2+2 = 22… Happy Birthday Dear Twins
It’s amazing how 22 years can seem like the blink of an eye to one, but to another be a lifetime. So many changes both seen and unseen. So many moments, lots of them I wish I could go back to, rewind, look back, slow down even or at least live again, this time though really enjoying and savoring each moment. If only they had that type of machine for mothers wishing to turn back time. If only we really knew how fast it would all go.
All that melancholy aside, I’m so happy for you and proud of you both on this day. And all I truly wish for you is not what I wish for myself, but what I’ve wished for you each year, each day, since you’ve been born which is for God to keep you safe, for you to fulfill your dreams, have all the joy your hearts can handle and shine brightly like the king and queen you were born to be.
I can speak for both me and your dad here when I say, we love you both with all our hearts.
Happy 22nd Birthday!
Mom & Dad and Jack too
One Comment
Jackie Roberts
Happy Birthday! My brother and I are two minutes apart with me being the oldest. I ❤️ Twins!!!