You all are so darned sweet. Seriously, you make me blush. Something that’s not easy for this jaded New Yorker to do. Thank you all so much for your kind words of welcome and praise on my blog move and upgrade. It is truly appreciated.
The Jackster will be like me and taking his time checking out the new diggs, marking his territory as only he knows how. Eeewww…
Thanks again.
All the best,
Movin’ On Up
Hey, You found us…What’s Jack up to? Jack is super excited today. Running in circles, yapping and constantly underfoot. Why you ask?
Because we’re movin’ on up!
To my new de-luxe WordPress home.!
It’s a scary step that had me with some sleepless nights and plenty of nail biting and yes, codes they be very complicated. Eee.
I’m so thankful to have had the help of my lovely friend Jax who was by my side (well over the net and phone) with her vast knowledge of WordPress webery (made that up). Who knew that besides being a super talented writer she was also such a talented web designer? Thanks so much Jax.
Also thank you to Patricia of pve design for my header and her wonderful artistic talents.
Now it will take a while for me to give the new home a full inspection and work all the kinks out and of course I still have a lot to learn. Please look around click on the buttons at the top and let me know what you think.
You’ll find out a little more about me. I know, thrilling, right? Sorry. You’ll also be able to take a look at blurbs about some of my finished works available for acquisition (holla if you’re an agent or an editor). But really, please let me know what you think of the whole shebang.
Those of you that are kind enough to follow me or have me on your blog roll please change the address to my new home of And feel free to spread the word.
Thanks so much for visiting me over here and thanks too for being such loyal and wonderful friends.
A Place In The Sun
Thanks for all your kind and encouraging words on my upcoming blog revamp. Eeee… Nail biting. I’m so grateful to my talented friend Jax for taking my long and confused call and giving me such great advice. Check out her new blog home here.
We’ll see how it all works out. Please be patient with me.
In the meantime, Happy Friday to you. Jack and I hope you find a little patch of sun to sit and grab a little chill time.