celebs,  Real Housewives of NYC,  videos

And She Can Act Too

What’s Jack up to? I’m trying to get Jack used to a new dry food and, well, it’s not easy. Let me just say Jack has to be pretty hungry to go for it. The first day he was fine, but the second day he was like, um, is this a joke? Sigh, I’m persevering.

So yesterday, well, earlier today since I’m typing this after midnight, I did The Shred workout for the first time with the 15 year old DD.
Yep, I finally took it off the top if the DVD player and popped that baby in. Let me just say, Ouch!
1. It’s a shame that level #1 hurts sooo bad. and
2. when will I ever learn to do a proper push up? I mean come on, I’m not 13 anymore. I should have this thing down by now.

That said, I’m continuing on the food theme this week. I was on twitter and it lead me to this video on Gwyneth Paltrow of all people roasting a chicken and the fact that there was a big hoopla over it which was LOL funny of you ask me.

Even more funny was the fact that what led me to the video was a Tweet from NYC Housewife Bethenny saying she:

“is LOL-ing over this whole ‘Gwynethgate’ I haven’t even seen her ‘fowl’ video…”

I kid you not. Here is the Daily News gossip that she is speaking of. Crazy.

All that said, hey, Gwyneth can cook. I’m not hatin’ on her.

Great, now I’m hungry. How about you?
