• Crushes,  movies,  my view,  nature,  photography,  stress,  videos

    May Day

    Happy May Day! The whole idea of it being May 1st already has me dumbstruck. This year is going way too fast for my liking. Wayyy. I’d like to spin that record back and add a month please. Maybe by an extra hour or two a day. But that would only give me, like, 2 1/2 days or an extra long weekend. Hardly time to clean my closets. Unless, I spun it for the whole year? Hmm…. but now we’re getting into way too much math for this time of the day and I don’t feel like calculating. Oh well.
    That said in honor of May Day let’s welcome Spring with this pretty shot taken
    in front of my DD’s dance school yesterday.

    In stark contrast I’m hoping to get a moment with this guy over the weekend. Grrrrr!
    What are your plans?


  • jack,  nature,  photography

    Look Up

    What’s Jack up to? Jack’s been doing his best to get as many dog treats as possible out of me. It’s been working. I really have to toughen up so he doesn’t get fat. Can’t have a chubby Yorkie. He’s already the worlds biggest Yorkie. I’d like him to stay fit. So stop being so darned cute and sly Jack.

    Look up.
    We have a tree on our block between my house and my neighbor’s that is a total showoff. It turns earlier than all the other trees, I think so it doesn’t have to share the spotlight with the other trees. So what do I go and do to boost the tree’s ego further? I take some pics. I just could not resist.

    As I’m snapping away a nanny goes by pushing an angelic baby and she says ,”I like your tree.” I have the nerve to preen and say, “thank you.” Pla-ease, as if I deserve one ounce of the glory.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Don’t forget to Look up.
    Now please excuse me. I’ve have some leaves to clean up.

