are taking you away to a Crimson Wonderland with dozens of giveaways and 3 grand prizes!! One Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift certificate for $100!!! And two gift certificates for $50 each!!
Every blog comment you leave during the hop is entered into a draw to win one of the grand prizes. So please don’t just stop here. Visit all the participating blogs and leave comments for your chance at a grand prize also!
So what are we getting all hopped up about? Well, the Crimson authors what to know: When you read a book, do you feel like you’ve escaped to another world?I know when I read I sure want to feel like I’ve escaped for a while even if that book is set in the here and now. I love a book that takes me away from my every day even if it’s just for the few brief moments here and there that sometimes have to steal away to read when life gets a little hectic.
That escape to another world feeling is what I hope I achieved when I took Mika and Alejandro to their almost deserted island paradise in Through The Lens. Who knows maybe at the time I was in need of a little island getaway myself. The sun on my back and sand in my toes. It was a cold winter when I was writing Through The Lens and at the time it was sure fun to imagine warm tropical breezes drifting across glistening skin as the threat of December snow was right outside my door.Tell me what are some of your favorite escape destinations? Is it the tropics or the big city? Do you like to go back in time? Or is a futuristic fantasy world more your speed? Please share. One lucky commenter will win a 20.00 Amazon or B&N Gift card! U.S. & CA residents only. Winner will be announced on November 23nd. Please leave your email in the contacts so that I can get in touch with you in case you win. Thanks!
Now please go and visit the other fab Crimson Authors for your chance at more great prizes and more chances at the grand prize!
All the best,
K.M.JKeeping up?
Do you ever feel like you just can’t keep up with it all? I know I sure do. Like the fact that Thanksgiving is in 1 week away. Who the heck went and snuck that one in, in what feel to me is week early? Is it just me feeling this way? Oh my goodness! The stores are already filled with the 12 days of Christmas and I’ve barely taken down my decorations from The Halloween that Sandy forgot. It’s all a hot mish mash of a mess around here. I’m sure my kids will be home in two days to say, what have you been up to mom? And my answer will be just living with the day to day.
All that to say, in between the living with the day to day and to bringing this thing around to being a little bookish as I’m often to do, I have a question: Do you do Goodreads?
Goodreads is a fantastic site for readers and a great place to share books recommendations. I’m on there and have been since way before Through the Lens. I find it a great tool to keep up with what I’m reading and have read since honestly, I can’t remember what I had for dinner 2 nights ago. Go and check it out. I’m hosting my first Goodreads giveaway since Through the Lens is now out in paperback so please feel free to enter if you like. Just click on the link in my sidebar to your right >>>>>> and you’re there!
It’s a fun site and a great way to keep up. Now back to this Thanksgiving deal…Are you ready?
All the best,
P.S. Hint! Hint! Please come back on the weekend for the start of the Crimson Wonderland Blog Hop. HUGE Prizes!! Lots of great things happening starting this weekend with the Crimson Romance authors. Look to your left at the pretty blue square. <<<<<<<
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Good Girls Bite
Happy Monday. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Thank you for the well wishes on Through The lens becoming available in print now as well as digital. It really is a dream come true and I can’t wait to hold my copy in my hot little hands. I’ve got mine on order and my fingers are itching with anticipation.
Today I’m over that the wonderful Angela Kay Austin’s Romancing the Pen talking about one of my favorite subjects, Romance heroines with a bit of a strong edge in Good Girls Bite.
Please come on over to Angela’s place and chime in with your opinion and one lucky person will win a digital copy of Through The Lens!
Have a great one.
All the best,
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Happy Friday! What Cha Reading?
Happy Friday! Simple question this Friday, what cha reading? Look at what I got in the mail yesterday. ICED, the much anticipated new book from Karen Marie Moning. I was so excited to win this from the fantastic Bell’s blog over at Hanging with Bells. Thanks so much Bells! I can’t wait to dive in. Doing the new book happy dance!
So are you happy dancing over any great reads right now?
All the best,
And She Lived…
Oh my goodness! Not only have I gotten my power (back as of last night), but I have a post up today on USA TODAY’s Happy Ever After Blog where at talk about some of the authors who have inspired me. Talk about a coolness moment, and whew, I’m so happy to be able to actually see it and you can see it too. Just click over here at the USA Today HEA Blog and please stay awhile. I think you’ll really like it there. Have a fantastic week!
BTW… have you looked Through The Lens?
All the best,
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Keeping Calm…
Hey there lovelies. I hope you are all well and dry. As I write this the wind is kicking up and as it posts who knows if I will still have power.
Let’s just hope I do and you do too! Please join me and some other fantastic writers over at the fabulous Ondo Lady’s blog as we talk changes in the publishing industry.
Stop on by here and meet some virtual new peeps. Laters.
All the best,
[Update fm random Shoprite: I haz no power. Let’s hope it’s back soon. Last night was a rough and scary night. One that I don’t want to repeat any time too soon with limbs hitting the house and transformers sparking all around. Still I feel grateful to come out unscathed. Thoughts and prayers to all truly touched. Hang in there.]
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Gumbo Time!
Good day tweets. Thanks for all the great comments yesterday from my Reading a Multicultural Life post. They were so appreciated and made gave me heart-warming conformation on those old life decisions.
Today I’m hanging over with one of my favorite bloggers, Karla from Brown Girl Gumbo. Karla has the most fantastic lifestyle blog. Please stop by and check out the interview and then stay awhile and see what else she has brewing. You won’t be disappointed.
BTW I let it slip by me that yesterday with the 1 month-inversay for Through The Lens! Have you gotten your copy yet? Thanks to all of you who have given it a read and a kind word. I love you forever. And if you haven’t gotten a copy yet just look to the right and click. It’s easy peasy. Thanks!