• diets,  inspiration,  Real Housewives of NYC,  Reality tv,  religion,  Top Chef

    Next Stop… Crazy Town

    Today is the start of Lent. A time of refection, prayer and sacrifice. Reflection, introspection, prayer, cool. I can do that all day. But sacrifice? Hold it. Slow it down there a bit, baby. You all know me, I’m pretty faithful, maybe a bit corny for some of you, but, oh well to that. Just this sacrifice thing is a little daunting.

    Nevertheless, I’ve been thinking long and hard about what would be a true Sacrifice for this Lent season and what would truly help me mind, body and spirit and unfortunately for me I keep coming back to Sugar.

    I know, I know, it stinks right? Why couldn’t it be something easy like um, water or, um… air? But no. Sugar keeps popping into my head. So I’m going with it and am going to try to seriously eliminate the Sugar and the white products. This here blog might get a little bit scary over the next few weeks. Hold onto your hats!

    Now back to your normally scheduled programming: Anybody watching The Not So Real Housewives of the NYC? I sure am. Yay to the hot messery. I didn’t realize how much I missed Alex and Simon. Not. But I love it anyways. Love the fast talking New York women. My peeps!

    And don’t forget tonight is the season finale for Top Chef. Fingers crossed for Carla!
