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25 Reasons to Love …


Mark Thorn. Who is Mark Thorn you ask? Well Mr. Thorn is the hero in my next book Seduction’s Canvas which makes its debut on this Monday, the 27th! Whoo Hoo! I’m so excited and nervous that I thought I’d give you a little preview of Mr. Thorn today to entice you to pre-order your copy now at Amazon or B &N or iTunes.

mark thorn seduction's canvas b


Now 25 Reasons to Love Mark Thorn

  1. His deep gravelly voice is like wheels on hot asphalt
  2. His dark see it all eyes.
  3. He brings coffee just because.
  4. He also brings bacon and egg sandwiches.
  5. His strong nose.
  6. Those arms.
  7. That quirky brow.
  8. That tattoo.
  9. Those muscles.
  10. That scar.
  11. Oh that scar too.
  12. His smile.
  13. He’s relentless.
  14. He’s loyal.
  15. His bike.
  16. The way he rides that bike.
  17. The way he rides it with you.
  18. He’s quick on his feet.
  19. He’s slow with his hands.
  20. He’s quick with his tongue (witted of course).
  21. He can carry you.
  22. He will carry you.
  23. You’re safe with him.
  24. He’s no superman but in your mind he is.
  25. He loves for life.


I hope you’ll give Mark a try and enjoy him as much as I do.

Seduction’s Canvas out on May 27th.


All the best,



Images fm my Pinterest page and beyond.